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Started 1 mo 22 days ago
Took 6 min 7 sec

Build #17 (Jul 17, 2024, 4:16:13 AM)

Build Artifacts
3rdparty/target/mvn-build.properties561 B view
statet-repository-E202406-incubation-4.10.0-202407170819.zip23.00 MiB view
_releng/target/mvn-build.properties561 B view
statet-rhelpserver-incubation-4.10.0-202407170819.zip32.09 MiB view
statet-consoleserver-incubation-4.10.0-202407170819.tar.gz714.26 KiB view
  1. [Releng] Update to Maven 3.8.6 (details)
  2. [R-Help] Fix order of R environments in R Help view (details)
  3. [R-Help] Tweak HTML processing (details)
  4. [R-Help] Adapt to R help pages of R 4.2 (details)
  5. CleanUp (details)
  6. [R-Help] Tweak help HTTP servlet (details)
  7. [ToolService] Add ConsoleService to jcommons.ts (details)
  8. [R-Help] Add link to run examples of an help page (details)
  9. [RService] Add option to enable verbose mode for R engine in integration (details)
  10. [RService] Add test for char encoding of file name (details)
  11. [R-Console] Add support for optional UTF-8 specific Java executable to (details)
  12. [Releng] Improve order in maven files (details)
  13. [RJ-Util] Move RVersion to rj.util (details)
  14. [R-Source] Add language version 4.2 (details)
  15. [R-Source] Fix severity in child flags in AST (details)
  16. [R-Source] Add support for pipe placeholder to R AST (details)
  17. [R-Source] Improve support of pipe operator in SourceAnalyzer (details)
  18. [R-Editor] Adapt quick assist Convert Function Call to Forward Pipe to (details)
  19. [R-Editor] Add support for pipe placeholder to open declaration action (details)
  20. [REnv] Adapt DefaultLocalConfigurator to GR 4.2 (details)
  21. [UI-Components] Add more nullable annotations (details)
  22. Improve initial selection of R environment preference page (details)
  23. [R-Project] Improve content type describers (details)
  24. [R-Source] Enhance unit tests for RLexer (details)
  25. [Yaml-Source] Correct error message by YAML parser (details)
  26. CleanUp: Remove unused messages (details)
  27. Update to Spring Boot 2.7.3 (details)
  28. Bump version to 4.7.0-dev (details)
  29. Fix fonts in popups using DefaultBrowserInformationInput (details)
  30. [R-Help] Set canRunExamples to false in hover (details)
  31. [Ltk-Editor] Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException in SourceAnnotationModel (details)
  32. [Collections] Add ImCollection.findFirst(Predicate) (details)
  33. [Releng] Update to Tycho 2.7.5 (details)
  34. Remove packages version constraints for ICU (version declarations are (details)
  35. Update lower version bound for Jetty to 10.0.11 (details)
  36. [Releng] Update to Tycho 3.0.0 (details)
  37. CleanUp (details)
  38. [Releng] Update build of 3rdparty to EBR 1.3.0 (details)
  39. Update target definitions to Eclipse 2022-12 (dev) (details)
  40. Update to Jetty 10.0.12 (details)
  41. [Releng] Update maven plugins (details)
  42. [RJ-Server] Add compatibility tweak to R API (details)
  43. [REnv] Add R util function to generate `` file (details)
  44. [RJ-Server] Tweak of remotetools (details)
  45. [RJ-Server] Add support for `` files in of (details)
  46. [REnv] Add text variable `user_home` to REnvConfiguration (details)
  47. [RJ-Server] Improve of remotetools (details)
  48. [R-Help] Tweak readme file for server (details)
  49. Update target definitions to Eclipse 2022-12 (R) (details)
  50. [Releng] Fix warning in maven build (details)
  51. [Releng] Complete update to ICU 72.1 (details)
  52. Update to Spring Boot 2.7.6 (details)
  53. Update copyright for 2023 (details)
  54. [Releng] Update to Tycho 3.0.3 (details)
  55. [Releng] Add SHA-512 and SHA-256 checksums to Maven build/repo (details)
  56. CleanUp: [Status] Tweak (details)
  57. [Releng] Update to Tycho 3.0.4 (details)
  58. [Util] Add common definition of unit prefixes (details)
  59. [NiConsole] Migrate remaining tool handlers to WorkbenchScopingHandler/ (details)
  60. [Status] Add ProgressMonitor.done (details)
  61. [NiConsole] Fix CCE in TerminateToolHandler (details)
  62. [RJ-Servi] Fix computation of periodic check interval (details)
  63. [REnv] Fix BasicREnvConfiguration.equals (details)
  64. [R-Console] Fix NPE when updating index without access to R doc dir (details)
  65. Update to Spring Boot 2.7.9 (details)
