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org.eclipse.acute.SWTBotTests.dotnettest.TestConfiguration.testSelectTestMethod (from org.eclipse.acute.SWTBotTests.AllTests)

Failing for the past 2 builds (Since Unstable #76 )
Took 10 sec.

Error Message

Could not find menu bar for shell: Shell with text {Export .NET Core Project}


org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.exceptions.WidgetNotFoundException: Could not find menu bar for shell: Shell with text {Export .NET Core Project}
	at org.eclipse.acute.SWTBotTests.dotnettest.TestConfiguration.setup(
Caused by: org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.TimeoutException: Timeout after: 5000 ms.: Could not find menu bar for shell: Shell with text {Export .NET Core Project}
	at org.eclipse.acute.SWTBotTests.dotnettest.TestConfiguration.setup(