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Test Result : FormMenu setSelected

0 failures (±0)
9 tests (±0)
Took 0.6 sec.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
FormMenu setSelected closes immediately when another form is opened in a context menu during remove animation80 msPassed
FormMenu setSelected closes immediately when another form is opened in a context menu during remove animation after closing form81 msPassed
FormMenu setSelected closes immediately when opened in a context menu and another form is opened in another context menu during remove animation92 msPassed
FormMenu setSelected closes immediately when opened in a context menu and another menu is opened during remove animation81 msPassed
FormMenu setSelected closes immediately when selected again during remove animation68 msPassed
FormMenu setSelected does not throw an exception if popup in ellipsis is closed58 msPassed
FormMenu setSelected opens and closes the form popup44 msPassed
FormMenu setSelected opens the popup and the ellipsis if the menu is overflown60 msPassed
FormMenu setSelected unselects the menu and closes the popup if the form closes41 msPassed