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#33 (Aug 11, 2023, 1:29:25 PM)

  1. [StepSecurity] Apply security best practices (commit: eaee9c3) — StepSecurity Bot / githubweb

#32 (May 20, 2022, 1:29:15 PM)

  1. Prepare release jakarta.resource:jakarta.resource-api:2.1.0 (commit: 7fe4a51) — Eclipse JCA-API Bot / githubweb
  2. Prepare next development cycle for 2.1.1-SNAPSHOT (commit: 58b1d4d) — Eclipse JCA-API Bot / githubweb

#31 (Apr 21, 2022, 1:31:21 PM)

  1. Bring in CDI dependency to build after updating to jakarta transactions 2.0.1 (commit: 6dbcee7) — Steve Millidge / githubweb

#30 (Mar 4, 2022, 1:29:22 PM)

  1. Update specification document (commit: a4b9850) — Steve Millidge / githubweb

#29 (Feb 13, 2022, 5:08:14 PM)

  1. conn-28 image converted. (commit: 100d844) — Dmitri Cherkas / githubweb
  2. New JPG to SVG converted images. (commit: 883b4f3) — Dmitri Cherkas / githubweb
  3. JPG to SVG format images conversion (commit: 8887c29) — Dmitri Cherkas / githubweb

#27 (Jan 21, 2022, 1:29:20 PM)

  1. Update project for EE 10 (#126) (commit: 896602a) — noreply / githubweb

#24 (Oct 22, 2021, 1:29:33 PM)

  1. Image 'conn-15' recreated in 'svg' format. Errata corrige and improvements in the image. Asciidoc updated to refere to a new 'conn-15.svg' (commit: de8f434) — Dmitri Cherkas / githubweb
  2. conn-18 image converted. (commit: 499f52b) — Dmitri Cherkas / githubweb
  3. conn-23 image converted. (commit: 39318ca) — Dmitri Cherkas / githubweb
  4. conn-23 image converted. (commit: 6fbbd50) — Dmitri Cherkas / githubweb
  5. conn-24 image converted. (commit: f5e9dd8) — Dmitri Cherkas / githubweb

#23 (Nov 20, 2020, 1:29:30 PM)

  1. Prepare release jakarta.resource:jakarta.resource-api:2.0.0 (commit: 105986c) — Genie jca / githubweb
  2. Prepare next development cycle for 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT (commit: 9f990aa) — Genie jca / githubweb

#22 (Oct 2, 2020, 1:29:27 PM)

  1. Remove unused resource (commit: 62f5c4e) — Piotr Żygieło / githubweb
  2. Fixed #111 update Jakarta EE Platform version to 9 (commit: 4f3e93b) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  3. Fixes #110 updates to final Jakarta Transactions in pom dependencies (commit: 1410048) — Steve Millidge / githubweb

#21 (Sep 18, 2020, 1:29:37 PM)

  1. Update to latest javadoc plugin and tidy javadoc (commit: 7a3746f) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  2. Correct from comments (commit: d054086) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  3. More javadoc tidy (commit: 778ce90) — Steve Millidge / githubweb

#20 (Aug 28, 2020, 1:29:28 PM)

  1. Remove unnecessary java.lang.* imports (commit: b05fb0c) — Piotr Żygieło / githubweb
  2. Remove empty statements (commit: f38bd4f) — Piotr Żygieło / githubweb
  3. Remove unused imports (commit: 26ce312) — Piotr Żygieło / githubweb
  4. No need for FQN (commit: d26df22) — Piotr Żygieło / githubweb
  5. Restore javax where javax-to-jakarta was over-corrected (commit: 8e6b121) — David Blevins / githubweb
  6. Apply javax-to-jakarta renames where still needed (commit: d6cce13) — David Blevins / githubweb

#19 (Aug 7, 2020, 1:29:28 PM)

