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Chrome_Headless_108_0_5359_71_(Linux_x86_64).TileAccordionKeyStrokes key right with shift.TileAccordionKeyStrokes key right with shift removes the next tile from the selection if the focused tile is the first tile of the selection (from Chrome Headless 108.0.5359.71 (Linux x86_64))

Took 0.13 sec.

Standard Output

    Chrome Headless 108.0.5359.71 (Linux x86_64) ERROR: '15:14:22.131 [ERROR] App initialization failed.'
,Chrome Headless 108.0.5359.71 (Linux x86_64) ERROR: '15:14:22.137 [ERROR] Unexpected error (no reason provided)'
,Chrome Headless 108.0.5359.71 (Linux x86_64) ERROR: '15:14:22.184 [ERROR] Unexpected error: err'
,Chrome Headless 108.0.5359.71 (Linux x86_64) ERROR: '15:14:22.212 [ERROR] Unexpected error: err'
,Chrome Headless 108.0.5359.71 (Linux x86_64) ERROR: '15:14:22.234 [ERROR] Unexpect
...[truncated 5117 chars]...
16:52.326 [ERROR] errorResponse: status=404, textStatus=error, errorThrown='
,Chrome Headless 108.0.5359.71 (Linux x86_64) INFO: '15:16:52.392 [INFO] Session terminated, stopped polling for background jobs'
,Chrome Headless 108.0.5359.71 (Linux x86_64) LOG: 'Failed to resolve constant 'scout.FormField.LabelPosition.XXX', object is undefined'
,Chrome Headless 108.0.5359.71 (Linux x86_64) WARN: 'Spec 'objects isSameOrExtendsClass uses a type predicate to narrow the type' has no expectations.'