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com.sun.ts.tests.signaturetest.caj.CAJSigTest.signatureTest (from annotations-tck)

Failing for the past 1 build (Since #99 )
Took 3 sec.

Error Message

test result: Failed. Test case throws exception: SigTest.test1() failed!, diffs found


test result: Failed. Test case throws exception: SigTest.test1() failed!, diffs found

Standard Output

#Test Results (version 2)
#Fri Mar 26 03:29:57 UTC 2021
keywords=all signaturetest caj signatureTest novehicle forward
testProps=\ ts_home  sigTestClasspath  ca.sig.generated  ca.sig.managedbean  ca.sig.postconstruct  ca.sig.priority  ca.sig.predestroy  ca.sig.resource  ca.sig.resources  ca.sig.securitydeclareroles  ca.sig.securitydenyall  ca.sig.securitypermitall  ca.sig.securityrolesallowed  ca.sig.securityrunas  ca.sig.sqldatasourcedefinition  ca.sig.sqldatasourcedefinitions

command.testExecute=com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH\=${} DISPLAY\="${ts.display}" HOME\="${user.home}"  windir\=${windir} SYSTEMROOT\=${SYSTEMROOT} ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java\="${bin.dir}/harness.policy" -Ddeliverable.class\=${deliverable.class} $testExecuteClass $testExecuteArgs

end=Fri Mar 26 03\:29\:57 UTC 2021
execStatus=Failed. Test case throws exception\: SigTest.test1() failed\!, diffs found
harnessLoaderMode=Classpath Loader
harnessVariety=Full Bundle
javatestOS=Linux 3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64 (amd64)
sections=script_messages TestRun
start=Fri Mar 26 03\:29\:54 UTC 2021


command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jakartaee-tck_master/glassfish6/glassfish/modules/jakarta.annotation-api.jar:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jakartaee-tck_master/annotations-tck/bin/xml/../../lib/tsharness.jar:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jakartaee-tck_master/annotations-tck/bin/xml/../../lib/sigtest.jar:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jakartaee-tck_master/annotations-tck/bin/xml/../../lib/cajtck.jar:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jakartaee-tck_master/annotations-tck/bin/xml/../../classes DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=? windir= SYSTEMROOT= /opt/jdk-11.0.7/bin/java -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.standalone.StandaloneDeliverable com.sun.ts.tests.signaturetest.caj.CAJSigTest -p /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jakartaee-tck_master/annotations-tck/bin/xml/../../tmp/tstest.jte -t signatureTest
* props file set to "/tmp/?-cts-props.txt"
03-26-2021 03:29:54:  Using the following as the sig-Test map file:
03-26-2021 03:29:54:  Using the following as the SigTest Package file: sig-test-pkg-list_se11.txt
03-26-2021 03:29:54:  optionalPkgToIgnore = 
03-26-2021 03:29:54:  ********** BEGIN CLASS LEVEL SIGNATURE VALIDATION **********

03-26-2021 03:29:54:  ********** BEGIN VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.Generated' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:54:  ********** VALIDATE IN STATIC MODE - TO CHECK CONSANT VALUES ****
03-26-2021 03:29:54:  Static mode supports checks of static constants values 
03-26-2021 03:29:54:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.Generated' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:54:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Documented
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Retention
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Target

Missing Superclasses or Superinterfaces

java.lang.annotation.Annotation:        jakarta.annotation.Generated

03-26-2021 03:29:54:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.Generated' - FAILED (STATIC MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:54:  

03-26-2021 03:29:54:  ********** VALIDATE IN REFLECTIVE MODE  ****
03-26-2021 03:29:54:  Reflective mode supports verification within containers (ie ejb, servlet, etc)
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by (file:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jakartaee-tck_master/annotations-tck/lib/sigtest.jar) to field java.lang.String.coder
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.Generated' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.Generated' - PASSED (REFLECTION MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** END VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.Generated' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** BEGIN VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.ManagedBean' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** VALIDATE IN STATIC MODE - TO CHECK CONSANT VALUES ****
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  Static mode supports checks of static constants values 
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.ManagedBean' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Target
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Retention

Missing Superclasses or Superinterfaces

java.lang.annotation.Annotation:        jakarta.annotation.ManagedBean

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.ManagedBean' - FAILED (STATIC MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** VALIDATE IN REFLECTIVE MODE  ****
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  Reflective mode supports verification within containers (ie ejb, servlet, etc)
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.ManagedBean' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.ManagedBean' - PASSED (REFLECTION MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** END VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.ManagedBean' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** BEGIN VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** VALIDATE IN STATIC MODE - TO CHECK CONSANT VALUES ****
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  Static mode supports checks of static constants values 
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Documented
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Retention
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Target

