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Start of Pipeline - (34 min in block)
node - (34 min in block)
node block - (33 min in block)
tool - (0.58 sec in self)apache-maven-latest
tool - (0.54 sec in self)openjdk-jdk11-latest
tool - (0.51 sec in self)openjdk-jdk12-latest
tool - (0.52 sec in self)openjdk-jdk17-latest
tool - (0.56 sec in self)oracle-jdk8-latest
sh - (1.5 sec in self)java -version
stage - (11 sec in block)Fetch from git
stage block (Fetch from git) - (10 sec in block)
git - (9.9 sec in self)
stage - (20 sec in block)Prepare environment
stage block (Prepare environment) - (20 sec in block)
dir - (18 sec in block)/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey_release_pipeline
dir block - (18 sec in block)
sh - (0.61 sec in self)grep '<version>' pom.xml | grep 'SNAPSHOT'
sh - (15 sec in self)mvn -q -Dexec.executable="echo" -Dexec.args='${project.version}' --non-recursive exec:exec -Pstaging
echo - (3 ms in self)Current version: 2.40-SNAPSHOT
echo - (2 ms in self)Release version: 2.40
echo - (3 ms in self)Next version: 2.41-SNAPSHOT
echo - (3 ms in self)Release tag: 2.40
echo - (6 ms in self)Release branch: 2.40-BRANCH
echo - (4 ms in self)-[ Configure git user ]--------------------------------------------------------
sh - (1.3 sec in self)git config --local ""
sh - (0.56 sec in self)git config --local "jersey-bot"
stage - (3.8 sec in block)Prepare GPG
stage block (Prepare GPG) - (3.2 sec in block)
withCredentials - (2.3 sec in block)
withCredentials block - (1.5 sec in block)
sh - (0.56 sec in self)gpg --batch --import ${KEYRING}
sh - (0.54 sec in self) for fpr in $(gpg --list-keys --with-colons | awk -F: '/fpr:/ {print $10}' | sort -u); do echo -e "5 y " | gpg --batch --command-fd 0 --expert --edit-key $fpr trust; done
stage - (3.3 sec in block)Prepare branch
stage block (Prepare branch) - (2.7 sec in block)
echo - (3 ms in self)-[ Prepare branch ]-------------------------------------------------------------
echo - (5 ms in self)-[ Switching to release branch ]-------------------------------------------------
sh - (0.82 sec in self) git checkout origin/master && true git reset --hard origin/master && true git checkout -B 2.40-BRANCH
echo - (5 ms in self)-[ Release tag cleanup ]--------------------------------------------------------
sh - (0.67 sec in self)git tag | grep 2.40 || true
sh - (0.56 sec in self) sed -i 's|<suppress files="generated" checks=".*"/>|<suppress files="generated" checks=".*"/><suppress files="unpacked-src" checks=".*"/>|g' etc/config/checkstyle-suppressions.xml sed -i 's|<exclude></exclude>|<exclude></exclude><exclude>META-INF/versions/11/**</exclude>|g' bundles/jaxrs-ri/pom.xml
stage - (2 min 30 sec in block)Check previous stagings
stage block (Check previous stagings) - (2 min 29 sec in block)
sh - (1 min 52 sec in self)mvn -B --non-recursive -Pstaging nexus-staging:rc-list | awk '/orgglassfishjersey-[0-9]+ OPEN / {if(a){a = $2","a} else{a = $2}}END{print a}'
echo - (4 ms in self)Currently open redundand staging: orgglassfishjersey-1184, immediately closing
sh - (36 sec in self) OPEN_STAGINGS=orgglassfishjersey-1184 mvn -B -q -Pstaging nexus-staging:rc-drop -DstagingRepositoryId=${OPEN_STAGINGS}
stage - (30 min in block)Build Jersey
stage block (Build Jersey) - (30 min in block)
echo - (3 ms in self)/opt/tools/java/oracle/jdk-8/latest
echo - (3 ms in self)-[ Run maven release ]---------------------------------------------------------
echo - (4 ms in self)-[ Set Release version ]-------------------------------------------------------
sh - (1 min 43 sec in self) cd /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey_release_pipeline mvn -q -B -V -Pstaging versions:set -DnewVersion=2.40 -DgenerateBackupPoms=false cd bom mvn -q -B -V -Pstaging versions:set -DnewVersion=2.40 -DgenerateBackupPoms=false cd ..
echo - (4 ms in self)-[ Update Copyright years ]----------------------------------------------------
sh - (2.5 sec in self)
echo - (5 ms in self)-[ Run release build ]---------------------------------------------------------
dir - (28 min in block)/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jersey_release_pipeline
dir block - (28 min in block)
sh - (2 min 8 sec in self)mvn -am -Pstaging --projects core-server,core-client,media/jaxb,inject/hk2,ext/wadl-doclet,core-common clean install -B -q -V -DskipTests
sh - (26 min in self)mvn -q -B -V -DskipTests -Ddoclint=none -Dadditionalparam='-Xdoclint:none' -Dcheckstyle.skip -pl '!:jersey-container-jetty-http2' -Poss-release,staging -U -C package javadoc:jar gpg:sign install:install deploy:deploy