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Started 3 yr 0 mo ago
Took 52 sec on basic-0m7vs

#8 (Apr 20, 2021, 3:24:18 PM)

  1. Make logger static (details)
  2. #4658 Apache HttpComponents upgrade (details)
  3. JdkConnectorProvider cannot parse Set-cookie header value when expires (details)
  4. 2.x apidocs bundle generation fixes (details)
  5. Add support RFC 5987 for attribute filename* in HTTP header Content-Disposition (#4647) (details)
  6. Public SseEventSourceBuilder implementation (details)
  7. Jetty synchronous max buffer size property (#4677) (details)
  8. Chapter for Expect:100-continue header (client) (details)
  9. Add a ParamConverterProvider for java.util.Optional parameters (details)
  10. Support arrays (#4684) (details)
  11. Groovy updated for JDK 16 support (details)
  12. Allow for having CDI on pure Jersey Client without Jersey Server (#4695) (details)
  13. Updated javadoc maven plugin API link (details)
  14. MicroProfile Rest Client 2.0 support (#4699) (details)
  15. update maven-antrun-plugin to 3.0.0 (details)
  16. Do not create a connector multiple times for each rx() call (details)
  17. Copyright check (details)
  18. Apply 2021 (details)
  19. Rest client 2.0 updates (#4724) (details)
  20. Updating ant to 1.10.9 for antrun plugin (#4720) (details)
  21. Adjusting Jersey archetypes (#4710) (details)
  22. Custom schedulers to execute @PreDestroy methods (#4716) (details)
  23. Configurable COLLISION_BUFFER_POWER (details)
  24. Add a wildcard @Produces and @Consumes for methods without message providers involved not to get 406/415. (details)
  25. switching to NIO tmp file creation approach (#4712) (details)
  26. Empty/NULL properties handling (details)
  27. adjusting examples to be run with optional JAXB (details)
  28. processing order for Jackson/Jaxb annotations (details)
  29. Proper handling of chunked input streams in LoggingInterceptor (#4753) (details)
  30. Logging delimiter parametrized (#4745) (details)
  31. Adopt ASM 9.1 to support JDK 17 (details)
  32. Lazy synchronized SSL Context initialization in the HttpUrlConnector (details)
  33. Replace null Configuration in ContainerRequest with an empty instance (details)
  34. Adopted Jackson 2.12.2. No change in repackaged Jackson. (details)
  35. Uptake Helidon 2.2.1 (details)
  36. ParameterConverter throwing IllegalArgumentException MUST result in 404 (details)
  37. Stop filling monitoring queues when processor fails (#4697) (details)
  38. Add a default Enum MB provider. (details)
  39. Allow to use @Inject instead of @Context with CDI (#4749) (details)
  40. Updated properties for netty connection pooling (details)
  41. Javadoc for non-public classes (cdi-rs-inject) (#4770) (details)
  42. 19 chapters of User Guide reviewed (#4711) (details)

Started by user Maxim Nesen

Rebuilds build #7

Revision: 274cf15ea9d344b8c4110df443e367f87290bca0
  • refs/remotes/origin/master