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Scan Organization Log

Started by timer
[Thu Apr 25 09:58:07 EDT 2024] Starting organization scan...
[Thu Apr 25 09:58:07 EDT 2024] Updating actions...
Looking up details of josephca...
Organization URL: Joseph Kim
[Thu Apr 25 09:58:08 EDT 2024] Consulting GitHub Organization
09:58:08 Connecting to with no credentials, anonymous access
Connecting to with no credentials, anonymous access
Looking up repositories of user josephca

Ignoring a-sample-plugin-repo
Ignoring api
Ignoring backstage
Ignoring backstage-plugins
Ignoring backstage-showcase
Ignoring console
Ignoring cypress-example-kitchensink
Ignoring integration-tests
Ignoring my-kube
Ignoring my-kubernetes-component
Ignoring odo
Ignoring pipelines-tutorial
Ignoring pipelines-vote-api
Ignoring pipelines-vote-ui
Ignoring plugin-test
Ignoring registry
Ignoring registry-operator
Ignoring release
Ignoring showcase-e2e
Ignoring software-templates
Ignoring test-showcase
Ignoring testcode
Ignoring testcodecov
Ignoring vanilla-backstage-releases
09:58:09 0 repositories were processed
[Thu Apr 25 09:58:09 EDT 2024] Finished organization scan. Scan took 1.1 sec
Finished: SUCCESS