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23:43:28 [2024-05-07T03:43:28.468Z] Publishing Coverage report....
23:43:29 [2024-05-07T03:43:29.322Z] A total of 1 reports were found
23:43:29 [2024-05-07T03:43:29.581Z] Report coverage diff: 0.0%. Add to CoverageResult.
23:43:29 [2024-05-07T03:43:29.581Z] Group coverage diff: 0.0%. Add to CoverageResult.
23:43:29 [2024-05-07T03:43:29.581Z] Package coverage diff: 0.0%. Add to CoverageResult.
23:43:29 [2024-05-07T03:43:29.582Z] File coverage diff: 0.0%. Add to CoverageResult.
23:43:29 [2024-05-07T03:43:29.582Z] Class coverage diff: 0.0%. Add to CoverageResult.
23:43:29 [2024-05-07T03:43:29.582Z] Method coverage diff: 0.0%. Add to CoverageResult.
23:43:29 [2024-05-07T03:43:29.582Z] Instruction coverage diff: 0.0%. Add to CoverageResult.
23:43:29 [2024-05-07T03:43:29.582Z] Line coverage diff: 0.0%. Add to CoverageResult.
23:43:29 [2024-05-07T03:43:29.582Z] Conditional coverage diff: 0.008680344%. Add to CoverageResult.
23:43:29 [2024-05-07T03:43:29.582Z] [Coverage] Computing coverage delta report
23:43:29 [2024-05-07T03:43:29.582Z] [Coverage] Reference build recorder is not configured
23:43:29 [2024-05-07T03:43:29.582Z] [Coverage] -> No reference build defined, falling back to previous build
23:43:29 [2024-05-07T03:43:29.582Z] [Coverage] -> Found reference result 'io.jenkins.plugins.coverage.CoverageAction@8bf6774c'
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.765Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Errors during source code painting:
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.765Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/ui/dnd/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.765Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/lang/javascript/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.765Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/lang/unittest/ui/views/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.765Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/ui/scripts/repository/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.765Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/lang/javascript/rhino/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.765Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/lang/python/preferences/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.765Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/ui/preferences/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.765Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/debugging/events/debugger/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.765Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/ui/scripts/preferences/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.765Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/lang/unittest/runtime/impl/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.765Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/lang/unittest/definition/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.765Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/ui/completions/java/help/handlers/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.765Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/lang/unittest/ui/editor/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/lang/unittest/ui/editor/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/modules/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/lang/python/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/lang/unittest/definition/impl/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/lang/python/jython/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-] Source file 'org/eclipse/ease/lang/python/py4j/internal/' not found
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] [-ERROR-]   ... skipped logging of 561 additional errors ...
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] Verify uniqueness of file paths...
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] Obtaining action of reference build
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] Reference build recorder is not configured
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] -> No reference build defined, falling back to previous build: '#433'
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] -> Found reference result in build '#433'
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] Calculating the code delta...
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] -> No delta calculator installed yet. You need to install the 'git-forensics' plugin to enable it for Git.
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] Calculating coverage deltas...
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] Executing source code painting...
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] Painting 581 source files on agent
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] Searching for source code files in '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/'
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] -> finished painting (0 files have been painted, 581 files failed)
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] -> zipping sources from folder '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/' as '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/'
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] Copying painted sources from agent to build folder
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] -> extracting...
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] -> done
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] Deleting source code files of build #433
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.766Z] [Coverage] Finished coverage processing - adding the action to the build...
23:43:31 [2024-05-07T03:43:31.910Z] [Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.