Missing Superclasses or Superinterfaces

java.lang.annotation.Annotation:        jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct' - FAILED (STATIC MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** VALIDATE IN REFLECTIVE MODE  ****
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  Reflective mode supports verification within containers (ie ejb, servlet, etc)
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct' - PASSED (REFLECTION MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** END VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** BEGIN VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.Priority' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** VALIDATE IN STATIC MODE - TO CHECK CONSANT VALUES ****
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  Static mode supports checks of static constants values 
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.Priority' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Target
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Retention
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Documented

Missing Superclasses or Superinterfaces

java.lang.annotation.Annotation:        jakarta.annotation.Priority

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.Priority' - FAILED (STATIC MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** VALIDATE IN REFLECTIVE MODE  ****
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  Reflective mode supports verification within containers (ie ejb, servlet, etc)
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.Priority' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.Priority' - PASSED (REFLECTION MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** END VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.Priority' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** BEGIN VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.PreDestroy' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** VALIDATE IN STATIC MODE - TO CHECK CONSANT VALUES ****
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  Static mode supports checks of static constants values 
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.PreDestroy' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Documented
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Retention
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Target

Missing Superclasses or Superinterfaces

java.lang.annotation.Annotation:        jakarta.annotation.PreDestroy

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.PreDestroy' - FAILED (STATIC MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** VALIDATE IN REFLECTIVE MODE  ****
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  Reflective mode supports verification within containers (ie ejb, servlet, etc)
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.PreDestroy' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.PreDestroy' - PASSED (REFLECTION MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** END VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.PreDestroy' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** BEGIN VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.Resource' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** VALIDATE IN STATIC MODE - TO CHECK CONSANT VALUES ****
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  Static mode supports checks of static constants values 
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.Resource' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Target
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Retention
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Repeatable

Missing Superclasses or Superinterfaces

java.lang.annotation.Annotation:        jakarta.annotation.Resource

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.Resource' - FAILED (STATIC MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** VALIDATE IN REFLECTIVE MODE  ****
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  Reflective mode supports verification within containers (ie ejb, servlet, etc)
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.Resource' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.Resource' - PASSED (REFLECTION MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** END VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.Resource' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** BEGIN VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.Resource$AuthenticationType' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** VALIDATE IN STATIC MODE - TO CHECK CONSANT VALUES ****
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  Static mode supports checks of static constants values 
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.Resource$AuthenticationType' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Target
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Retention
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Repeatable

Missing Superclasses or Superinterfaces

java.lang.Enum:     jakarta.annotation.Resource$AuthenticationType

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.Resource$AuthenticationType' - FAILED (STATIC MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  

03-26-2021 03:29:55:  ********** VALIDATE IN REFLECTIVE MODE  ****
03-26-2021 03:29:55:  Reflective mode supports verification within containers (ie ejb, servlet, etc)
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.Resource$AuthenticationType' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.Resource$AuthenticationType' - PASSED (REFLECTION MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** END VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.Resource$AuthenticationType' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** BEGIN VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.Resources' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** VALIDATE IN STATIC MODE - TO CHECK CONSANT VALUES ****
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  Static mode supports checks of static constants values 
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.Resources' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Documented
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Retention
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Target

Missing Superclasses or Superinterfaces

java.lang.annotation.Annotation:        jakarta.annotation.Resources

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.Resources' - FAILED (STATIC MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** VALIDATE IN REFLECTIVE MODE  ****
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  Reflective mode supports verification within containers (ie ejb, servlet, etc)
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.Resources' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.Resources' - PASSED (REFLECTION MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** END VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.Resources' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** BEGIN VALIDATE CLASS '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** VALIDATE IN STATIC MODE - TO CHECK CONSANT VALUES ****
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  Static mode supports checks of static constants values 
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Status Report '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Documented
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Retention
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Target

Missing Superclasses or Superinterfaces


03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Class '' - FAILED (STATIC MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** VALIDATE IN REFLECTIVE MODE  ****
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  Reflective mode supports verification within containers (ie ejb, servlet, etc)
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Status Report '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Class '' - PASSED (REFLECTION MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** END VALIDATE CLASS '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** BEGIN VALIDATE CLASS '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** VALIDATE IN STATIC MODE - TO CHECK CONSANT VALUES ****
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  Static mode supports checks of static constants values 
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Status Report '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Documented
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Retention
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Target

Missing Superclasses or Superinterfaces


03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Class '' - FAILED (STATIC MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** VALIDATE IN REFLECTIVE MODE  ****
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  Reflective mode supports verification within containers (ie ejb, servlet, etc)
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Status Report '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Class '' - PASSED (REFLECTION MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** END VALIDATE CLASS '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** BEGIN VALIDATE CLASS '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** VALIDATE IN STATIC MODE - TO CHECK CONSANT VALUES ****
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  Static mode supports checks of static constants values 
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Status Report '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Documented
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Retention
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Target

