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Failing for the past 1 build (Since Failed #168 )
Took 2.5 sec.

Error Message

expected:<80> but was:<180>


java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<80> but was:<180>
	at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals(
	at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
	at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
	at org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.swtbot.tests.views.TimeGraphViewTest.testZoomToSelection(
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
	at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
	at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
	at org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.junit.internal.CapturingFrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
	at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(
	at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(
	at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(
	at org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.junit.SWTBotJunit4ClassRunner.runChild(
	at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
	at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(
	at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(
	at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.execute(
	at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeWithRerun(
	at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeTestSet(
	at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.invoke(
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
	at org.apache.maven.surefire.util.ReflectionUtils.invokeMethodWithArray2(
	at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ProviderFactory$ProviderProxy.invoke(
	at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ProviderFactory.invokeProvider(
	at org.eclipse.tycho.surefire.osgibooter.AbstractUITestApplication.runTests(
	at org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.swt.E4Testable.lambda$0(

Standard Output

DEBUG - matched ViewReference with text "", using matcher: with id '"org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.swtbot.tests.views.timegraph.stub"'
DEBUG - matched TimeGraphControl with text "", using matcher: of type 'TimeGraphControl'
DEBUG - number of items : 17
DEBUG - Clicking on ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseEnter [6]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755062 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseMove [5]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755062 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event Activate [26]: ShellEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755062 data=null doit=true} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseDown [3]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755063 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseUp [4]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755063 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event Selection [13]: SelectionEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755063 data=null item=null detail=0 x=0 y=0 width=0 height=0 stateMask=0x0 text=null doit=true} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseHover [32]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755068 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseMove [5]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755068 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseExit [7]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755068 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event Deactivate [27]: ShellEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755068 data=null doit=true} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event FocusOut [16]: FocusEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755068 data=null} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Clicked on ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - number of items : 17
DEBUG - Clicking on ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseEnter [6]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755589 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseMove [5]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755590 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event Activate [26]: ShellEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755590 data=null doit=true} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseDown [3]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755590 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseUp [4]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755590 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event Selection [13]: SelectionEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755590 data=null item=null detail=0 x=0 y=0 width=0 height=0 stateMask=0x0 text=null doit=true} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseHover [32]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755595 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseMove [5]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755595 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseExit [7]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755596 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event Deactivate [27]: ShellEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755596 data=null doit=true} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Sent event FocusOut [16]: FocusEvent{ToolItem {} time=360755596 data=null} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Clicked on ToolItem with tooltip text {Reset the Time Scale to Default}
DEBUG - Attempting to set focus on TimeGraphControl with text {}
DEBUG - Capturing screenshot 'screenshots/testZoomToSelection(org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.swtbot.tests.views.TimeGraphViewTest).jpeg'
DEBUG - number of items : 17
DEBUG - Clicking on ToolItem with tooltip text {Show Legend}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseEnter [6]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360756578 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Show Legend}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseMove [5]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360756578 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Show Legend}
DEBUG - Sent event Activate [26]: ShellEvent{ToolItem {} time=360756578 data=null doit=true} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Show Legend}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseDown [3]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360756579 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Show Legend}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseUp [4]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360756579 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Show Legend}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseHover [32]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360756693 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Show Legend}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseMove [5]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360756694 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Show Legend}
DEBUG - Sent event MouseExit [7]: MouseEvent{ToolItem {} time=360756733 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Show Legend}
DEBUG - Sent event Deactivate [27]: ShellEvent{ToolItem {} time=360756734 data=null doit=true} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Show Legend}
DEBUG - Sent event FocusOut [16]: FocusEvent{ToolItem {} time=360756734 data=null} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Show Legend}
DEBUG - Clicked on ToolItem with tooltip text {Show Legend}
DEBUG - matched Shell with text "Legend", using matcher: with text 'Legend'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: of type 'Button'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: with mnemonic 'OK'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: with style 'SWT.PUSH'
DEBUG - matched Button with text "OK", using matcher: (of type 'Button' and with mnemonic 'OK' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - Clicking on OK
DEBUG - Sent event MouseEnter [6]: MouseEvent{Button {OK} time=360756761 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to (of type 'Button' and with mnemonic 'OK' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - Sent event MouseMove [5]: MouseEvent{Button {OK} time=360756761 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to (of type 'Button' and with mnemonic 'OK' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - Sent event Activate [26]: ShellEvent{Button {OK} time=360756761 data=null doit=true} to (of type 'Button' and with mnemonic 'OK' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - Sent event FocusIn [15]: FocusEvent{Button {OK} time=360756761 data=null} to (of type 'Button' and with mnemonic 'OK' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - Sent event MouseDown [3]: MouseEvent{Button {OK} time=360756761 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to (of type 'Button' and with mnemonic 'OK' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - Sent event MouseUp [4]: MouseEvent{Button {OK} time=360756761 data=null button=0 stateMask=0x0 x=0 y=0 count=0} to (of type 'Button' and with mnemonic 'OK' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - Sent event Selection [13]: SelectionEvent{Button {OK} time=360756761 data=null item=null detail=0 x=0 y=0 width=0 height=0 stateMask=0x0 text=null doit=true} to (of type 'Button' and with mnemonic 'OK' and with style 'SWT.PUSH')
DEBUG - Sent event Selection [13]: SelectionEvent{ToolItem {} time=360756579 data=null item=null detail=0 x=0 y=0 width=0 height=0 stateMask=0x0 text=null doit=true} to ToolItem with tooltip text {Show Legend}
DEBUG - Clicked on