Eclipse CI
This is a list of all Jenkins instances that are hosted at the Eclipse Foundation as part of the CBI project.
You can find more information about our Jenkins setup on our Jenkins wiki page.
Project name | JIPP name | Status |
adoptium.emt4j | emt4j | | | mc | |
automotive | automotive | |
automotive.app4mc | app4mc | |
automotive.bluechi | bluechi | |
automotive.ecal | ecal | |
automotive.mdmbl | mdmbl | |
automotive.mosaic | mosaic | |
automotive.openpass | openpass | |
automotive.scm | scm | |
automotive.sphinx | sphinx | |
automotive.sumo | sumo | |
automotive.tractusx | tractusx | |
dt.aas4j | aas4j | |
dt.basyx | basyx | |
dt.esmf | esmf | |
ecd.che | che | |
ecd.che.che4z | che4z | |
ecd.emfcloud | emfcloud | |
ecd.glsp | glsp | |
ecd.jkube | jkube | |
ecd.sprotty | sprotty | |
ecd.theia | theia | |
eclipse.equinox | equinox | |
eclipse.jdt | jdt | | | ls | |
eclipse.pde | pde | |
eclipse.platform | platform | |
eclipse.platform.releng | releng | |
ee4j | ee4j | |
ee4j.angus | angus | | | ca | |
ee4j.cdi | cdi | | | cu | | | data | |
ee4j.eclipselink | eclipselink | |
ee4j.ejb | ejb | |
ee4j.el | el | |
ee4j.epicyro | epicyro | |
ee4j.exousia | exousia | |
ee4j.expressly | expressly | |
ee4j.faces | faces | |
ee4j.glassfish | glassfish | |
ee4j.grizzly | grizzly | |
ee4j.interceptors | interceptors | |
ee4j.jaf | jaf | |
ee4j.jakartaconfig | jakartaconfig | |
ee4j.jakartaee-platform | jakartaee-platform | |
ee4j.jakartaee-stable | jakartaee-stable | |
ee4j.jakartaee-tck | jakartaee-tck | |
ee4j.jaxb | jaxb | |
ee4j.jaxb-impl | jaxb-impl | |
ee4j.jaxws | jaxws | |
ee4j.jca | jca | |
ee4j.jersey | jersey | |
ee4j.jpa | jpa | |
ee4j.jsonb | jsonb | |
ee4j.jsonp | jsonp | |
ee4j.jsp | jsp | |
ee4j.jstl | jstl | |
ee4j.jta | jta | |
ee4j.krazo | krazo | |
ee4j.mail | ||
ee4j.messaging | messaging | |
ee4j.metro | metro | |
ee4j.mojarra | mojarra | |
ee4j.mvc | mvc | |
ee4j.nosql | nosql | |
ee4j.openmq | openmq | |
ee4j.orb | orb | |
ee4j.parsson | parsson | | | rest | | | security | |
ee4j.servlet | servlet | |
ee4j.soteria | soteria | |
ee4j.starter | starter | |
ee4j.tyrus | tyrus | |
ee4j.validation | validation | |
ee4j.wasp | wasp | |
ee4j.websocket | websocket | |
ee4j.yasson | yasson | |
iot.4diac | 4diac | |
iot.amlen | amlen | |
iot.californium | californium | |
iot.ditto | ditto | |
iot.embed-cdt | embed-cdt | |
iot.hawkbit | hawkbit | |
iot.hono | hono | |
iot.kapua | kapua | |
iot.keyple | keyple | |
iot.keypop | keypop | |
iot.kiso-testing | kiso-testing | |
iot.kura | kura | |
iot.leshan | leshan | |
iot.milo | milo | |
iot.packages | packages | |
iot.sparkplug | sparkplug | |
iot.tahu | tahu | |
iot.tinydtls | tinydtls | |
iot.zenoh | zenoh | |
locationtech.geomesa | geomesa | |
locationtech.geotrellis | geotrellis | |
locationtech.jts | jts | |
locationtech.proj4j | proj4j | |
locationtech.spatial4j | spatial4j | |
modeling.acceleo | acceleo | |
modeling.amalgam | amalgam | |
modeling.capra | capra | |
modeling.ecoretools | ecoretools | |
modeling.ecp | ecp | |
modeling.edapt | edapt | |
modeling.eef | eef | |
modeling.elk | elk | |
modeling.emf | emf | |
modeling.emf.cdo | cdo | |
modeling.emfcompare | emfcompare | |
modeling.emf.diffmerge | diffmerge | |
modeling.emf.egf | egf | |
modeling.emf.mwe | mwe | |
modeling.emf-parsley | emf-parsley | |
modeling.emfservices | emfservices | |
