!SESSION 2024-07-02 22:38:21.938 ----------------------------------------------- eclipse.buildId=unknown java.version=17.0.2 java.vendor=Oracle Corporation BootLoader constants: OS=linux, ARCH=x86_64, WS=gtk, NL=en_US Framework arguments: -application org.eclipse.tycho.surefire.osgibooter.uitest -testproperties /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/sirius.sonar-master/plugins/org.eclipse.sirius.tests.junit.xtext/target/surefire.properties Command-line arguments: -data /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/sirius.sonar-master/plugins/org.eclipse.sirius.tests.junit.xtext/target/work/data -application org.eclipse.tycho.surefire.osgibooter.uitest -testproperties /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/sirius.sonar-master/plugins/org.eclipse.sirius.tests.junit.xtext/target/surefire.properties !ENTRY org.eclipse.sirius 1 0 2024-07-02 22:38:39.654 !MESSAGE Migration done on /DesignerTestProject/representations.aird for "xmi:id to uid serialization conversion" (the result of this migration will be saved on the next session save): - the new "uid" attributes of Sirius model elements have been initialized from the values of the previously used "xmi:id". - the "uid" of DDiagram/DTable/DTree are kept and now used as their URI fragment. For exemple the "element" attribute of GMF Notation Diagram now corresponds to the uid of the referenced DDiagram instead its previous "xmi:id". !ENTRY org.eclipse.sirius.diagram 1 0 2024-07-02 22:38:39.679 !MESSAGE Migration done for "representation Change ID": all the representations changeId have been updated with the absolute time stamp (Ensure the session is saved to persist the migration effects. Please have a look at documentation about the project migration) !ENTRY org.eclipse.sirius 1 0 2024-07-02 22:38:40.907 !MESSAGE Migration done on /DesignerTestProject/representations.aird for "xmi:id to uid serialization conversion" (the result of this migration will be saved on the next session save): - the new "uid" attributes of Sirius model elements have been initialized from the values of the previously used "xmi:id". - the "uid" of DDiagram/DTable/DTree are kept and now used as their URI fragment. For exemple the "element" attribute of GMF Notation Diagram now corresponds to the uid of the referenced DDiagram instead its previous "xmi:id". !ENTRY org.eclipse.sirius.diagram 1 0 2024-07-02 22:38:40.909 !MESSAGE Migration done for "representation Change ID": all the representations changeId have been updated with the absolute time stamp (Ensure the session is saved to persist the migration effects. Please have a look at documentation about the project migration)