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  1. Make the PackageLockFileReader more resilient to workspaces. (commit: 0ab33f5) (details)
  2. Add a configuration option to skip ClearlyDefined (commit: dd3682a) (details)
Commit 0ab33f5df3c514ab0c7e5209396354320f3797d0 by Wayne Beaton
Make the PackageLockFileReader more resilient to workspaces.
(commit: 0ab33f5)
The file was addedcore/src/test/java/test_data_package-lock-v2-2.json
The file was modified core/src/test/java/org/eclipse/dash/licenses/tests/
The file was modified core/src/main/java/org/eclipse/dash/licenses/cli/
Commit dd3682a4f9685f2183efc7cad6747b55b2750588 by Wayne Beaton
Add a configuration option to skip ClearlyDefined

Sometimes, we can't reach ClearlyDefined and we end up hanging while we
wait. By specifying "skip" as the ClearlyDefined URL skips the provider.
(commit: dd3682a)
The file was modified core/src/main/java/org/eclipse/dash/licenses/context/