  1. Tidy formatting up to the end of chapter 7 Transaction Management (commit: 025fc0f) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  2. Update chapter 8 Security Architecture (commit: 80ada87) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  3. Add correct configuration for specification generation (commit: 44037ca) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  4. Completed Security Contract Chapter (commit: 6e78dd2) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  5. Completed Work Management Chapter (commit: 3be78b4) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  6. Completed Generic Work Context chapter (commit: ac6544a) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  7. Finish up to end of Inbound Communication (commit: 6f3009a) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  8. Competed up to end of Jakarta Enterprise Bean Invocation (commit: f0b94c6) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  9. Finished up to end of Security Inflow (commit: 9097b96) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  10. Done up to api requirements (commit: 32d63f5) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  11. Complete up to Packaging Requirements (commit: a8a779d) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  12. Complete upto Runtime Environment chapter (commit: c818bb2) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  13. Completed editing of the document for formatting and removed unneeded sections relating to old change history and old DTDs (commit: 58dfc67) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  14. Tidy up section 4 (commit: 3c86209) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  15. More missed tidying up (commit: 775fd1a) — Steve Millidge / githubweb

#18 (Jul 17, 2020, 1:29:28 PM)

  1. Fix image typos (commit: ee53a93) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  2. Fix further typos on conn-41 and conn-38 (commit: 7aa55f6) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  3. Fix image conn-38 and change package to be jakarta.resource.spi (commit: 3f7ac20) — Steve Millidge / githubweb

#17 (Jun 12, 2020, 1:29:56 PM)

  1. Update additional images to correct typos (commit: c223d8f) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  2. [#60] Update links (commit: b9fbcf8) — Miguel.Serra / githubweb
  3. Correct image (commit: 0207682) — Steve Millidge / githubweb

#16 (Jun 5, 2020, 1:29:43 PM)

  1. Preliminary work on moving to jakarta namespace (#61) (commit: 10723ad) — noreply / githubweb
  2. Add raw contributed specification to the repository before work starts (commit: a4c9a2f) — noreply / githubweb
  3. Incorporate Jakarta Transactions and modify spec document (commit: 6a4da39) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  4. Updates from code review in #65 (commit: 33b45a7) — Alex Motley / githubweb
  5. Comment out check-module goal until the plugin is fixed (commit: fa32940) — Alex Motley / githubweb
  6. Update spec version plugin to 2.1 (commit: b6a5164) — Alex Motley / githubweb
  7. Jakarta-ize Specification document section [13-23] (#70) (commit: b4f7d45) — noreply / githubweb
  8. jakartaize JCA specification document, section 95 - 110 (#76) (commit: b51990a) — noreply / githubweb
  9. jakartaize JCA specification document, section 37 - 54 (#72) (commit: d77c81a) — noreply / githubweb
  10. jakartaize JCA specification document, section 24 - 36 (#71) (commit: eb2d288) — noreply / githubweb
  11. Jakartaize JCA specification document, section 111 - 150 (#78) (commit: 32aada8) — noreply / githubweb
  12. jakartaize JCA specification document, section 55 - 94 (#74) (commit: e1fa3fa) — noreply / githubweb
  13. jakartaize JCA specification document, section 151 - 170 (#80) (commit: 008dd9c) — noreply / githubweb
  14. jakartaize JCA specification document, section 171-190 (#79) (commit: ebccade) — noreply / githubweb
  15. Issue #73 add to 2.0.0 branch which this was originally intended for (commit: 46e4b52) — noreply / githubweb
  16. jakartaize JCA specification document, section 191-210 (commit: 58e0dba) — Miguel.Serra / githubweb
  17. jakartaize JCA specification document, section 211-230 (commit: 317b6a1) — Miguel.Serra / githubweb
  18. jakartaize JCA specification document, section 231-250 (commit: 5ab6bab) — Miguel.Serra / githubweb
  19. Fixes #42 Makes AdministeredObjectDefinition Annotation Repeatable Makes (commit: f25b703) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  20. Fixed some formatting (commit: c54bd9a) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  21. Fixed #42 updated spec document specifically for this and add Repeatable (commit: e9bc563) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  22. Add annotation into spec document (commit: 04a27c5) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  23. jakartaize JCA specification document, section 251-270 (commit: f753335) — Miguel.Serra / githubweb
  24. Removed wording that implied the annotation was optional in the (commit: 331e4a3) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  25. Update images and incorporate body of Connectors.adoc into spec doc (commit: 6c42390) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  26. jakartaize JCA specification document, section 271-290 (commit: 164b5c4) — Miguel.Serra / githubweb
  27. jakartaize JCA specification document, section 291-330 (commit: afad8e2) — Miguel.Serra / githubweb
  28. jakartaize JCA specification document, section 330-375 (commit: f9b5740) — Miguel.Serra / githubweb
  29. jakartaize JCA specification document, section 376-405 (commit: fb71b5d) — Miguel.Serra / githubweb
  30. Further clean up of the spec document (commit: e2b8837) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  31. [#89] Update EFSL for Specifications and Javadoc (commit: 34986ef) — Miguel.Serra / githubweb

