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  1. [releng] Contribute the aggregation files to simplify the releng (details)
Commit 4b74ec3e933199f2728b5d56369240433ea5162c by Stephane Begaudeau
[releng] Contribute the aggregation files to simplify the releng
The switch to JIRO has made the promotion more complex. Storing those
files in the Git repository should make things easier to maintain.
Change-Id: I23d30c471972e8f917808f6f49a5ad306f8299aa Signed-off-by:
Stéphane Bégaudeau <>
The file was addedreleng/org.eclipse.eef.releng/aggreg/compositeContent.xml
The file was addedreleng/org.eclipse.eef.releng/aggreg/compositeArtifacts.xml