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#61 (May 5, 2021, 5:08:43 AM)

  1. Adds missing class Entity — Johannes Wendel / detail

#60 (May 5, 2021, 5:08:43 AM)

  1. Adds missing function getKeyElementType to simple::SubmodelElement — Johannes Wendel / detail

#59 (May 5, 2021, 5:08:43 AM)

  1. Implements missing class Range — Johannes Wendel / detail

#58 (May 5, 2021, 5:08:43 AM)

  1. Implements missing class AnnotatedRelationshipElement — Johannes Wendel / detail

#57 (May 5, 2021, 5:08:43 AM)

  1. Adds missing class RelationshipElement — Johannes Wendel / detail

#56 (May 5, 2021, 5:08:43 AM)

  1. Corrects little error in class ReferenceElement — Johannes Wendel / detail

#55 (May 5, 2021, 5:08:43 AM)

  1. Implements missing class DataElement — Johannes Wendel / detail

#54 (Dec 8, 2020, 10:10:52 AM)

  1. Adds "simple" implementation of ControlComponents. — Johannes Wendel / detail

#53 (Nov 25, 2020, 11:28:08 AM)

  1. Implements ControlComponent and appropriate tests. — Johannes Wendel / detail

#52 (Nov 19, 2020, 10:26:37 AM)

  1. Small bugfixes — Thomas Psota / detail

#51 (Nov 19, 2020, 10:05:42 AM)

  1. Small bugfixes — Thomas Psota / detail

#50 (Nov 19, 2020, 7:44:51 AM)

