Class ProductClassificationItem

    • Constructor Detail

      • ProductClassificationItem

        public ProductClassificationItem​(String idShort,
                                         Property productClassificationSystem,
                                         Property productClassId)
        Constructor with mandatory attributes
        idShort -
        productClassificationSystem -
        productClassId -
      • ProductClassificationItem

        public ProductClassificationItem​(String idShort,
                                         String productClassificationSystem,
                                         String productClassId)
        Constructor with mandatory attributes
        idShort -
        productClassificationSystem -
        productClassId -
    • Method Detail

      • createAsFacade

        public static ProductClassificationItem createAsFacade​(Map<String,​Object> obj)
        Creates a ProductClassificationItem SMC object from a map
        obj - a ProductClassificationItem SMC object as raw map
        a ProductClassificationItem SMC object, that behaves like a facade for the given map
      • isValid

        public static boolean isValid​(Map<String,​Object> obj)
        Check whether all mandatory elements for ProdictClassificationSystem SMC exist in the map
        obj -
      • setProductClassificationSystem

        public void setProductClassificationSystem​(Property system)
        Sets common name of the classification system. Note: Examples for common names for classification systems are "ECLASS" or "IEC CDD".
        system -
      • setProductClassificationSystem

        public void setProductClassificationSystem​(String system)
        Sets common name of the classification system. Note: Examples for common names for classification systems are "ECLASS" or "IEC CDD".
        system -
      • getProductClassificationSystem

        public IProperty getProductClassificationSystem()
        Gets common name of the classification system. Note: Examples for common names for classification systems are "ECLASS" or "IEC CDD".
      • setClassificationSystemVersion

        public void setClassificationSystemVersion​(Property version)
        Sets common version identifier of the used classification system, in order to distinguish different version of the property dictionary. Note: Casing is to be ignored.
        version -
      • setClassificationSystemVersion

        public void setClassificationSystemVersion​(String version)
        Sets common version identifier of the used classification system, in order to distinguish different version of the property dictionary. Note: Casing is to be ignored.
        version -
      • getClassificationSystemVersion

        public IProperty getClassificationSystemVersion()
        Gets common version identifier of the used classification system, in order to distinguish different version of the property dictionary. Note: Casing is to be ignored.
      • setProductClassId

        public void setProductClassId​(Property id)
        Sets class of the associated product or industrial equipment in the classification system. According to the notation of the system. Note: Ideally, the Property/valueId is used to reference the IRI/ IRDI of the product class.
        id -
      • setProductClassId

        public void setProductClassId​(String id)
        Sets class of the associated product or industrial equipment in the classification system. According to the notation of the system. Note: Ideally, the Property/valueId is used to reference the IRI/ IRDI of the product class.
        id -
      • getProductClassId

        public IProperty getProductClassId()
        Gets class of the associated product or industrial equipment in the classification system. According to the notation of the system. Note: Ideally, the Property/valueId is used to reference the IRI/ IRDI of the product class.