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Test Result : PlainTextEncoder

0 failures (±0)
12 tests (±0)
Took 12 ms.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
PlainTextEncoder considers upper and lower case tags1 msPassed
PlainTextEncoder converts  , &, >, <1 msPassed
PlainTextEncoder converts HTML to plain text2 msPassed
PlainTextEncoder converts br, p, div into new lines1 msPassed
PlainTextEncoder converts decimal NCR to Unicode1 msPassed
PlainTextEncoder converts li, tr into new lines1 msPassed
PlainTextEncoder converts td into whitespaces1 msPassed
PlainTextEncoder leaves multiple newlines alone unless configured1 msPassed
PlainTextEncoder preserves tabs0 msPassed
PlainTextEncoder removes font icons if configured1 msPassed
PlainTextEncoder removes leading and trailing newlines if configured1 msPassed
PlainTextEncoder removes style and script tags1 msPassed