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  1. Stop production builds for CDT 9.11 (commit: 467d330) (details)
  2. Bug 576533: Update to newer Xcode so that mac on Arm can be targetted (commit: 585d251) (details)
  3. Update images to Dockerfiles from commit 585d251 (commit: b36d5a8) (details)
  4. CDT 10.5.0 (commit: 9a717f9) (details)
  5. Make the cdt-ui gerrit pipeline check documentation builds (commit: fd4046f) (details)
  6. Migrate cdt-gdb-adapter/vscode to cdt-cloud (commit: 5edf4f0) (details)
  7. Upgrade node to version 14 (commit: 3c1682a) (details)
  8. Update images to Dockerfiles from commit 3c1682a (commit: 69e9507) (details)
Commit 467d3301ccc72ba6959b28ef11b7f3c81f74c610 by Jonah Graham
Stop production builds for CDT 9.11

This branch is built to help CDT adopters who can't upgrade to CDT 10
yet, but infra changes at EF means that signing no longer works, hence
it is disabled.
(commit: 467d330)
The file was modified jenkins/pipelines/cdt/cdt-9.11.Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 585d2514ff2457789f1cb26675babd05a66a3d0a by Jonah Graham
Bug 576533: Update to newer Xcode so that mac on Arm can be targetted
(commit: 585d251)
The file was modified docker/ (diff)
The file was modified docker/cdt-infra-build-macos-sdk/ (diff)
The file was modified docker/cdt-infra-build-macos-sdk/ubuntu-18.04/Dockerfile (diff)
Commit b36d5a8d23d5d72519e5ce1c6520d2f574988b15 by Jonah Graham
Update images to Dockerfiles from commit 585d251
(commit: b36d5a8)
The file was modified jenkins/pod-templates/cdt-full-pod-plus-eclipse-install.yaml (diff)
The file was modified jenkins/pod-templates/cdt-full-pod-standard.yaml (diff)
The file was modified jenkins/pod-templates/cdt-full-pod-small.yaml (diff)
The file was modified scripts/ (diff)
The file was addedjenkins/pipelines/cdt/cdt-10.5.Jenkinsfile
The file was modified download/releases/latest/compositeArtifacts.xml (diff)
The file was addeddownload/releases/10.5/compositeArtifacts.xml
The file was addeddownload/releases/10.5/compositeContent.xml
The file was modified download/releases/latest/compositeContent.xml (diff)
Commit fd4046f52135946cb293f19f9eb908fa2d5164b9 by Jonah Graham
Make the cdt-ui gerrit pipeline check documentation builds
(commit: fd4046f)
The file was modified jenkins/pipelines/cdt/verify/cdt-verify-test-cdt-ui-only-pipeline.Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 5edf4f0264e5477b92d264096d7343e7ad7a2e7d by Jonah Graham
Migrate cdt-gdb-adapter/vscode to cdt-cloud
(commit: 5edf4f0)
The file was modified jenkins/pipelines/cdt/npm-builds/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify.Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was addedjenkins/pipelines/cdt/npm-builds/cdt-gdb-adapter-main.Jenkinsfile
The file was addedjenkins/pipelines/cdt/npm-builds/cdt-gdb-vscode-main.Jenkinsfile
The file was removedjenkins/pipelines/cdt/npm-builds/cdt-gdb-adapter-master.Jenkinsfile
The file was removedjenkins/pipelines/cdt/npm-builds/cdt-gdb-vscode-master.Jenkinsfile
The file was modified jenkins/pipelines/cdt/npm-builds/cdt-gdb-vscode-verify.Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 3c1682ad2a753d5c4580945042ec2fd81cd51b33 by Jonah Graham
Upgrade node to version 14

Version 10 is EOL in a few months a numerous dependencies now want
12 or 14
(commit: 3c1682a)
The file was modified docker/cdt-infra-eclipse-full/ubuntu-18.04/Dockerfile (diff)
Commit 69e9507734621fa10641800c5298a0877f89188b by Jonah Graham
Update images to Dockerfiles from commit 3c1682a
(commit: 69e9507)
The file was modified jenkins/pod-templates/cdt-full-pod-plus-eclipse-install.yaml (diff)
The file was modified jenkins/pod-templates/cdt-full-pod-small.yaml (diff)
The file was modified jenkins/pod-templates/cdt-full-pod-standard.yaml (diff)