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com.sun.ts.tests.jacc.web.toolsContracts.Client.WebUserDataPermission_from_standalone (from authorization-tck)

Failing for the past 1 build (Since #155 )
Took 0 ms.

Error Message

test result: Failed. Illegal access to test: com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.PropertyNotSetException: No value found for jimage.dir. Please check your jte file for an appropiate value


test result: Failed. Illegal access to test: com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.PropertyNotSetException: No value found for jimage.dir. Please check your jte file for an appropiate value

Standard Output

#Test Results (version 2)
#Wed Sep 29 10:31:16 UTC 2021
assertion_ids=JACC\:JAVADOC\:54  Creates a new WebRoleRefPermission with the specified name and actions.\nJACC\:JAVADOC\:56  Checks two WebUserDataPermission objects for equality.                             \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WebUserDataPermission objects are equivalent if they have  case equivalent name and actions values.    Two Permission objects, P1 and P2, are equivalent if and only if  P1.implies(P2) AND P2.implies(P1).\nJACC\:JAVADOC\:58  Returns the hash code value for this WebUserDataPermission.                             \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t The  properties of the returned hash code must be as follows\:      During the lifetime of an Java application, the hashCode method       shall return the same integer value every time it is called on a       WebUserDataPermission object. The value returned by hashCode for a       particular EJBMethod permission need not remain consistent from       one execution of an application to another.   If two WebUserDataPermission objects are equal according to the       equals method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two       Permission objects must produce the same integer result (within an       application).\nJACC\:SPEC\:27  The declarative authorization policy statements derived from application or\nmodule deployment descriptor(s) must be translated to create instances of the \ncorresponding Permission classes.\nJACC\:SPEC\:28  Methods of the PolicyConfiguration interface must be used with the\npermissions resulting from the translation to create policy statements within the \nPolicyConfiguration objects.\nJACC\:SPEC\:34  A WebResourcePermission and a WebUserDataPermission object must be\ninstantiated for each distinct url-pattern occurring in the securityconstraint \nelements that contain an auth-constraint naming no roles (i.e\nan excluding auth-constraint). The permissions must be constructed using \nthe qualified (as defined in Qualified URL Pattern Names) pattern as their name\nand with actions defined by the union of the HTTP methods named or implied \nby all of the collections containing the pattern and occurring in a constraint with\nan excluding auth-constraint. The constructed permissions must be added to \nthe excluded policy statements by calling the addToExcludedPolicy method\non the PolicyConfiguration object.\nJACC\:SPEC\:41  A WebUserDataPermission must be instantiated for each distinct combination\nof url-pattern and acceptable connection type resulting from the processing \nof the security-constraint elements that do not contain an excluding\nauth-constraint. The mapping of security-constraint to acceptable \nconnection type must be as defined in Mapping Transport Guarantee to Connection\nType. Each WebUserDataPermission object must be constructed using the \nqualified pattern as its name and with actions defined by appending a\nrepresentation of the acceptable connection type to the union of the HTTP \nmethods named or implied by the collections containing the pattern and occurring\nin a security-constraint that maps to the connection type and that does not \ncontain an excluding auth-constraint. The resulting permissions must be\nadded to the unchecked policy statements by calling the \naddToUncheckedPolicy method on the PolicyConfiguration object.\nJACC\:SPEC\:42  A transport-guarantee (in a user-data-constraint) of NONE, or a\nsecurity-constraint without a user-data-constraint, indicates that \nthe associated URL patterns and HTTP methods may be accessed over any\n(including an unprotected) transport. A transport-guarantee of \nINTEGRAL indicates that acceptable connections are those deemed by the\ncontainer to be integrity protected. A transport-guarantee of \nCONFIDENTIAL indicates that acceptable connections are those deemed by the\ncontainer to be protected for confidentiality.\nJACC\:SPEC\:52  The application server's deployment tools must translate the declarative\nauthorization policy appearing in the application or module deployment \ndescriptor(s) into policy statements within the Policy providers used by the\ncontainers to which the components of the application or module are being \ndeployed.
keywords=all jacc javaee jacc_web WebUserDataPermission standalone_vehicle forward
testProps=\ log.file.location  webServerHost  webServerPort


end=Wed Sep 29 10\:31\:16 UTC 2021
execStatus=Failed. Illegal access to test\: com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.PropertyNotSetException\: No value found for jimage.dir. Please check your jte file for an appropiate value
harnessLoaderMode=Classpath Loader
harnessVariety=Full Bundle
javatestOS=Linux 5.12.7-300.fc34.x86_64 (amd64)
sections=script_messages TestRun
start=Wed Sep 29 10\:31\:16 UTC 2021


result: Failed. Illegal access to test: com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.PropertyNotSetException: No value found for jimage.dir. Please check your jte file for an appropiate value

test result: Failed. Illegal access to test: com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.PropertyNotSetException: No value found for jimage.dir. Please check your jte file for an appropiate value