Started by timer Building in workspace /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace No credentials specified > /usr/local/bin/git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > /usr/local/bin/git config remote.origin.url git:// # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from git:// > /usr/local/bin/git --version # timeout=10 > /usr/local/bin/git fetch --tags --progress git:// +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* > /usr/local/bin/git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/releases/6.0.x^{commit} # timeout=10 > /usr/local/bin/git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/origin/releases/6.0.x^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 306157e308b310c64a22db4f2673028550614b0e (refs/remotes/origin/releases/6.0.x) > /usr/local/bin/git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > /usr/local/bin/git checkout -f 306157e308b310c64a22db4f2673028550614b0e Commit message: "Bug 549754: Reduce fork count to one (single vm)" > /usr/local/bin/git rev-list --no-walk 306157e308b310c64a22db4f2673028550614b0e # timeout=10 [workspace] $ /shared/common/apache-maven-latest/bin/mvn -f org.eclipse.scout.sdk/pom.xml -Dremote_branch=origin/releases/6.0.x -Dis_tag=false -Dtag_or_branch=origin/releases/6.0.x -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository clean install Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 [INFO] Scanning for projects... Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Progress (1): 623 B Downloaded from eclipse.snapshot: (623 B at 1.2 kB/s) Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Progress (1): 4.1/26 kB Progress (1): 7.7/26 kB Progress (1): 12/26 kB Progress (1): 16/26 kB Progress (1): 20/26 kB Progress (1): 24/26 kB Progress (1): 26 kB Downloaded from eclipse.snapshot: (26 kB at 194 kB/s) [WARNING] The project org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk:pom:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT uses prerequisites which is only intended for maven-plugin projects but not for non maven-plugin projects. For such purposes you should use the maven-enforcer-plugin. See [WARNING] The project org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings:jar:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT uses prerequisites which is only intended for maven-plugin projects but not for non maven-plugin projects. For such purposes you should use the maven-enforcer-plugin. See [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Build Order: [INFO] [INFO] Scout Hello World Sample Application [maven-archetype] [INFO] Scout JaxWs Module [maven-archetype] [INFO] Eclipse Scout SDK [pom] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core [jar] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test [jar] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s [jar] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test [jar] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e [bundle] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test [jar] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc [bundle] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls [bundle] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui [bundle] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings [jar] [INFO] [INFO] ---------< org.eclipse.scout.archetypes:scout-helloworld-app >---------- [INFO] Building Scout Hello World Sample Application 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [1/13] [INFO] --------------------------[ maven-archetype ]--------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target [INFO] [INFO] --- flatten-maven-plugin:1.0.0:clean (flatten.clean) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/.flattened-pom.xml [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 99 resources [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- flatten-maven-plugin:1.0.0:flatten (flatten) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Generating flattened POM of project org.eclipse.scout.archetypes:scout-helloworld-app:maven-archetype:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT... [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:jar (default-jar) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Building archetype jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/scout-helloworld-app-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/scout-helloworld-app-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:integration-test (default-integration-test) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Processing Archetype IT project: basic [INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Using following parameters for creating project from Archetype: scout-helloworld-app:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: org.eclipse.scout.apps [INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: helloworld [INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] Parameter: package, Value: org.eclipse.scout.apps.helloworld [INFO] Parameter: packageInPathFormat, Value: org/eclipse/scout/apps/helloworld [INFO] Parameter: scoutAuthPublicKeyDev, Value: TODO (use [INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: org.eclipse.scout.apps [INFO] Parameter: scoutAuthPrivateKeyDev, Value: TODO (use [INFO] Parameter: scoutAuthPublicKey, Value: TODO (use [INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] Parameter: userName, Value: Scout Robot [INFO] Parameter: displayName, Value: My Application [INFO] Parameter: javaVersion, Value: 1.8 [INFO] Parameter: package, Value: org.eclipse.scout.apps.helloworld [INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: helloworld [INFO] Parameter: scoutAuthPrivateKey, Value: TODO (use [INFO] Parent element not overwritten in /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/helloworld/pom.xml [WARNING] Don't override file /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/helloworld/pom.xml [INFO] Parent element not overwritten in /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/helloworld.shared/pom.xml [INFO] Parent element not overwritten in /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/helloworld.server/pom.xml [INFO] Parent element not overwritten in /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/helloworld.client/pom.xml [INFO] Parent element not overwritten in /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/ [INFO] Parent element not overwritten in /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/ [INFO] Parent element not overwritten in /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/helloworld.ui.html/pom.xml [INFO] Parent element not overwritten in /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/ [INFO] Parent element not overwritten in /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/ [INFO] project created from Archetype in dir: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/scout-helloworld-app-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/archetypes/scout-helloworld-app/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/scout-helloworld-app-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/.flattened-pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/archetypes/scout-helloworld-app/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/scout-helloworld-app-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/scout-helloworld-app-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/archetypes/scout-helloworld-app/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/scout-helloworld-app-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:update-local-catalog (default-update-local-catalog) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] [INFO] ----------< org.eclipse.scout.archetypes:scout-jaxws-module >----------- [INFO] Building Scout JaxWs Module 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [2/13] [INFO] --------------------------[ maven-archetype ]--------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-jaxws-module/target [INFO] [INFO] --- flatten-maven-plugin:1.0.0:clean (flatten.clean) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-jaxws-module/.flattened-pom.xml [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 7 resources [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- flatten-maven-plugin:1.0.0:flatten (flatten) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Generating flattened POM of project org.eclipse.scout.archetypes:scout-jaxws-module:maven-archetype:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT... [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:jar (default-jar) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Building archetype jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-jaxws-module/target/scout-jaxws-module-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-jaxws-module/target/scout-jaxws-module-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:integration-test (default-integration-test) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Processing Archetype IT project: basic [INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Using following parameters for creating project from Archetype: scout-jaxws-module:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: org.eclipse.scout.apps [INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: helloworld.server.jaxws [INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] Parameter: package, Value: org.eclipse.scout.apps.helloworld [INFO] Parameter: packageInPathFormat, Value: org/eclipse/scout/apps/helloworld [INFO] Parameter: displayName, Value: My Application [INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] Parameter: package, Value: org.eclipse.scout.apps.helloworld [INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: org.eclipse.scout.apps [INFO] Parameter: parentArtifactId, Value: helloworld [INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: helloworld.server.jaxws [WARNING] CP Don't override file /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-jaxws-module/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld.server.jaxws/src/main/resources/META-INF/scout.xml [INFO] project created from Archetype in dir: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-jaxws-module/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld.server.jaxws [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-jaxws-module/target/scout-jaxws-module-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/archetypes/scout-jaxws-module/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/scout-jaxws-module-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-jaxws-module/.flattened-pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/archetypes/scout-jaxws-module/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/scout-jaxws-module-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-jaxws-module/target/scout-jaxws-module-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/archetypes/scout-jaxws-module/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/scout-jaxws-module-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:update-local-catalog (default-update-local-catalog) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] [INFO] ------------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk >------------- [INFO] Building Eclipse Scout SDK 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [3/13] [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk/target [INFO] [INFO] --- flatten-maven-plugin:1.0.0:clean (flatten.clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk/.flattened-pom.xml [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] [INFO] --- flatten-maven-plugin:1.0.0:flatten (flatten) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] Generating flattened POM of project org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk:pom:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT... [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk/.flattened-pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] [INFO] ----------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core >---------- [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [4/13] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/src/main/resources [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 161 source files to /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] No tests to run. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] -------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test >-------- [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [5/13] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:add-source (add-source) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Source directory: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/src/main/fixture added. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 38 source files to /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 27 source files to /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/test-classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Surefire report directory: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/surefire-reports ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.importvalidator.ImportValidatorTest Tests run: 14, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.815 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.importvalidator.ImportValidatorTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.AnnotationElementTest Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.28 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.AnnotationElementTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.AnnotationQueryTest Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.325 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.AnnotationQueryTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.AnnotationSourceTest Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.544 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.AnnotationSourceTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.AnnotationTest Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.171 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.AnnotationTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.ArrayTypeTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.112 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.ArrayTypeTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.CompilationUnitTest Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.CompilationUnitTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.CreateAndOverrideNewCompilationUnitTest Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.391 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.CreateAndOverrideNewCompilationUnitTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.FieldTest Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.09 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.FieldTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.GenericMethodTest Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.362 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.GenericMethodTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.ImportDeclarationTest Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.ImportDeclarationTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.ManagedAnnotationTest Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.335 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.ManagedAnnotationTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.MethodParameterTest Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.002 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.MethodParameterTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.MethodTest Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.028 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.MethodTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.PackageTest Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.001 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.PackageTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.PrimitiveTypeTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.043 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.PrimitiveTypeTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.SourceRangeTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.SourceRangeTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.TypeParameterTest Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.TypeParameterTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.TypeTest Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.155 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.TypeTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.sugar.QueryTest Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.365 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.sugar.QueryTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.signature.SignatureTest Tests run: 189, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.04 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.signature.SignatureTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.signature.SignatureUtilsTest Tests run: 12, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.signature.SignatureUtilsTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.sourcebuilder.SourceModelRoundtripTest Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.106 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.sourcebuilder.SourceModelRoundtripTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.CompositeObjectTest Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.CompositeObjectTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.CoreUtilsTest Tests run: 38, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.256 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.CoreUtilsTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.JavaEnvironmentImportExportTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.011 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.JavaEnvironmentImportExportTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.SdkLogTest Unable to parse log level 'aa'. Fallback to default: 'WARNING'. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bad level "aa" at java.util.logging.Level.parse( at org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.SdkLog.parseLevel( at org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.SdkLogTest.testParseLevel( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( at at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( at at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.execute( at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeWithRerun( at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeTestSet( at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.invoke( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.invokeProviderInSameClassLoader( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.runSuitesInProcess( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.main( Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.014 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.SdkLogTest Results : Tests run: 341, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] ---------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s >--------- [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [6/13] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/src/main/resources [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 50 source files to /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] No tests to run. