Skip to content
Start of Pipeline - (4 min 47 sec in block)
libraryResource - (2 ms in self)org/eclipsefdn/container/agent.yml
echo - (37 ms in self)Final resourceContent: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: containertools image: eclipsefdn/containertools:alpine-latest imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi
podTemplate - (4 min 46 sec in block)
podTemplate block - (4 min 46 sec in block)
node - (4 min 46 sec in block)jiro-agents_master_824-36xbj
node block - (4 min 27 sec in block)
stage - (12 sec in block)Declarative: Checkout SCM
stage block (Declarative: Checkout SCM) - (12 sec in block)
checkout - (12 sec in self)
withEnv block - (4 min 14 sec in block)
withEnv - (4 min 14 sec in block)BUILD_DIR, CREDENTIALS_ID, HOME
withEnv block - (4 min 14 sec in block)
timeout - (4 min 14 sec in block)
timeout block - (4 min 14 sec in block)
stage - (1.5 sec in block)Build Agents
stage block (Build Agents) - (1.5 sec in block)
container - (1.5 sec in block)containertools
container block - (1.4 sec in block)
sh - (1.4 sec in self) mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}" jsonnet agents.jsonnet > "${BUILD_DIR}/agents.json"
stage - (4 min 13 sec in block)Build Images
stage block (Build Images) - (4 min 13 sec in block)
script - (4 min 13 sec in block)
script block - (4 min 13 sec in block)
sh - (0.41 sec in self)jq -r '. | keys[]' ./target/agents.json
echo - (1 ms in self)Building jiro-agent spec 'basic'
sh - (0.28 sec in self)mkdir -p ./target/basic
sh - (0.27 sec in self)jq -r '.["basic"]' ./target/agents.json > ./target/basic/agent.json
sh - (0.31 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.dockerfile' ./target/basic/agent.json > ./target/basic/Dockerfile
sh - (0.3 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.registry' ./target/basic/agent.json
sh - (0.28 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.repository' ./target/basic/agent.json
sh - (0.32 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.image' ./target/basic/agent.json
sh - (0.29 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.tag' ./target/basic/agent.json
sh - (0.3 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.context' ./target/basic/agent.json
sh - (0.29 sec in self)jq -r '.variants | keys[]' ./target/basic/agent.json
echo - (2 ms in self)Building jiro-agent 'basic' - variant 3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc
sh - (0.41 sec in self)mkdir -p ./target/basic/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc
sh - (0.33 sec in self)jq -r '.variants["3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc"]' ./target/basic/agent.json > ./target/basic/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/variant.json
sh - (0.36 sec in self)jq -r '.docker.dockerfile' ./target/basic/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/variant.json > ./target/basic/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/Dockerfile
sh - (0.3 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.registry' ./target/basic/agent.json
sh - (0.64 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.repository' ./target/basic/agent.json
sh - (0.49 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.image' ./target/basic/agent.json
sh - (0.4 sec in self)jq -r '.docker.tag' ./target/basic/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/variant.json
sh - (0.8 sec in self)jq -r '.docker.aliases | join(",")' ./target/basic/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/variant.json
echo - (1 ms in self)Building jiro-agent spec 'basic-ubuntu'
sh - (0.39 sec in self)mkdir -p ./target/basic-ubuntu
sh - (0.71 sec in self)jq -r '.["basic-ubuntu"]' ./target/agents.json > ./target/basic-ubuntu/agent.json
sh - (0.44 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.dockerfile' ./target/basic-ubuntu/agent.json > ./target/basic-ubuntu/Dockerfile
sh - (0.3 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.registry' ./target/basic-ubuntu/agent.json
sh - (0.3 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.repository' ./target/basic-ubuntu/agent.json
sh - (0.28 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.image' ./target/basic-ubuntu/agent.json
sh - (0.28 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.tag' ./target/basic-ubuntu/agent.json
sh - (0.36 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.context' ./target/basic-ubuntu/agent.json
sh - (0.28 sec in self)jq -r '.variants | keys[]' ./target/basic-ubuntu/agent.json
echo - (1 ms in self)Building jiro-agent 'basic-ubuntu' - variant 3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc
sh - (0.31 sec in self)mkdir -p ./target/basic-ubuntu/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc
sh - (0.49 sec in self)jq -r '.variants["3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc"]' ./target/basic-ubuntu/agent.json > ./target/basic-ubuntu/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/variant.json
sh - (0.5 sec in self)jq -r '.docker.dockerfile' ./target/basic-ubuntu/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/variant.json > ./target/basic-ubuntu/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/Dockerfile
sh - (0.7 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.registry' ./target/basic-ubuntu/agent.json
