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Start of Pipeline - (15 min in block)
node - (15 min in block)centos-latest
node block - (14 min in block)
dir - (15 sec in block)gef
dir block - (15 sec in block)
stage - (15 sec in block)Declarative: Checkout SCM
stage block (Declarative: Checkout SCM) - (14 sec in block)
checkout - (14 sec in self)
withEnv block - (14 min in block)
sh - (0.37 sec in self)date +%Y%m%d%H%M
withEnv - (14 min in block)BUILD_TIMESTAMP, JAVAFX_VERSION
withEnv block - (14 min in block)
stage - (0.63 sec in block)Declarative: Tool Install
stage block (Declarative: Tool Install) - (0.62 sec in block)
tool - (7 ms in self)apache-maven-latest
envVarsForTool - (8 ms in self)
tool - (5 ms in self)temurin-jdk17-latest
envVarsForTool - (6 ms in self)
withEnv - (14 min in block)M2_HOME, MAVEN_HOME, PATH+MAVEN, JAVA_HOME, PATH+JDK
withEnv block - (14 min in block)
stage - (0.13 sec in block)Display Parameters
stage block (Display Parameters) - (0.12 sec in block)
tool - (6 ms in self)apache-maven-latest
envVarsForTool - (17 ms in self)
tool - (6 ms in self)temurin-jdk17-latest
envVarsForTool - (7 ms in self)
withEnv - (62 ms in block)M2_HOME, MAVEN_HOME, PATH+MAVEN, JAVA_HOME, PATH+JDK
withEnv block - (56 ms in block)
script - (46 ms in block)
script block - (40 ms in block)
echo - (6 ms in self)BUILD_TIMESTAMP=202312191556 BUILD_TYPE=nightly TARGET_PLATFORM=2024-03 ECLIPSE_SIGN=true PROMOTE=true BRANCH_NAME=master
stage - (2.9 sec in block)Git Checkout
stage block (Git Checkout) - (2.9 sec in block)
tool - (6 ms in self)apache-maven-latest
envVarsForTool - (7 ms in self)
tool - (6 ms in self)temurin-jdk17-latest
envVarsForTool - (6 ms in self)
withEnv - (2.9 sec in block)M2_HOME, MAVEN_HOME, PATH+MAVEN, JAVA_HOME, PATH+JDK
withEnv block - (2.9 sec in block)
script - (2.8 sec in block)
script block - (2.8 sec in block)
checkout - (2.8 sec in self)
stage - (5 sec in block)Fetch JavaFX
stage block (Fetch JavaFX) - (5 sec in block)
tool - (7 ms in self)apache-maven-latest
envVarsForTool - (1.3 sec in self)
tool - (0.23 sec in self)temurin-jdk17-latest
envVarsForTool - (7 ms in self)
withEnv - (3.4 sec in block)M2_HOME, MAVEN_HOME, PATH+MAVEN, JAVA_HOME, PATH+JDK
withEnv block - (3.4 sec in block)
sh - (3.3 sec in self) set -x mkdir javafx cd javafx curl -o openjfx-${JAVAFX_VERSION}${JAVAFX_VERSION}/openjfx-${JAVAFX_VERSION} unzip openjfx-${JAVAFX_VERSION}
stage - (14 min in block)Build GEF
stage block (Build GEF) - (14 min in block)
tool - (8 ms in self)apache-maven-latest
envVarsForTool - (0.46 sec in self)
tool - (0.2 sec in self)temurin-jdk17-latest
envVarsForTool - (0.27 sec in self)
withEnv - (14 min in block)M2_HOME, MAVEN_HOME, PATH+MAVEN, JAVA_HOME, PATH+JDK
withEnv block - (14 min in block)
script - (14 min in block)
script block - (14 min in block)
sshagent - (14 min in block)
sshagent block - (14 min in block)
xvnc - (14 min in block)true
xvnc block - (13 min in block)
dir - (13 min in block)gef/org.eclipse.gef.releng
dir block - (13 min in block)
sh - (13 min in self) if [[ $PROMOTE == true ]]; then promotion_argument='-Ppromote -Psign' fi mvn -s settings.xml --no-transfer-progress $promotion_argument -Dtarget-platform=${TARGET_PLATFORM} -Dwikidoc.skip=false${BUILD_TIMESTAMP}$GIT_COMMIT -Dbuild.type=$BUILD_TYPE$JOB_URL -Denv.JAVAFX_HOME=$WORKSPACE/javafx/javafx-sdk-${JAVAFX_VERSION} clean verify
stage - (7.9 sec in block)Declarative: Post Actions
stage block (Declarative: Post Actions) - (6.2 sec in block)
junit - (2.4 sec in self)
deleteDir - (3.8 sec in self)