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#285 (May 4, 2023, 8:34:46 AM)

  1. Support NettyConnector & RequestEntityProcessing.BUFFERED (commit: 3381fe0) — 24524084+senivam / detail

#279 (Apr 3, 2023, 10:46:18 AM)

  1. 2.39.1 (commit: 74bf322) — jersey-bot / detail
  2. 2.40-SNAPSHOT (commit: 98139f9) — jersey-bot / detail

#278 (Mar 23, 2023, 6:01:10 AM)

  1. Hostname verifier for the Jetty connector (commit: 0914c71) — 24524084+senivam / detail

#276 (Mar 22, 2023, 9:14:20 AM)

  1. Add jdk client buffering test (#5280) (commit: e40b9ac) — noreply / detail
  2. Support 3rd party instantiators working with @Context only (commit: 6bd50c8) — 15908245+jansupol / detail

#274 (Feb 23, 2023, 8:44:28 AM)

  1. 2.39 (commit: a40074e) — jersey-bot / detail
  2. 2.40-SNAPSHOT (commit: 340fa60) — jersey-bot / detail

#271 (Feb 16, 2023, 5:03:27 AM)

  1. Optional Injection-less client side for SE (#5232) (commit: 149650d) — noreply / detail

#267 (Jan 7, 2023, 8:49:58 AM)

  1. 2.38 (commit: d0153ab) — jersey-bot / detail
  2. 2.39-SNAPSHOT (commit: 28972f6) — jersey-bot / detail

#256 (Nov 16, 2022, 9:47:01 AM)

  1. Dependencies versions update (commit: 20ed0f5) — 24524084+senivam / detail

#253 (Nov 14, 2022, 4:53:06 AM)

  1. JUnit tests actualized: 4 -> 5 (commit: f03e351) — Vladimir Bychkov / detail
  2. Additional changes to execute all tests (commit: f7d85d6) — Vladimir Bychkov / detail

#245 (Sep 7, 2022, 3:23:08 AM)

  1. 2.37 (commit: ecf1444) — jersey-bot / detail
  2. 2.38-SNAPSHOT (commit: f10ec04) — jersey-bot / detail

#233 (Jul 21, 2022, 8:26:06 AM)

  1. Move Proxy parsing logic from connectors to a common class (commit: aac1cac) — 15908245+jansupol / detail

#232 (Jul 1, 2022, 8:50:00 AM)

  1. Support ClientProperties.PROXY_URI & al in HttpUrlConnector (#5091) (commit: a83d288) — noreply / detail

#230 (Jun 14, 2022, 11:50:21 AM)

  1. 2.36 (commit: 54415d8) — jersey-bot / detail
  2. 2.37-SNAPSHOT (commit: 10f8fe8) — jersey-bot / detail

#226 (Jun 9, 2022, 1:30:24 AM)

  1. Update Netty proxy settings (#5071) (commit: 6abd64c) — noreply / detail

#221 (May 5, 2022, 4:19:19 AM)

  1. Update hamcrest to the latest (#5060) (commit: d5b6823) — noreply / detail

#219 (May 3, 2022, 8:11:59 AM)

  1. Add Apache 5 connector to client tests (commit: f5be6ee) — 24524084+senivam / detail

#210 (Apr 20, 2022, 2:43:08 AM)

  1. reduce usage of Guava (#5038) (commit: b8e7c8b) — noreply / detail

#183 (Sep 15, 2021, 8:43:04 AM)

  1. 2.35 (commit: e682eb9) — jersey-bot / detail
  2. 2.36-SNAPSHOT (commit: e814aca) — jersey-bot / detail

#179 (Sep 3, 2021, 6:28:11 AM)

  1. add possibility to use entity with http method Options in requests according to the RFC 7231 (#4837) (commit: a3b24ab) — noreply / detail