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org.eclipse.hawk.integration.tests.emf.TreeUpdateTest.addModel[OrientDB] (from org.eclipse.hawk.integration.tests.IntegrationTestSuite)

Failing for the past 2 builds (Since Failed #402 )
Took 0.57 sec.

Error Message

Could not find 'EFeatureMapEntry' in metamodel '' to create edge type _hawkref_mixed


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find 'EFeatureMapEntry' in metamodel '' to create edge type _hawkref_mixed
	at org.eclipse.hawk.integration.tests.emf.TreeUpdateTest.addModel(

Standard Output

Starting database plocal:/tmp/junit15530411934067549433/test_addModel[OrientDB]
set up properties for V_hawkIndexStore: []
19:29:08.418 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.core.runtime.CompositeStateListener - Saving Hawk metadata...
19:29:08.419 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.core.runtime.CompositeStateListener - Saved Hawk metadata.
19:29:08.419 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.core.runtime.CompositeStateListener - Initializing Hawk...
inserting static metamodels of registered metamodel factories to graph:
19:29:08.419 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - ADDING METAMODELS: 
19:29:08.419 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - ADDING: 
19:29:08.419 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - 0 METAMODEL NODES! (took ~0 sec)
inserting static metamodels complete
19:29:08.419 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.core.runtime.CompositeStateListener - Registering metamodels...
19:29:08.419 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.core.runtime.CompositeStateListener - Registered metamodels.
19:29:08.420 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.core.runtime.CompositeStateListener - Initialized Hawk.
19:29:08.420 [pool-35-thread-1] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.core.runtime.CompositeStateListener - Updating Hawk...
updating indexer: 
19:29:08.420 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.core.runtime.CompositeStateListener - Adding metamodel(s)...
19:29:08.420 [pool-35-thread-1] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.core.runtime.CompositeStateListener - Performing optional post-sync operations.
19:29:08.421 [pool-35-thread-1] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.core.runtime.CompositeStateListener - Updated Hawk instance test (success). 0 s 1 ms
Adding metamodels in: ./resources/metamodels/Ecore.ecore to store
19:29:08.423 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - ADDING METAMODELS: 
19:29:08.423 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - ADDING: 
19:29:08.424 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.orientdb.OrientDatabase - Warning: premature commit needed to create class V_epackage
set up properties for V_epackage: []
Warning: prematurely committing a transaction so we can create index hawkMetamodelIndex_sbtree_STRING
19:29:08.451 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.orientdb.OrientDatabase - Warning: premature commit needed to create class V_eclass
set up properties for V_eclass: [in__hawkOfType (type=LINKBAG), in__hawkOfKind (type=LINKBAG)]
19:29:08.457 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Boolean
19:29:08.457 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type byte
19:29:08.457 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Float
19:29:08.457 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Double
19:29:08.457 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Class
19:29:08.457 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type org.eclipse.emf.common.util.DiagnosticChain
19:29:08.457 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Byte
19:29:08.457 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.util.Date
19:29:08.457 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator
19:29:08.457 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList
19:29:08.457 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Long
19:29:08.457 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.FeatureMap
19:29:08.457 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.FeatureMap$Entry
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type byte[]
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Boolean
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.util.Map
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.math.BigInteger
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.math.BigDecimal
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Double
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Float
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.String
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type char
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Character
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Object
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Long
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Short
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Integer
19:29:08.458 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type short
19:29:08.459 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Integer
19:29:08.467 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - 20 METAMODEL NODES! (took ~0 sec)
19:29:08.467 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.core.runtime.CompositeStateListener - Added metamodel(s).
19:29:08.467 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.core.runtime.CompositeStateListener - Adding metamodel(s)...
Adding metamodels in: ./resources/metamodels/XMLType.ecore to store
19:29:08.470 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - ADDING METAMODELS: 
19:29:08.470 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - ADDING: 
19:29:08.471 [main] DEBUG org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - supertype dependency from to
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type byte[]
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.math.BigInteger
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Long
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Object
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Double
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type byte[]
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type javax.xml.datatype.Duration
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Integer
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Short
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.String
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Integer
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.math.BigInteger
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.math.BigInteger
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.util.List
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Double
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type byte
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.String
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.String
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Long
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.String
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.String
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Long
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.util.List
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.math.BigInteger
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type javax.xml.namespace.QName
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Boolean
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.String
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type short
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Boolean
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.util.List
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.util.List
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Byte
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Short
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type javax.xml.namespace.QName
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.util.List
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.String
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type short
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.String
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.String
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Integer
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Float
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.String
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Integer
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.String
19:29:08.471 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.math.BigInteger
19:29:08.472 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Float
19:29:08.472 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.math.BigInteger
19:29:08.472 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.lang.Long
19:29:08.472 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.math.BigDecimal
19:29:08.472 [main] WARN org.eclipse.hawk.graph.updater.GraphMetaModelResourceInjector - Hawk does not support custom data types yet: will be handled as its instance type java.util.List
19:29:08.473 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.core.runtime.CompositeStateListener - Hawk shutting down...
19:29:08.473 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.core.runtime.CompositeStateListener - Saving Hawk metadata...
19:29:08.474 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.core.runtime.CompositeStateListener - Saved Hawk metadata.
19:29:08.474 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.core.runtime.BaseModelIndexer - Waiting 120s for all scheduled tasks to complete
19:29:08.483 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hawk.core.runtime.CompositeStateListener - Hawk shut down.

Standard Error

Apr 02, 2023 7:29:08 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
INFO: $ANSI{green {db=test_addModel[OrientDB]}} Storage 'plocal:/tmp/junit15530411934067549433/test_addModel[OrientDB]' is created under OrientDB distribution : 2.2.30 (build 43d850df23c0fd1edca7279761c2238fdc6cc576, branch 2.2.x)
SyncValidationListener: hawk.setSyncMetricsEnabled(true) called, performance will suffer!
SyncValidationListener: hawk.setSyncMetricsEnabled(true) called, performance will suffer!
sync metrics:
interesting	0
deleted		0
changed		0
loaded		0
c elems		0
d elems		0
time		~0s
validating changes...
changed resource size: 0
relevant graph size: 0
validated changes... true
Apr 02, 2023 7:29:08 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
INFO: $ANSI{green {db=test_addModel[OrientDB]}} Storage 'plocal:/tmp/junit15530411934067549433/test_addModel[OrientDB]' is opened under OrientDB distribution : 2.2.30 (build 43d850df23c0fd1edca7279761c2238fdc6cc576, branch 2.2.x)