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Console Output

+ yarn --ignore-engines --unsafe-perm
yarn install v1.22.19
[1/4] Resolving packages...
warning Resolution field "sprotty@0.13.0-next.1c4343c.328" is incompatible with requested version "sprotty@^0.12.0"
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
warning "@theia/messages > react-perfect-scrollbar@1.5.8" has unmet peer dependency "react@>=16.3.3".
warning "@theia/messages > react-perfect-scrollbar@1.5.8" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@>=16.3.3".
warning "@theia/process > node-pty@0.11.0-beta17" has unmet peer dependency "node-gyp@^8.3.0".
warning "@eclipse-glsp/config > @eclipse-glsp/mocha-config@1.0.0" has unmet peer dependency "reflect-metadata@>=0.1.13".
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
$ lerna run prepare
lerna notice cli v5.5.4
lerna info ci enabled
lerna info Executing command in 3 packages: "yarn run prepare"
@eclipse-glsp/theia-integration: yarn run v1.22.19
@eclipse-glsp/theia-integration: $ yarn  clean && yarn  build
@eclipse-glsp/theia-integration: $ rimraf lib tsconfig.tsbuildinfo
@eclipse-glsp/theia-integration: $ tsc
@eclipse-glsp/theia-integration: Done in 9.70s.
@eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-theia: yarn run v1.22.19
@eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-theia: $ yarn  clean && yarn  build && yarn lint
@eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-theia: $ rimraf lib tsconfig.tsbuildinfo
@eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-theia: $ tsc
@eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-theia: $ eslint --ext .ts,.tsx ./src
@eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-theia: Done in 19.24s.
browser-app: yarn run v1.22.19
browser-app: $ yarn build
browser-app: $ theia build --mode development
browser-app: Failed to resolve module: msgpackr
browser-app: Failed to resolve module:
browser-app: Failed to resolve module: ws
browser-app: assets by status 237 KiB [cached] 2 assets
browser-app: assets by path *.js 23.2 MiB
browser-app:   assets by chunk 14.5 MiB (id hint: vendors)
browser-app:     asset vendors-node_modules_theia_core_shared_lodash_debounce_index_js-node_modules_theia_monaco_lib-35bcb7.js 8.63 MiB [emitted] (id hint: vendors) 2 related assets
browser-app:     asset vendors-node_modules_eclipse-glsp_client_lib_index_js-node_modules_theia_workspace_lib_browse-f06f52.js 1.42 MiB [emitted] (id hint: vendors) 2 related assets
browser-app:     asset vendors-node_modules_sprotty-theia_lib_theia_diagram-module_js.js 1.29 MiB [emitted] (id hint: vendors) 2 related assets
browser-app:     + 28 assets
browser-app:   + 16 assets
browser-app: assets by info 1.73 MiB [immutable]
browser-app:   assets by chunk 1.15 MiB (auxiliary name: bundle) 10 assets
browser-app:   assets by chunk 596 KiB (auxiliary id hint: vendors)
browser-app:     asset cd3c4b260f85aac6f600.wasm 460 KiB [emitted] [immutable] [from: ../../node_modules/vscode-oniguruma/release/onig.wasm] (auxiliary id hint: vendors) 1 related asset
browser-app:     asset 5146763e14c5e2b605dc.ttf 69.1 KiB [emitted] [immutable] [from: ../../node_modules/@theia/monaco-editor-core/esm/vs/base/browser/ui/codicons/codicon/codicon.ttf] (auxiliary id hint: vendors) 1 related asset
browser-app:     asset aeb98e0beefa59d80a39.ttf?7cea6a135a6c0359d1f6d18e6b2c5c42 66.3 KiB [emitted] [immutable] [from: ../../node_modules/sprotty/node_modules/@vscode/codicons/dist/codicon.ttf?7cea6a135a6c0359d1f6d18e6b2c5c42] (auxiliary id hint: vendors) 1 related asset
browser-app: asset secondary-window.html 798 bytes [emitted] [from: src-gen/frontend/secondary-window.html] [copied] 1 related asset
browser-app: 2358 modules
browser-app: WARNING in ../../node_modules/@theia/monaco-editor-core/esm/vs/base/common/performance.js 81:34-41
browser-app: Critical dependency: require function is used in a way in which dependencies cannot be statically extracted
browser-app:  @ ../../node_modules/@theia/monaco-editor-core/esm/vs/platform/storage/common/storage.js 20:22-65
browser-app:  @ ../../node_modules/@theia/monaco-editor-core/esm/vs/editor/standalone/browser/standaloneServices.js 102:18-69
browser-app:  @ ../../node_modules/@theia/monaco/lib/browser/monaco-frontend-module.js 81:29-117
browser-app:  @ ./src-gen/frontend/index.js 59:31-89
browser-app: WARNING in ../../node_modules/@theia/monaco-editor-core/esm/vs/base/common/performance.js 81:57-64
browser-app: Critical dependency: require function is used in a way in which dependencies cannot be statically extracted
browser-app:  @ ../../node_modules/@theia/monaco-editor-core/esm/vs/platform/storage/common/storage.js 20:22-65
browser-app:  @ ../../node_modules/@theia/monaco-editor-core/esm/vs/editor/standalone/browser/standaloneServices.js 102:18-69
browser-app:  @ ../../node_modules/@theia/monaco/lib/browser/monaco-frontend-module.js 81:29-117
browser-app:  @ ./src-gen/frontend/index.js 59:31-89
browser-app: 2 warnings have detailed information that is not shown.
browser-app: Use 'stats.errorDetails: true' resp. '--stats-error-details' to show it.
browser-app: webpack 5.74.0 compiled with 2 warnings in 29471 ms
browser-app: Done in 33.38s.
lerna success run Ran npm script 'prepare' in 3 packages in 63.3s:
lerna success - browser-app
lerna success - @eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-theia
lerna success - @eclipse-glsp/theia-integration
Done in 146.94s.