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Started 6 yr 7 mo ago
Took 3 min 58 sec

#30 (Sep 20, 2017, 9:35:04 AM)

  1. [518434] Added tricky join tests with model manipulation (details)
  2. [518585] Provide a transformation manager view for CPS (details)
  3. [518791] add Eclipse Collections to Target (details)
  4. [519174] CPS model generator constraints moved from test project (details)
  5. [519174] Provide a wizard for CPS model generators (details)
  6. [519174] RandomUtils.randIntOneToMax does not fail on low max value (details)
  7. [518585] CPS transformation wrappers moved from test project (details)
  8. [518585] Add error dialog to CPS transformation view (details)
  9. [519465] Bump versions to VIATRA 1.7 in Oomph setup (details)
  10. [519464] Add product for CPS Application (details)
  11. [518356] A test case to illustrate the count doubling in VIATRA Base (details)
  12. [CPS] minor fixes in deployment change monitor (details)
  13. [519542] Fix dependency of transformationdebugger project (details)
  14. [519543] Add name for transformations to make debugging easier (details)
  15. [519597] Add debugger support to CPS Application (details)
  16. [519627] Adds DRED tests (details)
  17. [519174] Add option to enter random seed for CPS Generator wizard (details)
  18. [519627] Added DRED instance models to build properties (details)
  19. [520093] Merging framework test projects (details)
  20. [520214] set containment proxy to true in cps model (details)
  21. [520194] Added a test case for transitive closure (details)
  22. [520359] Multi-resource reference tests added. (details)
  23. [cps] Manifest files changed after VIATRA code generator (details)
  24. [cps] clean up transformation types (details)
  25. [cps] updated Oomph setup (details)
  26. [520318] Added an additional test case for reference handling (details)
  27. [520878] Provided tests to reproduce bug (details)
  28. [521590] Test update (details)
  29. [519464] Adding viewers and validation to the CPS demonstrator (details)
  30. [519464] Update target platform to use released GEF 5 (details)
  31. [519464] Better display of CPS Views (details)
  32. [521757] Added shared license to the CPS features (details)
  33. [521757] Added shared license to the CPS features - 2nd try (details)
  34. Fixing Xtend != warnings for null comparison (details)
  35. [469149] Updated transformation type configuration for generic LS (details)
  36. [519464] Adding application feature to CPS demonstrator (details)
  37. [469149] Added specialized cost function for generic local search (details)

Started by user Zoltan Ujhelyi

Revision: 946151d3ca9189fb0f322c26f78209c95589008f
  • origin/master