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Start of Pipeline - (35 sec in block)
node - (35 sec in block)
node block - (16 sec in block)
stage - (0.57 sec in block)Preparation
stage block (Preparation) - (0.55 sec in block)
cleanWs - (0.51 sec in self)
tool - (14 ms in self)apache-maven-latest
tool - (14 ms in self)oracle-jdk8-latest
stage - (15 sec in block)Build
stage block (Build) - (15 sec in block)
sh - (0.49 sec in self)gpg --version
sh - (8 sec in self)JAVA_HOME=/opt/tools/java/oracle/jdk-8/latest /opt/tools/apache-maven/latest/bin/mvn -B -U archetype:generate -DartifactId=my-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
sh - (0.28 sec in self)
withCredentials - (7 sec in block)
withCredentials block - (7 sec in block)
sh - (0.44 sec in self)gpg --batch --import "${KEYRING}"
sh - (0.28 sec in self)for fpr in $(gpg --list-keys --with-colons | awk -F: '/fpr:/ {print $10}' | sort -u); do echo -e "5 y " | gpg --batch --command-fd 0 --expert --edit-key ${fpr} trust; done
sh - (6.3 sec in self)JAVA_HOME=/opt/tools/java/oracle/jdk-8/latest /opt/tools/apache-maven/latest/bin/mvn -B -f my-app/pom.xml clean verify