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Console Output

[INFO] -----------------< org.glassfish.main.common:amx-core >-----------------
[INFO] Building AMX Core 7.0.13-SNAPSHOT                               [49/349]
[INFO]   from nucleus/common/amx-core/pom.xml
[INFO] ---------------------------[ glassfish-jar ]----------------------------
[INFO] --- clean:3.3.1:clean (default-clean) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] --- enforcer:3.1.0:enforce (enforce-maven) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] --- osgiversion:3.0.6:compute-osgi-version (generate-osgi-version-property) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] --- compiler:3.11.0:compile (generate-hk2-config) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! :dependency
[INFO] Compiling 193 source files with javac [debug target 11] to target/classes
[INFO] --- build-helper:3.4.0:add-resource (add-resource) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] --- build-helper:3.4.0:add-resource (add-legal-resource) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] --- dependency:3.6.1:unpack (unpack-resource) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] Configured Artifact: org.glassfish.main:nucleus-parent:resources:7.0.13-SNAPSHOT:zip
[INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:resources (default-resources) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] Copying 0 resource from src/main/resources to target/classes
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build-glassfish/nucleus/common/amx-core/src/main/manpages
[INFO] Copying 2 resources from target/common-resources/legal to target/classes/META-INF
[INFO] --- compiler:3.11.0:compile (default-compile) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! :dependency
[INFO] Compiling 193 source files with javac [debug target 11] to target/classes
[WARNING] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build-glassfish/nucleus/common/amx-core/src/main/java/org/glassfish/admin/amx/impl/config/[727,62] non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter;
  cast to java.lang.Class<?> for a varargs call
  cast to java.lang.Class<?>[] for a non-varargs call and to suppress this warning
[WARNING] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build-glassfish/nucleus/common/amx-core/src/main/java/org/glassfish/admin/amx/util/[34,17] deprecated item is not annotated with @Deprecated
[INFO] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build-glassfish/nucleus/common/amx-core/src/main/java/org/glassfish/admin/amx/impl/mbean/ Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
[INFO] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build-glassfish/nucleus/common/amx-core/src/main/java/org/glassfish/admin/amx/impl/mbean/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[INFO] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build-glassfish/nucleus/common/amx-core/src/main/java/org/glassfish/admin/amx/core/proxy/ Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
[INFO] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build-glassfish/nucleus/common/amx-core/src/main/java/org/glassfish/admin/amx/core/proxy/ Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[INFO] --- osgiversion:3.0.6:compute-osgi-version (default-compute-osgi-version) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] --- hk2-inhabitant-generator:3.0.6:generate-inhabitants (default-generate-inhabitants) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] --- bundle:5.1.9:manifest (default-manifest) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] No MANIFEST.MF file found, generating manifest.
[INFO] Writing manifest: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build-glassfish/nucleus/common/amx-core/target/classes/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
[INFO] --- command-security:1.0.17:check (default-check) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] --- compiler:3.11.0:compile (process-annotations) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! :dependency
[INFO] Compiling 193 source files with javac [debug target 11] to target/classes
[INFO] LogMessagesResourceBundleGenerator invoked.
[INFO] Initial messages found so far: {}
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00002
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00002 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00004
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00004 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00008
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00008 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00009
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00009 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00010
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00010 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00011
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00011 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00012
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00012 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00019
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00019 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00020
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00020 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00021
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00021 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00022
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00022 needs checking for cause/action: true
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00023
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00023 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00024
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00024 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00025
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00025 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00027
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00027 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00030
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00030 needs checking for cause/action: true
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00031
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00031 needs checking for cause/action: true
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00032
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00032 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00033
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00033 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00034
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00034 needs checking for cause/action: true
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00035
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00035 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00036
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00036 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00037
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00037 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00038