  66. [IO] Add IOUtils.close(Closable, Exception) (details)
  67. [R-Console] Rework SSH support for secured remote consoles (details)
  68. [Releng] Rename repo category Tools to Main Tools (details)
  69. CleanUp: Remove deprecated LaunchConfigTabWithDbc.addBindings (details)
  70. [R-Console] Fix initial visibility of widgets in remote console main tab (details)
  71. [R-Console] Fix title of help page for remote console (details)
  72. [RJ-Server] Correct R doc/help tags in R pkg prototype (details)
  73. [RJ-Server] Improve R doc/help in R pkg prototype (details)
  74. [RJ-Server] Improve R doc/help in R pkg prototype (details)
  75. [Net, RMI] Improve CommonsNet and RMIAddress (details)
  76. [R-Console] Add support for unresolvable hosts to remote console (details)
  77. Update to Spring Boot 2.7.10 (details)
  78. [R-Console] Improve doc for remote console (details)
  79. Bump version to 4.8.0-dev (details)
  80. [Releng] Add resource settings for feature projects (details)
  81. [RTM] Fix CCE (details)
  82. Update target platform to Java SE >= 17 (details)
  83. CleanUp: Remove use of deprecated APIs (details)
  84. CleanUp: Fix some compiler warnings and potential NPEs (details)
  85. [Collections] Add implementation for methods added in newer Java (details)
  86. [RJ-Server] Remove use of deprecated Policy/SecurityManager (details)
  87. Update project settings (Eclipse 2023-06) (details)
  88. [Ltk-Model] Fix potential NPE (details)
  89. CleanUp: Make use of pattern matching and other new language features (details)
  90. [R-Debug] CleanUp: Make use of constants of rj.server.dbg.FrameContext (details)
  91. [R-Help] Remove unwanted OSGi libraries from server archive (details)
  92. Update target definitions to Eclipse 2023-06-dev (details)
  93. [Net] CleanUp: Tweak SSH code (details)
  94. [Net, RMI] Improve CommonsNet and RMIAddress (details)
  95. [Collections] Enhance ImCollection$MappingResult (details)
  96. [RJ-Data] Enhance RObjectFactory (details)
  97. [RJ-Data] Add additional methods RDataUtils to check R data frames and its (details)
  98. [RPkg-Mgr] Revise package manager (details)
  99. Update target definitions (details)
  100. [R-DataEditor] Add support for index attribute of R objects (details)
  101. [R-Source] Add language version 4.3 (details)
  102. [LTK-Issues] Add impl of .toString to BasicTask and BasicProblem (details)
  103. [R-Source] Improve unit tests for R AST / RParser to run each tests (details)
  104. [R-Source] Add support for pipe placeholder in Sub*s to R AST (details)
  105. Update project settings (details)
  106. CleanUp (details)
  107. Update target definitions (details)
  108. [Net] Update to SSHD 2.10 (JGit/EGit 6.6) (details)
  109. [R-Console] Add check of Java version to launch config UI (details)
  110. [R-Help] Fix detection of sections in R help pages from GR 4.3 (details)
  111. Update target definitions to Eclipse 2023-06-r (details)
  112. [Releng] Update to Tycho 3.0.5 (details)
  113. Update project settings (details)
  114. CleanUp: Remove use of deprecated APIs (details)
  115. Update to Spring Boot 2.7.14 (details)
  116. Bump version to 4.9.0-dev (details)
  117. [Ltk-AST] Enhance AbstractAstNode (details)
  118. [Text] Add TextParserInput.init(TextRegion) (details)
  119. [Yaml-Source] Add support for TextParserInput to YamlParser (details)
  120. [Ltk-Source] Improve pair matchers (details)
  121. [*-Editor] Fix editor preference stores (details)
  122. [Ltk-Model] Add BasicModelElementDelta and BasicIssueReporter (details)
  123. [Ltk-Model] Seperate source unit id from SourceUnitFactory / context (details)
  124. [Text-TreePartitioner] Improve init of partition update (details)
  125. [Ltk-Model] Improve source range when refactoring elements (details)
  126. [Ltk-SourceEditor] Fix potential exceptions in MarkOccurrencesProvider (details)
  127. [Ltk-SourceEditor] Fix document setup for editor inputs like (details)
  128. [Collections] Add ImCollections.addElement(Set, E) (details)
  129. [Collections] Add ImCollection.*Match(Predicate) (details)
  130. [R-Model] Simplify access to RCoreAccess (details)
  131. [Dsl-Source] Add DSL core plug-ins with DCF lexer and parser (details)
  132. [Yaml-Source] Migrate YAML AST to DSL (details)
  133. [Yaml-Source] Update YAML scanner to spec 1.2.2 / test suite 2022-01-17 (details)
