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Started 2 mo 22 days ago
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#182 (Feb 8, 2024, 11:58:56 AM)

Build Artifacts
dol-7.0.13-SNAPSHOT.jar869.20 KB view
dol-7.0.13-SNAPSHOT.pom6.88 KB view
  1. Fixed NPE and removed redundant check for null (details)
  2. Fixed NPE in ResourceValidator (details)
  3. Fixed incorrect comparison (incompatible types) in isDefaultResource (details)
  4. Simplified usages of changePrefix (details)
  5. Cleanups, tiny optimizations and removals of unused code (details)
  6. Constants for standard java context ns ids + fixed prefix without slash (details)
  7. Fixed Webservice TCK tests (details)
  8. Refactoring: JavaLangUtils moved one package higher (details)
  9. Verbose BeanManagerNamingProxy to find the cause, also preventing returning null (details)
  10. JNDI names cleanups (details)
  11. Prepare release 7.0.0 (details)
  12. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.1-SNAPSHOT (details)
  13. Prepare release 7.0.1 (details)
  14. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.2-SNAPSHOT (details)
  15. Prepare release 7.0.2 (details)
  16. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.3-SNAPSHOT (details)
  17. Refactored WebBundleDescriptors (details)
  18. Further refactoring - replacing unused/obsoleted methods, added javadocs (details)
  19. DeploymentDescriptorNode now supports compatible parameters (details)
  20. EjbBundleRefactoring - first step (details)
  21. ResourceAnnotationControl - moved copy pasted code (details)
  22. Partially reverted incompatible changes in EJB descriptors (details)
  23. Moving another methods to EjbBundleDescriptor + javadoc (details)
  24. Tracking evolution of the ApplicationValidatorTest with the refactoring (details)
  25. Fixed HK2 dependency - securityRoleMapperFactoryis optional (details)
  26. EjbBundleDescriptor - moving more fields to the parent (details)
  27. EjbBundleDescriptorImpl cleanup - old deprecations, javadoc (details)
  28. ComponentValidator formatting + fixed possible NPE (details)
  29. Long process of resolving DOL cyclic dependencies resolved via reflection (details)
  30. More strict DeploymentDescriptorNode - throwing exceptions (details)
  31. Fixed comparison (carType() can return null!) (details)
  32. Moving classes and methods, javadocs, fixed logging nullpointers (details)
  33. Archive types moved to DOL (details)
  34. Fixed resource validation + partial test coverage (details)
  35. Removed unused import (Disabled) from test (details)
  36. Removed unused methods and dead ends, smaller optimizations (details)
  37. Fixed Concurrency TCK (details)
  38. Prepare release 7.0.3 (details)
  39. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.4-SNAPSHOT (details)
  40. Prepare release 7.0.4 (details)
  41. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.5-SNAPSHOT (details)
  42. Prepare release 7.0.5 (details)
  43. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.6-SNAPSHOT (details)
  44. Prepare release 7.0.6 (details)
  45. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.7-SNAPSHOT (details)
  46. Prepare release 7.0.7 (details)
  47. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.8-SNAPSHOT (details)
  48. The osgi.bundle files removed from 'common' modules (details)
  49. Prepare release 7.0.8 (details)
  50. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.9-SNAPSHOT (details)
  51. Prepare release 7.0.9 (details)
  52. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.10 (details)
  53. Correct new version by adding -SNAPSHOT (details)
  54. Prepare release 7.0.10 (details)
  55. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.11-SNAPSHOT (details)
  56. Fix the annotation error message is not output correctly (details)
  57. Prepare release 7.0.11 (details)
  58. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.12-SNAPSHOT (details)
  59. Add initial support for several Jakarta EE 11 M1 APIs (details)
  60. Next version is 8.0.0 (details)
  61. Removed CDI tests using @ManagedBean (details)
  62. Prepare release 7.0.12 (details)
  63. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.13-SNAPSHOT (details)
  64. Revert "Merge master into 8.0" (details)
Changes in dependency
  1. GlassFish Jakarta EE Annotation Framework #181#182 (detail)
  2. GlassFish SSL Implementation Module #181#182 (detail)
  3. GlassFish Nucleus Modules #180#182 (detail)
  4. Eclipse GlassFish Parent Project #181#182 (detail)
  5. Scattered Archive APIs of Glassfish #181#182 (detail)
  6. Public APIs of Glassfish #181#182 (detail)
  7. GlassFish Deployment Related Modules #180#182 (detail)
  8. nucleus.resources #181#182 (detail)
  9. Private APIs of Glassfish #181#182 (detail)
  10. GlassFish Java Util Logging Extension #181#182 (detail)
  11. Deployment Related Common Classes #181#182 (detail)
  12. admin-config-api #181#182 (detail)
  13. Security Services and SPI #181#182 (detail)
  14. admin-util #181#182 (detail)
  15. grizzly-config #181#182 (detail)
  16. HK2 config types #181#182 (detail)
  17. Security Core Classes #181#182 (detail)
  18. Common Utilities #181#182 (detail)
  19. Nucleus Parent #181#182 (detail)