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00038 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00039
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00039 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00040
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00040 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00041
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00041 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00042
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00042 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00043
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00043 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00044
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00044 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00045
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00045 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00046
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00046 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00047
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00047 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00048
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00048 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00049
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00049 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Processing: NCLS-COM-00050
[INFO] Message NCLS-COM-00050 needs checking for cause/action: false
[INFO] Total Messages including ones found from disk so far: {NCLS-COM-00002=AMX Startup Service Shutdown. MBeans have not been unregistered: {0}, NCLS-COM-00004=Fatal error loading AMX {0}, NCLS-COM-00008=AMX Startup Service: AMXLoader failed to load {0}, NCLS-COM-00009=AMX Startup Service: AMX ready for use, DomainRoot {0}, NCLS-COM-00010=AMXLoader failed to unload: {0}, NCLS-COM-00011=ConfigBean not processed, something wrong with it {0}, NCLS-COM-00012=In AMXConfigLoader : Loading {0}, NCLS-COM-00019=Can't unregister MBean: {0}, NCLS-COM-00020=Non-singleton ConfigBean {0} has empty key value (name), supplying {1}, NCLS-COM-00021=AMX ComplianceMonitor: ValidationLevel = {0}, UnregisterNonCompliant = {1}, LogInaccessibleAttributes = {2}, NCLS-COM-00022=AMX ComplianceMonitor thread has unexpectedly quit {0}, NCLS-COM-00023=Validating MBean {0}, NCLS-COM-00024=Exception validating MBean {0}, NCLS-COM-00025=Register children for instance name {0}, NCLS-COM-00027=AMX Attribute Change Notification for {0}, NCLS-COM-00030=Attribute {0} not found for object {1}, NCLS-COM-00031=Can't find child of type {0}, NCLS-COM-00032=MBeans exist in AMX domain prior to DomainRoot (violates Parent requirement): {0}, NCLS-COM-00033=Can't register config MBean: type={0}, name={1}, exception={2}, NCLS-COM-00034=Unexpected thread death of AMXConfigLoaderThread, NCLS-COM-00035=Can't create children, NCLS-COM-00036=AMXConfigStartupService.preDestroy(): stopping AMX, NCLS-COM-00037=Illegal non-string type for {0}.{1}(): {2}, NCLS-COM-00038=Can't get field value for {0}: exception: {1}, NCLS-COM-00039=Can't getTypesImplementing for {0}: exception: {1}, NCLS-COM-00040=Can't get childrenSet() from MBean: {0}, exception: {1}, NCLS-COM-00041=Problem with MBean: {0}, exception: {1}, NCLS-COM-00042=PathnamesImpl.getAllPathnames(): unexpected Throwable: {1}, NCLS-COM-00043=Can't get path() for MBean: {0}, exception: {1}, NCLS-COM-00044=Can't instantiate realm: {0}, exception: {1}, NCLS-COM-00045=getRealmNames(): Can't get realm names, exception:, NCLS-COM-00046=Cannot find primordial com.sun.enterprise.osgi-adapter, NCLS-COM-00047=Stopping server forcibly, NCLS-COM-00048=Can't get cipher suites, NCLS-COM-00049=MBeanInfoSupport: @ManagedAttribute cannot also be @ManagedOperation: {0}.{1}(), NCLS-COM-00050=MBeanInfoSupport: @ManagedAttribute not a getter or setter: {0}.{1}()}
[INFO] org.glassfish.annotation.processing.logging.LogMessagesResourceBundleGenerator: Annotation processing finished successfully.
[INFO] LoggerInfoMetadataGenerator invoked.
[INFO] Total Messages including ones found from disk so far: {}
[INFO] Processing: on element AMX_LOGGER
[INFO] Enclosing type is org.glassfish.admin.amx.util.AMXLoggerInfo
[INFO] Loggers found so far: { Services,,}
[INFO] org.glassfish.annotation.processing.logging.LoggerInfoMetadataGenerator: Generating logger metadata service.
[INFO] Found enclosing element AMX_LOGGER
[INFO] Found enclosing element org.glassfish.admin.amx.util.AMXLoggerInfo
[INFO] org.glassfish.annotation.processing.logging.LoggerInfoMetadataGenerator: Annotation processing finished successfully.
[INFO] LogMessagesResourceBundleGenerator invoked.
[INFO] LoggerInfoMetadataGenerator invoked.
[INFO] Attempt to reopen a file for path /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build-glassfish/nucleus/common/amx-core/target/classes/META-INF/loggerinfo/ to load resource bundle: META-INF/loggerinfo/LoggerInfoMetadata
[INFO] Total Messages including ones found from disk so far: {}
[INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:testResources (default-testResources) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build-glassfish/nucleus/common/amx-core/src/test/resources
[INFO] --- compiler:3.11.0:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! :dependency
[INFO] Compiling 5 source files with javac [debug target 11] to target/test-classes
[INFO] --- hk2-inhabitant-generator:3.0.6:generate-test-inhabitants (default-generate-test-inhabitants) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] --- surefire:3.2.2:test (default-test) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] Tests are skipped.
[INFO] --- antrun:3.1.0:run (default-manifest) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] Executing tasks
[INFO]      [echo] Generating manifest for /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build-glassfish/nucleus/common/amx-core/target/classes/META-INF for
[INFO]      [echo]                                     amx-core
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- jar:3.3.0:jar (default-jar) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build-glassfish/nucleus/common/amx-core/target/amx-core.jar
[INFO] --- failsafe:3.2.2:integration-test (integration-test) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] Tests are skipped.
[INFO] --- failsafe:3.2.2:verify (verify) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] Tests are skipped.
[INFO] --- checkstyle:3.3.0:check (org.glassfish.main.common-amx-core-checkstyle) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations.
[INFO] --- install:3.1.1:install (default-install) @ amx-core ---
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build-glassfish/nucleus/common/amx-core/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/glassfish/main/common/amx-core/7.0.13-SNAPSHOT/amx-core-7.0.13-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build-glassfish/nucleus/common/amx-core/target/amx-core.jar to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/glassfish/main/common/amx-core/7.0.13-SNAPSHOT/amx-core-7.0.13-SNAPSHOT.jar