  134. [Dsl-Editor] Add editor framework (details)
  135. [Dsl-Source] Add support for embedding DCF value nodes to AST (details)
  136. [R-Model] Remove SourceElement from RLangElement, Add (details)
  137. [R-Model] Enhance Parameters to RFunctionSpec (details)
  138. CleanUp: Correct position of nullable annotations (details)
  139. [Text] Improve DocContentSections/BasicDocContentSections (details)
  140. [Text] Improve RegionParserInput (details)
  141. [Ltk-Source] Improve pair matching (details)
  142. [RPkg-Dev] Add support for R pkg DESCRIPTION files (details)
  143. [Releng] Update to Maven 3.9.5; Update Maven plugins (details)
  144. Update target definitions to Eclipse 2023-12-dev (Platform M3) (details)
  145. [R-Help] Adapt R help to Jetty 12 (Jakarta EE 8) (details)
  146. [R-Help] Add support for Jakarta EE 10 to R help (details)
  147. CleanUp: Tweak String handling (details)
  148. [IO, Runtime] Rework handling of JAR URLs to support 'jar:nested:' URL (details)
  149. [R-Help] Update R help server to Spring Boot 3.2 with Jakarta EE 10 (details)
  150. [R-Model] Rework serialization of R elements (details)
  151. Update target definitions (Platform 4.30-rc2) (details)
  152. Update to Spring Boot 3.2.0-r (details)
  153. CleanUp: [R-Help] Fix some compiler warnings (details)
  154. Update project settings (Eclipse 2023-12) (details)
  155. Update target definitions (Platform 4.30-r) (details)
  156. Correct target definitions (Platform 4.30-r) (details)
  157. [Ltk-Source] Improve handling of non-printable characters in quoted (details)
  158. [RPkg-Dev] Fix incorrect definitions of R pkg description fields (details)
  159. [RPkg-Dev] Improve partitioner for R pkg description files with errors (details)
  160. [RPkg-Dev] Correct file headers and Javadoc (details)
  161. [RPkg-Dev] Extend validation of R pkg description files (details)
  162. [Tex-Model] Adapt LtxModelInspector to AbstractSourceIssueReporter (details)
  163. [RPkg-Dev] Fix IDE variables for R package project properties (details)
  164. [Ltk-Issues] Fix line property of problem markers (details)
  165. [RPkg-Dev] Fix highlighted range in editor for fields of R package (details)
  166. [RPkg-Dev] Add auto close for round brackets in R package description (details)
  167. [Ltk-Model] Improve getCoveringSourceElement (details)
  168. [Ltk-Issues] Fix line property of problem markers (details)
  169. Fix missing resources in bin builds/artifacts (details)
  170. Update copyright for 2024 (details)
  171. [R-Console] Add env var JAVA_HOME to Rterm console if available (details)
  172. [IO] Improve reading of files with BOM (details)
  173. [Releng] Add Security info file (details)
  174. [IO] Make use of OutputStream.nullOutputStream (details)
  175. [Releng] Update Maven plugins (details)
  176. Update to Spring Boot 3.2.2-r (details)
  177. [Releng] Update legal docs (details)
  178. Bump version to 4.10.0-dev (details)
  179. CleanUp: Fix spelling (details)
  180. CleanUp: Make use of TextRegion.getEndOffset (details)
  181. Update project settings (details)
  182. Update target definitions to Eclipse 2024-06 (Platform 4.32-r) (details)
  183. [Releng] Update to Maven 3.9.6; Update Maven plugins (details)
  184. [R-Help] Fix init of http client on systems with more cpu cores (details)
  185. [Releng] Update to Tycho 4 / 4.0.8 (details)
  186. [Releng] Make repo OSGi compatible repo (details)
  187. [Releng] Update to CBI 1.4.3 (details)
  188. CleanUp (details)
  189. Update to Spring Boot 3.2.7-r (details)
  190. [R-Help] Fix init of http client on systems with more cpu cores (details)
  191. Update target platform to Java SE >= 21, except bundles for RJ lib (details)
  192. [Collections] Add ImSequencedCollection / .getFirst / .getLast (details)
  193. [Collections] Make use of PrimitiveIterator (details)
  194. CleanUp: Tweak usage of collections (details)
  195. CleanUp: Tweak usage of Strings.indexOf (details)
  196. [AutoNature] Add nullable annotations (details)
  197. [R-Help] Tweak resource handling (details)
  198. CleanUp: Fix some compiler warnings (details)

Started by user Stephan Wahlbrink

This run spent:

  • 13 sec waiting;
  • 6 min 7 sec build duration;
  • 6 min 7 sec total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: f2e6d50f9a89c1557486451cb14989c1ce0a8adb
  • origin/main