  1. Adds wrapper for easily starting docker components — Daniel Espen / detail
  2. Adds VAB server and client for integration tests — Thomas Psota / detail
  3. Fixes maven wrapper executable — Thomas Psota / detail
  4. Setting up java branch — Thomas Psota / detail
  5. Adds Validation to ModelDescriptor — Ashfaqul Haque / detail
  6. Modified CPP Connector integration test — Thomas Psota / detail
  7. Test commit to trigger CI on Java branch — Thomas Psota / detail
  8. Update — Siwara Schmitt / detail
  9. Fixes SMProvider returning wrong data structure — Frank Schnicke / detail
  10. Fixes vabClient test dependencies — Daniel Espen / detail
  11. Changes CloudEdgeScenario to utilize registry component — Frank Schnicke / detail
  12. Adds graceful shutdown of scenario — Frank Schnicke / detail
  13. Refactors Registry test suite to reflect Asset extension — Frank Schnicke / detail
  14. Harmonizes Registry Interface — Frank Schnicke / detail
  15. Removes jar creation from simple component — Frank Schnicke / detail
  16. Adding PropertyValueType long for large numbers — Alexander Gordt / detail
  17. Fixes typo in AAS modelType — Frank Schnicke / detail
  18. Changing 'constraints' in Qualifiable to 'qualifiers' to align code with json schema of spec and c#-sdk — Thomas Psota / detail
  19. docker-compose with postgres suitable for tests — Thomas Psota / detail
  20. Qualifiable.qualifiers — Thomas Psota / detail
  21. Temporary workaround to deserialize properties with valueType long — Alexander Gordt / detail
  22. Implemented AasEnv structure as VABModelMap. — Alexander Gordt / detail
  23. Fixes SubmodelElement classification for maps — Daniel Espen / detail
  24. Adds MongoDB AAS Server component — Daniel Espen / detail
  25. Adds getLocalCopy method — Frank Schnicke / detail
  26. Adds missing "/aasList" prefix for AggregatorProxy — Frank Schnicke / detail
  27. Fixes AASAggregatorProxy not encoding Ids — Frank Schnicke / detail
  28. Adds getLocalCopy for ConnectedAAS — Frank Schnicke / detail
  29. Cleanup of ConnectedSubModel — Alexander Gordt / detail
  30. Enhancing exception handling of HTTPConnector — Alexander Gordt / detail
  31. Reintroduces reference test for property addition — Frank Schnicke / detail
  32. Fixes cast in SubmodelElementCollection — Daniel Espen / detail
  33. Fixes file endpoints in AASXComponent — Daniel Espen / detail
  34. Refactoring MultiAASProvider to throw correct Exceptions — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  35. Add aas server test to tck — Zai Müller-Zhang / detail
  36. Adds AASBundleIntegrator — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  37. Refactors AASRegistry.register to throw correct Exception — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  38. Changed strings in classes to string-constants — Johannes Wendel / detail
  39. Calls remote server for submodels not found in VABMultiSubmodelProvider — Ashfaqul Haque / detail
  40. Adds StaticDynamicScenario — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  41. Fixes component configuration loading — Daniel Espen / detail
  42. Adds configurable registry component with multiple backends — Daniel Espen / detail
  43. Removes warnings from SDK — Frank Schnicke / detail
  44. Updates ControlComponent to new specification — Frank Schnicke / detail
  45. Adds SubmodelMapConverter — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  46. Adds JSON factory for (de)serialization — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  47. Adds missing IHasSemantics to SMDescriptor — Frank Schnicke / detail
  48. Fixes wrong image name — Frank Schnicke / detail
  49. Adds small fixes & QoL changes — Frank Schnicke / detail
  50. Throws Exception instead of returning null in MultiAASProvider — Ashfaqul Haque / detail
  51. Fixes docker component configuration — Daniel Espen / detail
  52. Refactors SubmodelProvider to comply with new API — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  53. Refactors examples to use components — Frank Schnicke / detail
  54. Moves obsolete code from components to sandbox — Frank Schnicke / detail
  55. Adds xsd-type support and appropriate types. — Johannes Wendel / detail
  56. Adds Constructor accepting Mandatory attributes in* classes — Ashfaqul Haque / detail
  57. Changes smElemCollection to use a Map internally — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  58. Refactors IRange, IProperty to use PropertyValueTypeDef — Frank Schnicke / detail
  59. Refactors PropertyXMLConverter to support valueId — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  60. Replaces concrete types with Interfaces in constructors — Frank Schnicke / detail
  61. Refactors PropertyProvider to not use value wrapper — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  62. Removes old /properties & /operations path — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  63. Updates AASAggregator REST API — Frank Schnicke / detail
  64. Fixing Qualifier issues — Frank Schnicke / detail
  65. Enhancing error logs to easier identify failing endpoint. — Frank Schnicke / detail
  66. Fixing encoding issue of utf-8 strings in http communication — Frank Schnicke / detail
  67. Changes VABPathTools.isOperationInvokationPath to accept "operations" — Frank Schnicke / detail
  68. Fixes Typo in test name — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  69. Adds getValue and setValue to ISubmodelElement — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  70. Adds MultiSubmodelElementProvider — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  71. Fixes Exception handling in SubmodelElementProvider — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  72. Adds /values to SubModelProvider — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  73. Refactors CollectionProvider to handle /value correctly — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  74. Add complete AAS value types to the SDK — Zai Müller-Zhang / detail
  75. Adds TestOperationSuite — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  76. Adds async Invocations — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  77. Adds capability to delete/retrieve SubmodelElements by idShort — Ashfaqul Haque / detail
  78. Replaces usage of deprecated calls — Frank Schnicke / detail
  79. Introduces TestSubmodelSuite — Frank Schnicke / detail
  80. Adds small fixes & QoL changes — Frank Schnicke / detail
  81. Simplifies MultiSubmodelProvider API — Frank Schnicke / detail
  82. Changes MultiSubmodelProvider REST API — Frank Schnicke / detail
  83. Harmonizes URL handling in ConnectedAASManager — Frank Schnicke / detail
  84. Adds serialization support for BigInteger — Frank Schnicke / detail
  85. Adds single, configurable AASServer component — Daniel Espen / detail
  86. Removes redundant method from ISubmodelAPI — Daniel Espen / detail
  87. Harmonizes AASAggregatorProxy path usage — Frank Schnicke / detail
  88. Fixes MultiSubmodelProvider all submodel retrieval — Frank Schnicke / detail
  89. Adds AASAggregator constructor accepting registry — Frank Schnicke / detail
  90. Removes ConnectedAASManager reference from ConnectedAAS — Frank Schnicke / detail
  91. Changes AASAggregatorProxy to return ConnectedAAS — Frank Schnicke / detail
  92. Fixes Asset not setting its Kind — Frank Schnicke / detail
  93. Adds deleteSubModel in ConnectedAASManager/ConnectedAAS — Frank Schnicke / detail
  94. Adds deleteAAS to ConnectedAASManager — Frank Schnicke / detail
  95. Rewrites & Renames TestAASAggregatorProvider — Frank Schnicke / detail
  96. Fixes testcase referencing wrong Operation — Frank Schnicke / detail
  97. Adds getSubmodel to IAAS and implementations — Frank Schnicke / detail
  98. Marks createAAS(AAS, Identifier, endpoint) as deprecated — Frank Schnicke / detail
  99. Updates version to 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT — Frank Schnicke / detail
  100. Adds possibility to overwrite registry for AASServer — Daniel Espen / detail
  101. Fixes AAS server sources loading from files — Daniel Espen / detail
  102. Fixes retrieveSubModel in ConnectedAASManager — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  103. Deletes old Snippets from Examples — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  104. Adds new Snippets to Examples — Maximilian Conradi / detail
  105. Fixed include of non-standard header file — Thomas Psota / detail

#49 (Nov 9, 2020, 5:47:50 AM)

