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No builds


Validates Gerrit patchsets for the latest stable branch of the egit-github git repository; can also be triggered by a comment containing "trigger build".
Do not configure anything in the form based UI, but only in the pipeline script at the end of the configuration.
Test Result Trend
Last Successful Artifacts
artifacts.jar1.29 KiB view
artifacts.xml.xz1.20 KiB view
content.jar8.15 KiB view
content.xml.xz6.83 KiB view
org.eclipse.mylyn.github.feature_6.1.1.202203092127.jar19.04 KiB view
p2.index172 B view KiB view
org.eclipse.egit.github.core_6.1.1.202203092127.jar248.86 KiB view
org.eclipse.mylyn.github.core_6.1.1.202203092127.jar76.38 KiB view
org.eclipse.mylyn.github.doc_6.1.1.202203092127.jar235.37 KiB view
org.eclipse.mylyn.github.ui_6.1.1.202203092127.jar255.88 KiB view
.log4.36 KiB view
Latest Test Result (no failures)