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This URL is used as RI bundle exclusively for interop tests. If this value is empty the GF_FULL_BUNDLE_URL value will be used as RI for interop suite.
EFTL_JAKARTAEE8_PROMOTED will copy the EFT Licensed JakartaEE 8 TCK bundle copied to to run the tests. EFTL_JAKARTAEE8_STAGED will copy the EFT Licensed JakartaEE 8 TCK bundle built at to run the tests. EFTL_JAKARTAEE8_BUILD_LATEST will build the latest EFT Licensed TCK bundle from the jakartaee-tck repo and use that to run the tests.
assembly appclient compat12 compat13 concurrency connector ejb ejb30/bb ejb30/lite/appexception ejb30/lite/async ejb30/lite/basic ejb30/lite/ejbcontext ejb30/lite/enventry ejb30/lite/interceptor ejb30/lite/lookup ejb30/lite/naming ejb30/lite/nointerface ejb30/lite/packaging ejb30/lite/singleton ejb30/lite/stateful ejb30/lite/tx ejb30/lite/view ejb30/lite/xmloverride ejb30/assembly ejb30/timer ejb30/webservice ejb30/zombie ejb30/misc ejb30/sec ejb32 el integration interop j2eetools jacc jaspic javaee javamail jaxr jaxrpc jaxrs jbatch jdbc_appclient jdbc_ejb jdbc_jsp jdbc_servlet jms jpa_appmanaged jpa_appmanagedNoTx jpa_pmservlet jpa_puservlet jpa_stateful3 jpa_stateless3 jsf jsonb jsonp jsp jstl jta rmiiiop samples securityapi servlet signaturetest/javaee webservices webservices12 webservices13 websocket xa