modeling.emfstore | emfstore | |
modeling.emft.emfatic | emfatic | |
modeling.emft.henshin | henshin | |
modeling.epsilon | epsilon | |
modeling.gemoc | gemoc | |
modeling.gendoc | gendoc | |
modeling.gmf-runtime | gmf-runtime | |
modeling.graphiti | graphiti | |
modeling.hawk | hawk | |
modeling.mdht | mdht | |
modeling.mdt.etrice | etrice | |
modeling.mdt.ocl | ocl | |
modeling.mdt.papyrus | papyrus | |
modeling.mdt.uml2 | uml2 | |
modeling.mmt.atl | atl | |
modeling.mmt.qvtd | qvtd | |
modeling.mmt.qvt-oml | qvt-oml | |
modeling.modisco | modisco | |
modeling.sirius | sirius | |
modeling.tmf.xtext | xtext | |
modeling.viatra | viatra | |
modeling.xpect | xpect | |
modeling.xsemantics | xsemantics | |
polarsys.capella | capella | |
polarsys.chess | chess | |
polarsys.esf | esf | |
polarsys.kitalpha | kitalpha | |
polarsys.opencert | opencert | |
rt.ecf | ecf | |
rt.gemini | gemini | |
rt.jetty | jetty | |
rt.rap | rap | |
rt.virgo | virgo | |
science.chemclipse | chemclipse | | | ice | |
science.statet | statet | |
science.swtchart | swtchart | |
science.texlipse | texlipse | |
technology.babel | babel | |
technology.birt | birt | |
technology.cbi | cbi | |
technology.cognicrypt | cognicrypt | |
technology.collections | collections | |
technology.comma | comma | |
technology.dash | dash | |
technology.dltk | dltk | |
technology.ease | ease | |
technology.eclemma | eclemma | |
technology.edc | edc | |
technology.efbt | efbt | |
technology.efxclipse | efxclipse | |
technology.egit | egit | |
technology.escet | escet | |
technology.handly | handly | |
technology.jgit | jgit | |
technology.jnosql | jnosql | |
technology.justj | justj | |
technology.lemminx | lemminx | |
technology.lsat | lsat | |
technology.lsp4e | lsp4e | |
technology.lsp4j | lsp4j | |
technology.lsp4jakarta | lsp4jakarta | |
technology.lsp4mp | lsp4mp | |
technology.lyo | lyo | |
technology.m2e | m2e | |
technology.microprofile | microprofile | |
technology.nebula | nebula | |
technology.nebula.nattable | nattable | |
technology.omr | omr | |
technology.osee | osee | |
technology.osgi-technology | osgi-technology | |
technology.packager | packager | |
technology.packaging | packaging | |
technology.packaging.mpc | mpc | |
technology.passage | passage | |
technology.rcptt | rcptt | |
technology.rdf4j | rdf4j | |
technology.repairnator | repairnator | |
technology.scout | scout | |
technology.sensinact | sensinact | |
technology.set | set | |
technology.simrel | simrel | |
technology.steady | steady | |
technology.subversive | subversive | |
technology.sw360 | sw360 | |
technology.swtbot | swtbot | |
technology.tea | tea | |
technology.tm4e | tm4e | |
technology.trace4cps | trace4cps | |
technology.tycho | tycho | |
technology.uomo | uomo | |
technology.usssdk | usssdk | |
technology.xwt | xwt | |
tools.acute | acute | |
tools.aspectj | aspectj | |
tools.buildship | buildship | |
tools.cdt | cdt | |
tools.corrosion | corrosion | |
tools.datatools | datatools | |
tools.gef | gef | |
tools.linuxtools | linuxtools | |
tools.mat | mat | |
tools.mylyn | mylyn | |
tools.objectteams | objectteams | |
tools.oomph | oomph | |
tools.orbit | orbit | |
tools.pdt | pdt | |
tools.shellwax | shellwax | |
tools.tcf | tcf | | | tm | |
tools.tracecompass | tracecompass | |
tools.wildwebdeveloper | wildwebdeveloper | |
tools.windowbuilder | windowbuilder | |
webtools | webtools |