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Started 1 yr 9 mo ago
Took 5.9 sec on basic-9smj3

#180 (Aug 22, 2022, 12:43:06 PM)

Build Artifacts
admin-tests-7.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar15.53 KiB view
admin-tests-7.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom5.29 KiB view
  1. Fixed log viewing (details)
  2. More tests for logging (details)
  3. Tests for set-log-attributes and rotateLog (details)
  4. Minor cleanups - imports, non-existing references (details)
  5. The systemRootLoggerLevel changed to systemRootLogger.level (details)
  6. Added the disabled SyslogHandler to the default set (details)
  7. Fixed tests - now reflecting last changes in logging (details)