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  1. [#193] fixed responding to messages in JS client did not preserve the message "headers" (details)
  2. [#169] added `ErrorResponse` type used as "reject" reason in order to access status code together with body (details)
Commit 5eb16b7961fc7f3b338436aed26c8082363ed4e0 by Thomas Jaeckle
[#193] fixed responding to messages in JS client did not preserve the message "headers"

Signed-off-by: Thomas Jaeckle <>
The file was modified javascript/lib/api/src/client/request-factory/websocket-request-handler.ts (diff)
The file was modified javascript/package-lock.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/api/src/client/handles/events.ts (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/api/tests/client/websocket/messages.websocket.spec.ts (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/api/src/model/ditto-protocol.ts (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/api/tests/client/websocket/events.websocket.spec.ts (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/api/tests/client/websocket/commands.websocket.spec.ts (diff)
Commit 72b44b31390c599e3e70c11d7043a41fdbff7833 by Thomas Jaeckle
[#169] added `ErrorResponse` type used as "reject" reason in order to access status code together with body
* fixed that only JSON was assumed as body - fall back to any value if error response was not JSON
* updated dependencies to its minor version updates
* update to upcoming Ditto JS client version 3.0.0

Signed-off-by: Thomas Jaeckle <>
The file was modified javascript/package-lock.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/dom/package-lock.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/node/src/node-http.ts (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/api/package-lock.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lerna.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/node/package-lock.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/package.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/api/package.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/dom/package.json (diff)
The file was modified javascript/ (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/api/src/model/response.ts (diff)
The file was modified javascript/lib/node/package.json (diff)