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#11 (Nov 21, 2019, 9:07:00 AM)

  1. Boilerplate Specification — Markus Karg / githubweb
  2. Changes for Jakarta EE 8 Release (#779) — noreply / githubweb
  3. Incorporated feedback and simplified the spec doc to a single sentence. — noreply / githubweb
  4. Include reference to license from javadocs. (#784) — noreply / githubweb
  5. Release 2.1.6 (#785) — noreply / githubweb
  6. Changes requested for Jakarta EE release (#791) — noreply / githubweb

#10 (Jun 14, 2019, 11:59:48 AM)

  1. Releasing using OpenJDK (latest) instead of 8uX. — Markus Karg / githubweb
  2. Jenkinsfile explicitly refers to external config files — Markus Karg / githubweb
  3. Fix for [MJAVADOC-575] — Markus Karg / githubweb
  4. Clarify that ParamConverters must be preferred and work with all types — Christian Kaltepoth / githubweb