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Started by user
Cleaning the workspace because project is configured to clean the workspace before each build.
Checkout:workspace / /home/hudson/genie.gemini/.hudson/jobs/java7-gemini-blueprint-publish-release/workspace - hudson.remoting.LocalChannel@d79f753
Using strategy: Default
Git Exe: git
Checkout:workspace / /home/hudson/genie.gemini/.hudson/jobs/java7-gemini-blueprint-publish-release/workspace - hudson.remoting.LocalChannel@d79f753
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning repository origin
Fetching upstream changes from file:///gitroot/gemini.blueprint/org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.git/
Commencing build of Revision 136b58cce816e1254a7783530f0834acc8839491 (origin/2.1.0-java7-backport)
Checking out Revision 136b58cce816e1254a7783530f0834acc8839491 (origin/2.1.0-java7-backport)
No change to record in branch origin/2.1.0-java7-backport
[INFO] Using Maven 3 installation: apache-maven-latest
[INFO] Checking Maven 3 installation environment
[workspace] $ /shared/common/apache-maven-latest/bin/mvn --help
[INFO] Checking Maven 3 installation version
[INFO] Detected Maven 3 installation version: 3.3.9
[workspace] $ /shared/common/apache-maven-latest/bin/mvn nexus-staging:close nexus-staging:release -V -B -DstagingRepositoryId=orgeclipsegemini-1011 -Dmaven.ext.class.path=/home/hudson/genie.gemini/.hudson/maven/slavebundle/resources:/home/hudson/genie.gemini/.hudson/maven/slavebundle/lib/maven3-eventspy-3.1.jar:/home/hudson/genie.gemini/.hudson/war/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/hudson-remoting-3.0.3.jar -Dhudson.eventspy.port=54333 -f pom.xml -P release
[DEBUG] Waiting for connection on port: 54333
Apache Maven 3.3.9 (bb52d8502b132ec0a5a3f4c09453c07478323dc5; 2015-11-10T11:41:47-05:00)
Maven home: /shared/common/apache-maven-latest
Java version: 1.7.0_80, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: /opt/public/common/jdk1.7.0_80/jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.62-60.64.8-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/home/hudson/genie.gemini/.hudson/maven/slavebundle/lib/maven3-eventspy-runtime.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/shared/common/apache-maven-latest/lib/slf4j-simple-1.7.5.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: See for an explanation.
[DEBUG] Connected to remote
[INFO] o.h.m.e.h.SettingsBuildingRequestHandler - Using settings document ID: a894211b-a55a-4b78-b69e-7e72a44d858d
[WARN] o.h.m.e.EventSpyProcessor - Unhandled event: org.apache.maven.toolchain.building.DefaultToolchainsBuildingRequest@47217048 (org.apache.maven.toolchain.building.DefaultToolchainsBuildingRequest)
[WARN] o.h.m.e.EventSpyProcessor - Unhandled event: org.apache.maven.toolchain.building.DefaultToolchainsBuildingRequest@47217048 (org.apache.maven.toolchain.building.DefaultToolchainsBuildingRequest)
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Inspecting build with total of 58 modules...
[INFO] Not installing Nexus Staging features:
[INFO]  * Preexisting staging related goal bindings found in 58 modules.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Mocks
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint IO
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Core
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Extender
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Extensions
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Testing Framework
[INFO] Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Integration Tests Parent
[INFO] Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Integration Testing Bundles
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service test bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service test bundle (impl differs)
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service test bundle (impl differs)
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service test bundle 2
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service test bundle 3
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service created by a factory which has a non trivial delay in createObject()
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Trivial OSGi bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple test that uses trivial bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring context lifecycle test bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring context service listener test bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring context service reference lifecycle test bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring context service reference destruction test bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring context dependencies test bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring context service reference cardinality 0..1 bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Bundle scoping test bundle - A
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Bundle scoping test bundle - B
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Bundle scoping test bundle - Common
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: IO fragment 1 bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: IO fragment 2 bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Error bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Deadlock bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Configuration test bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: ExtenderVersion-Test-Bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Integration testing bundles for configuration options
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: NoPublish-Bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Async-NoWait-Bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Async-Wait-Bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Sync-NoWait-Bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Sync-Tail-Bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Sync-Wait-Bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring service TCCL management inteface test bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring service TCCL management test bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Config File With Dots bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring Proxy Creator bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Extender Configuration Fragment Bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: JDK proxy test
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Extender Event listener bundle Bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: namespace provider and consumer bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Just a listener exported as a service
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Export Import Dependency Bundle
[INFO] Eclipse Gemini Blueprint JDK5 Integration Testing Bundles
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: @Component beans bundle
[INFO] Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Recursive Type test bundle
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Integration Testing Bundles
[INFO] Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service test bundle
[INFO] Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Error bundle
[INFO] Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Waiting bundle
[INFO] Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Configuration test bundle
[INFO] Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Integration Tests
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Mocks 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint-mock ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint-mock ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint IO 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint-io ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint-io ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Core 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint-core ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint-core ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Extender 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint-extender ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint-extender ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Extensions 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint-extensions ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint-extensions ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Testing Framework 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint-test ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint-test ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Integration Tests Parent 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint-integration-tests-parent ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint-integration-tests-parent ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Integration Testing Bundles 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint-integration-test-bundles ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint-integration-test-bundles ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service test bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ simple.service ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ simple.service ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service test bundle (impl differs) 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ simple.service.identical ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ simple.service.identical ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service test bundle (impl differs) 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ simple.service.2.identical ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ simple.service.2.identical ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service test bundle 2 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ simple.service2 ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ simple.service2 ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service test bundle 3 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ simple.service3 ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ simple.service3 ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service created by a factory which has a non trivial delay in createObject() 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ dependendencies.factory ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ dependendencies.factory ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Trivial OSGi bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ trivial ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ trivial ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple test that uses trivial bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ trivial.tests ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ trivial.tests ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring context lifecycle test bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ lifecycle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ lifecycle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring context service listener test bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ service.listener ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ service.listener ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring context service reference lifecycle test bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ reference.proxy ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ reference.proxy ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring context service reference destruction test bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ proxy.destruction ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ proxy.destruction ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring context dependencies test bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ dependencies ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ dependencies ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring context service reference cardinality 0..1 bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ cardinality0to1 ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ cardinality0to1 ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Bundle scoping test bundle - A 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ scoped.bundle.a ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ scoped.bundle.a ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Bundle scoping test bundle - B 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ scoped.bundle.b ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ scoped.bundle.b ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Bundle scoping test bundle - Common 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ scoped.bundle.common ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ scoped.bundle.common ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: IO fragment 1 bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ io.fragment.1.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ io.fragment.1.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: IO fragment 2 bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ io.fragment.2.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ io.fragment.2.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Error bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ error ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ error ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Deadlock bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ deadlock ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ deadlock ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Configuration test bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ configuration ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ configuration ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: ExtenderVersion-Test-Bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ extender-version-bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ extender-version-bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Integration testing bundles for configuration options 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ config.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ config.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: NoPublish-Bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ nopublish-bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ nopublish-bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Async-NoWait-Bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ async-nowait-bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ async-nowait-bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Async-Wait-Bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ async-wait-bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ async-wait-bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Sync-NoWait-Bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ sync-nowait-bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ sync-nowait-bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Sync-Tail-Bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ sync-tail-bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ sync-tail-bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Sync-Wait-Bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ sync-wait-bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ sync-wait-bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring service TCCL management inteface test bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ tccl.intf ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ tccl.intf ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring service TCCL management test bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ tccl ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ tccl ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Config File With Dots bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ config-with-dots.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ config-with-dots.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring Proxy Creator bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ proxy.creator ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ proxy.creator ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Extender Configuration Fragment Bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ extender-fragment-bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ extender-fragment-bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: JDK proxy test 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ jdk.proxy ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ jdk.proxy ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Extender Event listener bundle Bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ extender.listener.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ extender.listener.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: namespace provider and consumer bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ ns.own.consumer ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ ns.own.consumer ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Just a listener exported as a service 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ proxy.listener ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ proxy.listener ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Export Import Dependency Bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ export-import-dependency-bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ export-import-dependency-bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Eclipse Gemini Blueprint JDK5 Integration Testing Bundles 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ spring-osgi-jdk5-integration-test-bundles ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ spring-osgi-jdk5-integration-test-bundles ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: @Component beans bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ component.scan.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ component.scan.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Recursive Type test bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ recursive ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ recursive ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Gemini Blueprint Integration Testing Bundles 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ bundles ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ bundles ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service test bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ simple.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ simple.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Error bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ error.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ error.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Waiting bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ waiting.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ waiting.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Configuration test bundle 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ config.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ config.bundle ---
[INFO] Execution skipped to the last project...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Integration Tests 2.1.0.JAVA7-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:close (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint-integration-tests ---
[INFO] o.s.n.m.s.r.RemoteNexus -  + Using server credentials "ossrh" from Maven settings.
[INFO] o.s.n.m.s.r.RemoteNexus -  + Using "httpsproxy" HTTPS Proxy from Maven settings.
[INFO] o.s.n.m.s.r.RemoteNexus -  * Connected to Nexus at, is version 2.14.4-03 and edition "Professional"
[INFO] Closing staging repository with IDs=[orgeclipsegemini-1011]

Waiting for operation to complete...

