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Started 3 yr 11 mo ago
Took 4 min 45 sec on default-agent-lhpr8

#16 (Jun 5, 2020, 1:30:04 PM)

  1. Preliminary work on moving to jakarta namespace (#61) (commit: 10723ad) (details)
  2. Incorporate Jakarta Transactions and modify spec document (commit: 6a4da39) (details)
  3. Updates from code review in #65 (commit: 33b45a7) (details)
  4. Comment out check-module goal until the plugin is fixed (commit: fa32940) (details)
  5. Update spec version plugin to 2.1 (commit: b6a5164) (details)
  6. Fixes #42 Makes AdministeredObjectDefinition Annotation Repeatable Makes (commit: f25b703) (details)
  7. Fixed some formatting (commit: c54bd9a) (details)
  8. Fixed #42 updated spec document specifically for this and add Repeatable (commit: e9bc563) (details)
  9. [#89] Update EFSL for Specifications and Javadoc (commit: 34986ef) (details)