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Start of Pipeline - (32 sec in block)
node - (31 sec in block)
node block - (18 sec in block)
echo - (0.18 sec in self)GF_BUILD_JOB=GF5_Jersey2_Archive_Integration
echo - (4 ms in self)TS_JTE_BUILD_JOB=ts_jte_alter
echo - (0.17 sec in self)TCK_BUNDLE_URL=tck_build
tool - (4.2 sec in self)apache-ant-latest
stage - (4.9 sec in block)Grab GF and ts.jte artifacts
stage block (Grab GF and ts.jte artifacts) - (4.2 sec in block)
dir - (3.1 sec in block)download
dir block - (2.9 sec in block)
copyArtifacts - (1.6 sec in self)GF5_Jersey2_Archive_Integration
copyArtifacts - (0.52 sec in self)ts_jte_alter
stage - (4.6 sec in block)Grab TCK bundle
stage block (Grab TCK bundle) - (3.9 sec in block)
dir - (2.9 sec in block)download
dir block - (2.7 sec in block)
copyArtifacts - (0.64 sec in self)
sh - (0.84 sec in self)find . -mindepth 2 -type f -print -exec mv {} . \;
sh - (0.54 sec in self)mv jaxrs-tck*.zip
stage - (3 sec in block)Unzip TCK and GF
stage block (Unzip TCK and GF) - (2.8 sec in block)
sh - (2.1 sec in self)#!/bin/bash -ex cd ${WORKSPACE} unzip ${WORKSPACE}/download/ unzip -q ${WORKSPACE}/download/${deliverabledir} ls ls ${tck_root} cd ${WORKSPACE}/glassfish5/glassfish/modules jar xf jersey-common.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF cat META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | grep Bundle-Version