Missing Superclasses or Superinterfaces


03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Class '' - FAILED (STATIC MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** VALIDATE IN REFLECTIVE MODE  ****
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  Reflective mode supports verification within containers (ie ejb, servlet, etc)
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Status Report '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Class '' - PASSED (REFLECTION MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** END VALIDATE CLASS '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** BEGIN VALIDATE CLASS '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** VALIDATE IN STATIC MODE - TO CHECK CONSANT VALUES ****
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  Static mode supports checks of static constants values 
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Status Report '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Documented
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Retention
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Target

Missing Superclasses or Superinterfaces


03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Class '' - FAILED (STATIC MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** VALIDATE IN REFLECTIVE MODE  ****
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  Reflective mode supports verification within containers (ie ejb, servlet, etc)
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Status Report '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Class '' - PASSED (REFLECTION MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** END VALIDATE CLASS '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** BEGIN VALIDATE CLASS '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** VALIDATE IN STATIC MODE - TO CHECK CONSANT VALUES ****
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  Static mode supports checks of static constants values 
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Status Report '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Documented
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Retention
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Target

Missing Superclasses or Superinterfaces


03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Class '' - FAILED (STATIC MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** VALIDATE IN REFLECTIVE MODE  ****
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  Reflective mode supports verification within containers (ie ejb, servlet, etc)
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Status Report '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Class '' - PASSED (REFLECTION MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** END VALIDATE CLASS '' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** BEGIN VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** VALIDATE IN STATIC MODE - TO CHECK CONSANT VALUES ****
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  Static mode supports checks of static constants values 
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Target
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Retention
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Repeatable

Missing Superclasses or Superinterfaces

java.lang.annotation.Annotation:        jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition' - FAILED (STATIC MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** VALIDATE IN REFLECTIVE MODE  ****
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  Reflective mode supports verification within containers (ie ejb, servlet, etc)
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition' - PASSED (REFLECTION MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** END VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** BEGIN VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinitions' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** VALIDATE IN STATIC MODE - TO CHECK CONSANT VALUES ****
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  Static mode supports checks of static constants values 
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinitions' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Target
Warning: Not found annotation type java.lang.annotation.Retention

Missing Superclasses or Superinterfaces

java.lang.annotation.Annotation:        jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinitions

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinitions' - FAILED (STATIC MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** VALIDATE IN REFLECTIVE MODE  ****
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  Reflective mode supports verification within containers (ie ejb, servlet, etc)
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Status Report 'jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinitions' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  SignatureTest report
Base version: 2.0_se11
Tested version: 2.0_se11
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: on

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** Class 'jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinitions' - PASSED (REFLECTION MODE) **********
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ********** END VALIDATE CLASS 'jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinitions' **********

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ******************************************************
Some signatures failed.
	Failed classes listed below: 
		jakarta.annotation.Generated(static mode)
		jakarta.annotation.ManagedBean(static mode)
		jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct(static mode)
		jakarta.annotation.Priority(static mode)
		jakarta.annotation.PreDestroy(static mode)
		jakarta.annotation.Resource(static mode)
		jakarta.annotation.Resource$AuthenticationType(static mode)
		jakarta.annotation.Resources(static mode) mode) mode) mode) mode) mode)
		jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition(static mode)
		jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinitions(static mode)
	Passed classes listed below: 
		jakarta.annotation.Generated(reflection mode)
		jakarta.annotation.ManagedBean(reflection mode)
		jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct(reflection mode)
		jakarta.annotation.Priority(reflection mode)
		jakarta.annotation.PreDestroy(reflection mode)
		jakarta.annotation.Resource(reflection mode)
		jakarta.annotation.Resource$AuthenticationType(reflection mode)
		jakarta.annotation.Resources(reflection mode) mode) mode) mode) mode) mode)
		jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition(reflection mode)
		jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinitions(reflection mode)

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ERROR: SigTest.test1() failed!, diffs found
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ERROR: Test case throws exception: SigTest.test1() failed!, diffs found
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ERROR: Exception at:  
03-26-2021 03:29:56:  ERROR: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.EETest$Fault: SigTest.test1() failed!, diffs found
	at com.sun.ts.tests.signaturetest.SigTest.signatureTest(
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
	at com.sun.ts.lib.harness.EETest.getPropsReady(
	at com.sun.ts.tests.signaturetest.caj.CAJSigTest.main(

03-26-2021 03:29:56:  cleanup
STATUS:Failed.Test case throws exception: SigTest.test1() failed!, diffs found
result: Failed. Test case throws exception: SigTest.test1() failed!, diffs found

test result: Failed. Test case throws exception: SigTest.test1() failed!, diffs found