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  1. eclipse/ditto#898: added ditto-placeholders to assembly.xml as it is now a transitive dependency of ditto-protocol (details)
  2. prepared Ditto JS client release 2.1.0 (details)
  3. configured "binary-compatibility-check.version" version to 2.1.0 (details)
  4. shutdown executor after stream cancellation (details)
  5. Review: ensure executor shutdown in error case. (details)
  6. update Ditto JS Client "node" dependencies to their latest within their minor version (details)
  7. prepare Ditto JS Client release 2.2.0 (details)
Commit 4e5e683c4e1864c0ff1a5f173912b0bad4e685e7 by Thomas Jaeckle
eclipse/ditto#898: added ditto-placeholders to assembly.xml as it is now a transitive dependency of ditto-protocol
* enhanced RunOSGiContainerIntegrationTest to test loading a "ditto-placeholders" class
* update logback to 1.2.6

Signed-off-by: Thomas Jaeckle <>
The file was modified java/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/ (diff)
The file was modified java/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified java/src/main/assembly/assembly.xml (diff)
Commit cd9f5c80afbd4adaa95661ad7dad8ac177f8c336 by Thomas Jaeckle
prepared Ditto JS client release 2.1.0

Signed-off-by: Thomas Jaeckle <>
The file was modified javascript/lib/api/package.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/node/package.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/dom/package.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/package.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/api/package-lock.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/node/package-lock.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/package-lock.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lerna.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/dom/package-lock.json (diff)
Commit b3774d88a96ec9d4552dceb9e28b3a065b740250 by Thomas Jaeckle
configured "binary-compatibility-check.version" version to 2.1.0
* removed existing "<excludes>" from pom files

Signed-off-by: Thomas Jaeckle <>
The file was modified java/pom.xml (diff)
Commit ea6b4b1349739b2f3929ff8af7f8e59ceabeac4a by Johannes Schneider
shutdown executor after stream cancellation

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schneider <>
The file was modified java/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/streaming/ (diff)
The file was modified java/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/streaming/ (diff)
Commit dc980ef62c7b8f9a4a3409c4e553578d85a9047e by Yufei Cai
Review: ensure executor shutdown in error case.

Signed-off-by: Yufei Cai <>
The file was modified java/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/streaming/ (diff)
Commit 6409696343b6079e0bc27037d42d2bbca4a307a3 by Thomas Jaeckle
update Ditto JS Client "node" dependencies to their latest within their minor version

Signed-off-by: Thomas Jaeckle <>
The file was modified javascript/lib/node/package-lock.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/node/package.json (diff)
Commit 0f1f420919ff6ec7a309fb12882f922494bdc510 by Thomas Jaeckle
prepare Ditto JS Client release 2.2.0

Signed-off-by: Thomas Jaeckle <>
The file was modified javascript/package.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/package-lock.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lerna.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/api/package-lock.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/node/package.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/dom/package.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/node/package-lock.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/api/package.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/dom/package-lock.json (diff)