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Polling Log

This page captures the polling log that triggered this build.

Started on Nov 8, 2023, 12:22:00 AM
Using strategy: Default
[poll] Last Built Revision: Revision 7b2da45e8060cbdedaac7c61a832863fc74c1f74 (refs/remotes/origin/master)
The recommended git tool is: NONE
using credential github-bot-ssh
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.42.0'
using GIT_SSH to set credentials GitHub bot (SSH)
[INFO] Currently running in a labeled security context
 > /usr/bin/chcon --type=ssh_home_t /tmp/jenkins-gitclient-ssh16309578457201293231.key
Verifying host key using manually-configured host key entries
 > git ls-remote -h -- # timeout=10
Found 7 remote heads on
[poll] Latest remote head revision on refs/heads/master is: 76fde654a8de98df813ad53396d90c37f0c50977
Done. Took 0.63 sec
Changes found