sh - (0.5 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.repository' ./target/basic-ubuntu/agent.json
sh - (0.79 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.image' ./target/basic-ubuntu/agent.json
sh - (0.8 sec in self)jq -r '.docker.tag' ./target/basic-ubuntu/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/variant.json
sh - (0.7 sec in self)jq -r '.docker.aliases | join(",")' ./target/basic-ubuntu/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/variant.json
echo - (2 ms in self)Building jiro-agent spec 'centos-7'
sh - (0.49 sec in self)mkdir -p ./target/centos-7
sh - (0.7 sec in self)jq -r '.["centos-7"]' ./target/agents.json > ./target/centos-7/agent.json
sh - (0.69 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.dockerfile' ./target/centos-7/agent.json > ./target/centos-7/Dockerfile
sh - (0.5 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.registry' ./target/centos-7/agent.json
sh - (0.5 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.repository' ./target/centos-7/agent.json
sh - (0.69 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.image' ./target/centos-7/agent.json
sh - (0.7 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.tag' ./target/centos-7/agent.json
sh - (0.7 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.context' ./target/centos-7/agent.json
sh - (0.69 sec in self)jq -r '.variants | keys[]' ./target/centos-7/agent.json
echo - (1 ms in self)Building jiro-agent 'centos-7' - variant 3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc
sh - (0.49 sec in self)mkdir -p ./target/centos-7/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc
sh - (0.69 sec in self)jq -r '.variants["3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc"]' ./target/centos-7/agent.json > ./target/centos-7/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/variant.json
sh - (0.7 sec in self)jq -r '.docker.dockerfile' ./target/centos-7/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/variant.json > ./target/centos-7/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/Dockerfile
sh - (0.69 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.registry' ./target/centos-7/agent.json
sh - (0.7 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.repository' ./target/centos-7/agent.json
sh - (0.7 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.image' ./target/centos-7/agent.json
sh - (0.49 sec in self)jq -r '.docker.tag' ./target/centos-7/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/variant.json
sh - (0.7 sec in self)jq -r '.docker.aliases | join(",")' ./target/centos-7/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/variant.json
echo - (1 ms in self)Building jiro-agent spec 'centos-8'
sh - (0.39 sec in self)mkdir -p ./target/centos-8
sh - (0.4 sec in self)jq -r '.["centos-8"]' ./target/agents.json > ./target/centos-8/agent.json
sh - (0.69 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.dockerfile' ./target/centos-8/agent.json > ./target/centos-8/Dockerfile
sh - (0.4 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.registry' ./target/centos-8/agent.json
sh - (0.39 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.repository' ./target/centos-8/agent.json
sh - (0.7 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.image' ./target/centos-8/agent.json
sh - (0.69 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.tag' ./target/centos-8/agent.json
sh - (0.6 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.context' ./target/centos-8/agent.json
sh - (0.7 sec in self)jq -r '.variants | keys[]' ./target/centos-8/agent.json
echo - (2 ms in self)Building jiro-agent 'centos-8' - variant 3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc
sh - (0.39 sec in self)mkdir -p ./target/centos-8/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc
sh - (0.7 sec in self)jq -r '.variants["3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc"]' ./target/centos-8/agent.json > ./target/centos-8/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/variant.json
sh - (0.7 sec in self)jq -r '.docker.dockerfile' ./target/centos-8/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/variant.json > ./target/centos-8/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/Dockerfile
sh - (0.7 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.registry' ./target/centos-8/agent.json
sh - (0.7 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.repository' ./target/centos-8/agent.json
sh - (0.4 sec in self)jq -r '.spec.docker.image' ./target/centos-8/agent.json
sh - (0.49 sec in self)jq -r '.docker.tag' ./target/centos-8/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/variant.json
sh - (0.4 sec in self)jq -r '.docker.aliases | join(",")' ./target/centos-8/3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc/variant.json
stash - (2.5 sec in self)workspace
parallel - (3 min 35 sec in block)
parallel block (Branch: - (1 ms in block)
echo - (23 ms in self)############ buildImage ############
libraryResource - (2 ms in self)org/eclipsefdn/container/agent.yml
echo - (2 ms in self)Final resourceContent: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: containertools image: eclipsefdn/containertools:alpine-latest imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi
podTemplate - (36 sec in block)apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: containertools image: eclipsefdn/containertools:alpine-latest imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi
podTemplate block - (36 sec in block)
node - (36 sec in block)jiro-agents_master_824-ndzcd
node block - (5.3 sec in block)
container - (5.3 sec in block)containertools
container block - (5.2 sec in block)
unstash - (1.8 sec in self)workspace
withCredentials - (1.4 sec in block)
withCredentials block - (1.4 sec in block)
sh - (1.4 sec in self)#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail [[ "false" == "true" ]] && set -x echo "Access registry "" for "" with user: "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME}"" crane auth login "" --password-stdin --username "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME}" <<<"${DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}"
sh - (1.8 sec in self)
parallel block (Branch: - (13 ms in block)
echo - (26 ms in self)############ buildImage ############
libraryResource - (1 ms in self)org/eclipsefdn/container/agent.yml
echo - (1 ms in self)Final resourceContent: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: containertools image: eclipsefdn/containertools:alpine-latest imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi
podTemplate - (28 sec in block)apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: containertools image: eclipsefdn/containertools:alpine-latest imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi
podTemplate block - (28 sec in block)
node - (27 sec in block)jiro-agents_master_824-sgmfb
node block - (6.9 sec in block)
container - (6.9 sec in block)containertools
container block - (6.9 sec in block)
unstash - (0.64 sec in self)workspace
withCredentials - (1.9 sec in block)
withCredentials block - (1.6 sec in block)
sh - (1.6 sec in self)#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail [[ "false" == "true" ]] && set -x echo "Access registry "" for "" with user: "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME}"" crane auth login "" --password-stdin --username "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME}" <<<"${DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}"
sh - (4.3 sec in self)
parallel block (Branch: - (15 ms in block)
echo - (28 ms in self)############ buildImage ############
libraryResource - (1 ms in self)org/eclipsefdn/container/agent.yml
echo - (2 ms in self)Final resourceContent: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: containertools image: eclipsefdn/containertools:alpine-latest imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi
podTemplate - (1 min 6 sec in block)apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: containertools image: eclipsefdn/containertools:alpine-latest imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi
podTemplate block - (1 min 6 sec in block)
node - (1 min 6 sec in block)jiro-agents_master_824-6m23h
node block - (44 sec in block)
container - (44 sec in block)containertools
container block - (44 sec in block)
unstash - (0.9 sec in self)workspace
withCredentials - (1.2 sec in block)
withCredentials block - (0.72 sec in block)
sh - (0.71 sec in self)#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail [[ "false" == "true" ]] && set -x echo "Access registry "" for "" with user: "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME}"" crane auth login "" --password-stdin --username "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME}" <<<"${DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}"
sh - (42 sec in self)
parallel block (Branch: - (17 ms in block)
echo - (31 ms in self)############ buildImage ############
libraryResource - (1 ms in self)org/eclipsefdn/container/agent.yml
echo - (2 ms in self)Final resourceContent: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: containertools image: eclipsefdn/containertools:alpine-latest imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi
podTemplate - (25 sec in block)apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: containertools image: eclipsefdn/containertools:alpine-latest imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi
podTemplate block - (25 sec in block)
node - (25 sec in block)jiro-agents_master_824-x8x7n
node block - (8.7 sec in block)
container - (8.7 sec in block)containertools
container block - (8.7 sec in block)
unstash - (2.1 sec in self)workspace
withCredentials - (0.84 sec in block)
withCredentials block - (0.82 sec in block)
sh - (0.82 sec in self)#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail [[ "false" == "true" ]] && set -x echo "Access registry "" for "" with user: "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME}"" crane auth login "" --password-stdin --username "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME}" <<<"${DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}"
sh - (5.7 sec in self)
parallel block (Branch: - (20 ms in block)
echo - (33 ms in self)############ buildImage ############
libraryResource - (1 ms in self)org/eclipsefdn/container/agent.yml