#15 (May 8, 2020, 1:29:32 PM)

  1. #84 Eclipse Development Process (#85) (commit: 8700dbb) — noreply / githubweb

#13 (Aug 20, 2019, 2:55:18 PM)

  1. Ensure NOTICE and LICENSE are packaged in the manifest (commit: 1848a87) — Steve Millidge / githubweb

#12 (Aug 4, 2019, 12:46:38 PM)

  1. Change copyright to the Eclipse Foundation (commit: fd4b02a) — Steve Millidge / githubweb

#11 (Jul 21, 2019, 5:06:42 PM)

  1. Correct readme in the spec directory (commit: 344e318) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  2. Increment POM versions as 1.7.3 was released to maven central in Janury (commit: 8d5ea68) — Steve Millidge / githubweb

#10 (Jul 17, 2019, 5:34:19 PM)

  1. Initial commit to continue on another machine (commit: 7eeb13a) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  2. First cut of api clean up for Jakarta EE 8 (commit: d26c0d2) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  3. Move api to a sub-directory Create specification directory Create (commit: 32c685e) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  4. Addresses review comments (commit: 345eb36) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  5. Fx minor typ in README (commit: c271a16) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  6. Move api to a sub-directory Create specification directory Create (commit: 5b9d85b) — Steve Millidge / githubweb
  7. Added parent pom Put spec under spec directory Ensure javadoc includes (commit: 5ba3dd7) — Steve Millidge / githubweb

#9 (Jan 18, 2019, 8:29:30 AM)

  1. Update master with changes in EE4J_8 (commit: 5d30d79) — Alex Motley / githubweb

#8 (Dec 14, 2018, 8:29:33 AM)

  1. Update parent pom to 1.0.5 (commit: b69c340) — Jonathan Coustick / githubweb
  2. Update spec-version-maven-plugin version (#27) (commit: bd9c7cc) — maiden168 / githubweb

#6 (Nov 9, 2018, 8:29:31 AM)

  1. Update parent pom, remove org, and update JTA depedency (commit: 5cfc492) — Alex Motley / githubweb

#5 (Oct 19, 2018, 5:27:14 PM)

  1. Use the correct license in built jar (commit: bfe5740) — Alex Motley / githubweb
  2. Refresh CONTRIBUTING and NOTICE files (commit: f3022ba) — Alex Motley / githubweb

#4 (Oct 19, 2018, 9:29:34 AM)

  1. Added gitignore file (commit: dafd2ce) — Jonathan Coustick / githubweb

#2 (Oct 9, 2018, 6:28:42 PM)

  1. Updates spec plugin, removed gpg-sign fromd default profile (commit: 4cfe6f6) — Jonathan Coustick / githubweb