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  1. update dependencies (commit: ee7a191) (details)
Commit ee7a1917a9464a54e6b86ad6a47154cc86fe113e by Thomas Jaeckle
update dependencies

* Kafka client to 3.5.1
* HiveMQ MQTT client to 1.3.3
* QPID JMS client to 1.10.0
* AMQP-Client to 5.14.3
* Netty to 4.1.99
* Logback to 1.2.12
* Janino to 3.1.10
* Kamon to 2.6.4
* Caffeine to 3.1.8
* Classindex to 3.13
* Some test dependencies to latest versions

Signed-off-by: Thomas Jäckle <>
(commit: ee7a191)
The file was modified legal/3rd-party-dependencies/test.txt (diff)
The file was modified bom/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified legal/3rd-party-dependencies/runtime.txt (diff)
The file was modified legal/3rd-party-dependencies/compile.txt (diff)
The file was modified legal/ (diff)