echo - (2 ms in self)Final resourceContent: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: containertools image: eclipsefdn/containertools:alpine-latest imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi
podTemplate - (25 sec in block)apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: containertools image: eclipsefdn/containertools:alpine-latest imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi
podTemplate block - (25 sec in block)
node - (25 sec in block)jiro-agents_master_824-t6m6q
node block - (5 sec in block)
container - (5 sec in block)containertools
container block - (5 sec in block)
unstash - (0.5 sec in self)workspace
withCredentials - (2 sec in block)
withCredentials block - (2 sec in block)
sh - (2 sec in self)#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail [[ "false" == "true" ]] && set -x echo "Access registry "" for "" with user: "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME}"" crane auth login "" --password-stdin --username "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME}" <<<"${DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}"
sh - (2.4 sec in self)
parallel block (Branch: - (22 ms in block)
echo - (35 ms in self)############ buildImage ############
libraryResource - (1 ms in self)org/eclipsefdn/container/agent.yml
echo - (2 ms in self)Final resourceContent: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: containertools image: eclipsefdn/containertools:alpine-latest imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi
podTemplate - (28 sec in block)apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: containertools image: eclipsefdn/containertools:alpine-latest imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi
podTemplate block - (28 sec in block)
node - (28 sec in block)jiro-agents_master_824-dphpd
node block - (6.4 sec in block)
container - (5.6 sec in block)containertools
container block - (5.6 sec in block)
unstash - (0.99 sec in self)workspace
withCredentials - (1.4 sec in block)
withCredentials block - (0.83 sec in block)
sh - (0.83 sec in self)#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail [[ "false" == "true" ]] && set -x echo "Access registry "" for "" with user: "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME}"" crane auth login "" --password-stdin --username "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME}" <<<"${DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}"
sh - (3.2 sec in self)
parallel block (Branch: - (1 ms in block)
echo - (38 ms in self)############ buildImage ############
libraryResource - (1 ms in self)org/eclipsefdn/container/agent.yml
echo - (1 ms in self)Final resourceContent: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: containertools image: eclipsefdn/containertools:alpine-latest imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi
podTemplate - (3 min 34 sec in block)apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: containertools image: eclipsefdn/containertools:alpine-latest imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi
podTemplate block - (3 min 34 sec in block)
node - (3 min 34 sec in block)jiro-agents_master_824-jz37t
node block - (3 min 10 sec in block)
container - (3 min 10 sec in block)containertools
container block - (3 min 10 sec in block)
unstash - (0.6 sec in self)workspace
withCredentials - (0.7 sec in block)
withCredentials block - (0.69 sec in block)
sh - (0.69 sec in self)#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail [[ "false" == "true" ]] && set -x echo "Access registry "" for "" with user: "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME}"" crane auth login "" --password-stdin --username "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME}" <<<"${DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}"
sh - (3 min 8 sec in self)
parallel block (Branch: - (28 sec in block)
echo - (40 ms in self)############ buildImage ############
libraryResource - (1 ms in self)org/eclipsefdn/container/agent.yml
echo - (2 ms in self)Final resourceContent: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: containertools image: eclipsefdn/containertools:alpine-latest imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi
podTemplate - (28 sec in block)apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: containertools image: eclipsefdn/containertools:alpine-latest imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi
podTemplate block - (28 sec in block)
node - (28 sec in block)jiro-agents_master_824-xc8zq
node block - (6.4 sec in block)
container - (6.4 sec in block)containertools
container block - (6.4 sec in block)
unstash - (0.9 sec in self)workspace
withCredentials - (1.9 sec in block)
withCredentials block - (1.9 sec in block)
sh - (1.5 sec in self)#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail [[ "false" == "true" ]] && set -x echo "Access registry "" for "" with user: "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME}"" crane auth login "" --password-stdin --username "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME}" <<<"${DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}"
sh - (3.6 sec in self)
stage - (20 ms in block)Declarative: Post Actions
stage block (Declarative: Post Actions) - (17 ms in block)
deleteDir - (11 ms in self)