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#15 (Feb 24, 2022, 5:37:27 PM)

  1. Fix for — Scott Lewis / detail

#9 (Dec 31, 2021, 6:59:14 PM)

  1. Bump BREEs to Java 1.8 for java.util.Optional — Alexander Kurtakov / detail
  2. Increment version numbers for gerrit 187154 — Scott Lewis / detail
  3. Add about and asl-v20.txt to httpclient5 bundle. — Alexander Kurtakov / detail
  4. Fix for and version — Scott Lewis / detail

#5 (Jun 18, 2021, 2:13:03 PM)

  1. Added httpclient5 provider for use of Apache httpclient5 available from — Scott Lewis / detail
  2. Fix for pom — Scott Lewis / detail
  3. Build fixes — Scott Lewis / detail
  4. Fixes for p2 repo generation metadata — Scott Lewis / detail