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Started 1 yr 8 mo ago
Took 3.9 sec on basic-9smj3

#180 (Aug 22, 2022, 12:43:05 PM)

Build Artifacts
war-util-7.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar112.09 KB view
war-util-7.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom3.80 KB view
  1. Partial cleanup in war-util and classloaders (details)
  2. Updated Jakarta EE 10 references in code (details)
  3. Removed duplicit log in WarHandler (details)
  4. Rules for resource and class loading resolution aligned (details)
  5. el-api 5.0.1 now avoids memory leaks (details)
  6. Removed unused error message (usage removed in update of el-api) (details)