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Test Result : models extend

0 failures (±0)
12 tests (±0)
Took 2 ms.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
scout.models extend inserts new object into tree object0 msPassed
scout.models extend inserts new object into tree object with fixed index0 msPassed
scout.models extend inserts new object into tree object with relative index0 msPassed
scout.models extend inserts new object into tree object with relative index and two extension elements0 msPassed
scout.models extend inserts new object tree into tree object1 msPassed
scout.models extend inserts new property into a non existing array on root object0 msPassed
scout.models extend inserts new property into root object0 msPassed
scout.models extend inserts object bound to field0 msPassed
scout.models extend inserts object referenced by String1 msPassed
scout.models extend inserts objects array bound to field0 msPassed
scout.models extend override property in root object0 msPassed
scout.models extend override property in tree object0 msPassed