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  1. [552027] Fixes an NPE wrt AttributeMonitor initialization (details)
Commit 688395c973d02242fbd0c78b0cb87bb631a66979 by Zoltan Ujhelyi
[552027] Fixes an NPE wrt AttributeMonitor initialization
An incorrect ordering of Attribute Monitor initialization in
ViatraQueryEventHandler resulted in NullPointerExceptions during EVM
rule initialization, if the given rule had an UPDATE job added
(requiring the initialization of Attribute Monitors) and the
corresponding query specification had at least a single match during
rule initialization.
This change reverts the old initialization ordering and provides test
cases to show the problematic points of the code.
Change-Id: I9f296c09370be4dc00da39f532a648277ff14b67 Signed-off-by:
Zoltan Ujhelyi <>
The file was modified transformation/tests/org.eclipse.viatra.transformation.evm.tests/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
The file was addedtransformation/tests/org.eclipse.viatra.transformation.evm.tests/test/org/eclipse/viatra/transformation/evm/test/
The file was modified transformation/plugins/org.eclipse.viatra.transformation.evm/src/org/eclipse/viatra/transformation/evm/specific/event/