[INFO] Closed
[INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:release (default-cli) @ gemini-blueprint-integration-tests ---
[INFO] o.s.n.m.s.r.RemoteNexus -  + Using server credentials "ossrh" from Maven settings.
[INFO] o.s.n.m.s.r.RemoteNexus -  + Using "httpsproxy" HTTPS Proxy from Maven settings.
[INFO] o.s.n.m.s.r.RemoteNexus -  * Connected to Nexus at, is version 2.14.4-03 and edition "Professional"
[INFO] Releasing staging repository with IDs=[orgeclipsegemini-1011]

Waiting for operation to complete...

[INFO] Released
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint ................................... SUCCESS [  0.446 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Mocks ............................. SUCCESS [  0.054 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint IO ................................ SUCCESS [  0.052 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Core .............................. SUCCESS [  0.053 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Extender .......................... SUCCESS [  0.051 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Extensions ........................ SUCCESS [  0.051 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Testing Framework ................. SUCCESS [  0.051 s]
[INFO] Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Integration Tests Parent .. SUCCESS [  0.053 s]
[INFO] Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Integration Testing Bundles SUCCESS [  0.052 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service test bundle SUCCESS [  0.053 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service test bundle (impl differs) SUCCESS [  0.050 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service test bundle (impl differs) SUCCESS [  0.050 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service test bundle 2 SUCCESS [  0.050 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service test bundle 3 SUCCESS [  0.050 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service created by a factory which has a non trivial delay in createObject() SUCCESS [  0.051 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Trivial OSGi bundle .. SUCCESS [  0.050 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple test that uses trivial bundle SUCCESS [  0.050 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring context lifecycle test bundle SUCCESS [  0.052 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring context service listener test bundle SUCCESS [  0.052 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring context service reference lifecycle test bundle SUCCESS [  0.051 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring context service reference destruction test bundle SUCCESS [  0.049 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring context dependencies test bundle SUCCESS [  0.049 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring context service reference cardinality 0..1 bundle SUCCESS [  0.049 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Bundle scoping test bundle - A SUCCESS [  0.052 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Bundle scoping test bundle - B SUCCESS [  0.050 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Bundle scoping test bundle - Common SUCCESS [  0.051 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: IO fragment 1 bundle . SUCCESS [  0.049 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: IO fragment 2 bundle . SUCCESS [  0.050 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Error bundle ......... SUCCESS [  0.051 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Deadlock bundle ...... SUCCESS [  0.052 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Configuration test bundle SUCCESS [  0.052 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: ExtenderVersion-Test-Bundle SUCCESS [  0.050 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Integration testing bundles for configuration options SUCCESS [  0.049 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: NoPublish-Bundle ..... SUCCESS [  0.049 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Async-NoWait-Bundle .. SUCCESS [  0.050 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Async-Wait-Bundle .... SUCCESS [  0.049 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Sync-NoWait-Bundle ... SUCCESS [  0.052 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Sync-Tail-Bundle ..... SUCCESS [  0.052 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Sync-Wait-Bundle ..... SUCCESS [  0.061 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring service TCCL management inteface test bundle SUCCESS [  0.052 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring service TCCL management test bundle SUCCESS [  0.049 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Config File With Dots bundle SUCCESS [  0.052 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Spring Proxy Creator bundle SUCCESS [  0.046 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Extender Configuration Fragment Bundle SUCCESS [  0.049 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: JDK proxy test ....... SUCCESS [  0.049 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Extender Event listener bundle Bundle SUCCESS [  0.052 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: namespace provider and consumer bundle SUCCESS [  0.053 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Just a listener exported as a service SUCCESS [  0.049 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Export Import Dependency Bundle SUCCESS [  0.049 s]
[INFO] Eclipse Gemini Blueprint JDK5 Integration Testing Bundles SUCCESS [  0.049 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: @Component beans bundle SUCCESS [  0.052 s]
[INFO] Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Recursive Type test bundle SUCCESS [  0.052 s]
[INFO] Gemini Blueprint Integration Testing Bundles ....... SUCCESS [  0.049 s]
[INFO] Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Simple service test bundle SUCCESS [  0.049 s]
[INFO] Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Error bundle . SUCCESS [  0.049 s]
[INFO] Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Waiting bundle SUCCESS [  0.050 s]
[INFO] Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Test Bundle: Configuration test bundle SUCCESS [  0.049 s]
[INFO] Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Integration Tests ......... SUCCESS [02:23 min]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 02:35 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-06-15T09:07:01-04:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 57M/1931M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[DEBUG] Closing connection to remote
[DEBUG] Waiting for process to finish
[DEBUG] Result: 0
Finished: SUCCESS