  1. Adds ControlComponent interfaces and enums — Johannes Wendel / detail

#48 (Nov 9, 2020, 5:47:35 AM)

  1. Adds constants for control components — Johannes Wendel / detail

#47 (Nov 9, 2020, 5:33:59 AM)

  1. Adds constants for control components — Johannes Wendel / detail

#46 (Nov 9, 2020, 5:31:14 AM)

  1. Adds ControlComponent interfaces and enums — Johannes Wendel / detail

#45 (Nov 9, 2020, 5:31:14 AM)

  1. Extends enum-generator tool to handle controlcomponent enums. — Johannes Wendel / detail

#44 (Nov 9, 2020, 5:27:54 AM)

  1. Adds constants for control components — Johannes Wendel / detail

#43 (Nov 9, 2020, 5:21:39 AM)

  1. Adds constants for control components — Johannes Wendel / detail

#42 (Oct 27, 2020, 6:30:45 AM)

  1. Adds missing handling of valueId for class Property — Thomas Psota / detail

#41 (Oct 27, 2020, 5:24:45 AM)

  1. Adds missing handling of valueId for class Property — Thomas Psota / detail

#40 (Oct 27, 2020, 5:00:05 AM)

  1. Adds missing handling of valueId for class Property — Thomas Psota / detail

#39 (Oct 23, 2020, 5:28:53 PM)

  1. Adds missing handling of valueId for class Property — Thomas Psota / detail

#38 (Sep 7, 2020, 11:00:09 AM)

  1. Deprecated old metamodel interfaces and implementations — Thomas Psota / detail

#37 (Sep 7, 2020, 10:55:34 AM)

  1. map::Operation invokable now accessible through VAB — Thomas Psota / detail

#36 (Sep 7, 2020, 10:29:04 AM)

  1. Reformatted code — Thomas Psota / detail

#35 (Sep 7, 2020, 10:29:04 AM)

  1. Fixed compile warnings — Thomas Psota / detail

#34 (Sep 7, 2020, 10:29:04 AM)

  1. Deprecated old metamodel interfaces and implementations — Thomas Psota / detail

#33 (Sep 7, 2020, 10:29:04 AM)

  1. Changed path of Qualifiable to 'qualifiers' — Thomas Psota / detail

#32 (Sep 7, 2020, 10:29:04 AM)

  1. map::Operation invokable now accessible through VAB — Thomas Psota / detail

#31 (Sep 7, 2020, 10:29:04 AM)

  1. Fixed serialization of SubModels in AAS — Thomas Psota / detail

#30 (Aug 18, 2020, 8:38:36 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#29 (Aug 18, 2020, 8:27:31 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#28 (Aug 18, 2020, 8:19:26 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#27 (Aug 18, 2020, 8:15:01 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#26 (Aug 18, 2020, 8:07:46 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#25 (Aug 18, 2020, 8:06:06 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#24 (Aug 18, 2020, 7:59:51 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#23 (Aug 18, 2020, 7:58:31 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#22 (Aug 18, 2020, 7:45:41 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#21 (Aug 18, 2020, 7:38:36 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#20 (Aug 18, 2020, 7:30:11 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#19 (Aug 18, 2020, 7:25:46 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#18 (Aug 18, 2020, 6:22:26 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#17 (Aug 18, 2020, 6:18:11 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#16 (Aug 18, 2020, 6:15:31 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#15 (Aug 18, 2020, 6:11:35 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#14 (Aug 18, 2020, 6:08:15 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#13 (Aug 18, 2020, 6:01:05 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#12 (Aug 18, 2020, 5:53:10 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#11 (Aug 18, 2020, 5:38:20 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#10 (Aug 18, 2020, 5:32:45 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#9 (Aug 18, 2020, 5:25:50 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#8 (Aug 18, 2020, 5:25:25 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#7 (Aug 18, 2020, 5:08:50 AM)

  1. Test commit to check printing of warning messages in CI pipeline — Thomas Psota / detail

#6 (Aug 17, 2020, 11:36:02 AM)

  1. Adjusted VAB communication to Java side — Thomas Psota / detail

#5 (Aug 17, 2020, 10:51:37 AM)

  1. Added custom model provider for VAB integration tests, made VABModelProvider internals accessible for sub-classes — Thomas Psota / detail

#4 (Aug 10, 2020, 11:09:49 AM)

  1. Added Jenkinsfile for continuous integration on C++ branch — Thomas Psota / detail

#3 (Aug 10, 2020, 11:02:49 AM)

  1. Added Jenkinsfile for continuous integration on C++ branch — Thomas Psota / detail

#2 (Aug 10, 2020, 10:56:59 AM)

  1. Added Jenkinsfile for continuous integration on C++ branch — Thomas Psota / detail