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com.sun.ts.tests.jaxws.api.jakarta_xml_ws.Service.Client.GetPort2NegTest1WithWsdl_from_standalone_reverse (from xml-ws-tck)

Failing for the past 1 build (Since #99 )
Took 0 ms.

Error Message

test result: Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.


test result: Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.

Standard Output

#Test Results (version 2)
#Fri Mar 26 03:38:25 UTC 2021
assertion_ids=JAXWS\:JAVADOC\:53  The getPort method returns a proxy. The parameter serviceEndpointInterface specifies the service endpoint interface that is supported by the returned proxy. In the implementation of this method, the JAX-WS runtime system takes the responsibility of selecting a protocol binding (and a port) and configuring the proxy accordingly. The returned proxy should not be reconfigured by the client.\nJAXWS\:JAVADOC\:116  Creates a service delegate object.\nJAXWS\:JAVADOC\:123  The getPort method returns a proxy. The parameter serviceEndpointInterface specifies the service endpoint interface that is supported by the returned proxy. In the implementation of this method, the JAX-WS runtime system takes the responsibility of selecting a protocol binding (and a port) and configuring the proxy accordingly. The returned proxy should not be reconfigured by the client.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:4001  Conformance (Service Creation Failure)\: If a create method fails to create a service object, it MUST throw WebServiceException. The cause of that exception SHOULD be set to an exception that provides more information on the cause of the error (e.g. an IOException).\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:4011  Conformance (Service.getPort failure)\: If creation of a proxy fails, an implementation MUST throw The cause of that exception SHOULD be set to an exception that provides more information on the cause of the error (e.g. an IOException).\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:4013  Conformance (Other Exceptions)\: For all other errors, i.e. all those that don't occur as part of a remote invocation or handler processing, an implementation MUST throw a WebServiceException whose cause is the original local exception that was thrown, if any.
keywords=all GetPort2NegTest1WithWsdl standalone_vehicle reverse
testArgs=-ap jaxws-url-props.dat
testProps=\ webServerHost  webServerPort  platform.mode


end=Fri Mar 26 03\:38\:25 UTC 2021
execStatus=Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.
harnessLoaderMode=Classpath Loader
harnessVariety=Full Bundle
javatestOS=Linux 3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64 (amd64)
sections=script_messages TestRun
start=Fri Mar 26 03\:38\:25 UTC 2021


TEST NOT RUN:  This test cannot be run until you
rebuild the test classes and/or archives associated with it.
Please see the TCK documentation for more
information on rebuildable tests.
result: Not run. Test running...

test result: Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.