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] ------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test >------- [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [7/13] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Progress (1): 1.5 kB Downloaded from eclipse.snapshot: (1.5 kB at 4.3 kB/s) Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Progress (1): 3.4 kB Downloaded from eclipse.snapshot: (3.4 kB at 76 kB/s) Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Progress (1): 1.0 kB Downloaded from eclipse.snapshot: (1.0 kB at 11 kB/s) Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Progress (1): 2.3 kB Downloaded from eclipse.snapshot: (2.3 kB at 39 kB/s) Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Progress (1): 1.0 kB Downloaded from eclipse.snapshot: (1.0 kB at 8.6 kB/s) Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Progress (1): 1.5 kB Downloaded from eclipse.snapshot: (1.5 kB at 22 kB/s) Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Progress (1): 1.0 kB Downloaded from eclipse.snapshot: (1.0 kB 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0.7/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.3/3.0 MB | 1.1/3.5 MB | 0.7/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.3/3.0 MB | 1.1/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.3/3.0 MB | 1.1/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.3/3.0 MB | 1.1/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.3/3.0 MB | 1.1/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.3/3.0 MB | 1.1/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.3/3.0 MB | 1.1/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.3/3.0 MB | 1.1/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.3/3.0 MB | 1.1/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.3/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.3/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.3/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.3/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.3/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.3/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.3/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.3/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB 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MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (4): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 4.1/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 4.1/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 7.7/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 7.7/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 7.7/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 12/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 12/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 16/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 16/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 16/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 16/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 20/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 20/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 24/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 24/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 28/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 28/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 32/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 32/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 32/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 32/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 33/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 33/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 33/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 33/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 37/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 37/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 41/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 41/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 41/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 41/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 45/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 45/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 49/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 49/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 53/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 53/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 57/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 57/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 57/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 57/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 61/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 61/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 65/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 65/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 65/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 65/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 69/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 69/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.2/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 73/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 73/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 73/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 73/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 77/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 77/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 81/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 81/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 85/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 85/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 89/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 89/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 89/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 89/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 93/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 93/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 97/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 97/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 97/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 97/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 98/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 98/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 102/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 102/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 102/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 102/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 102/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 106/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 106/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 106/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 106/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 106/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 106/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 110/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 110/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.8/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 110/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 110/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 110/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 110/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 114/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 114/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 114/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 114/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 114/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 114/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 114/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 118/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 118/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 118/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 118/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 118/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 118/700 kB Progress (5): 1.4/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 122/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 122/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 122/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 122/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 122/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 122/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 126/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 126/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 126/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 126/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 126/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 130/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 130/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 130/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 130/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 130/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 131/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 131/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 131/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 131/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 131/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 131/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 135/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 135/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 135/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 139/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 139/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.3/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 143/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 143/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 143/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 143/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 147/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 147/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 147/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 147/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 147/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 147/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 151/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 151/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 151/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 151/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 151/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 155/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 155/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 155/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 155/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 159/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 159/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 163/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 163/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 163/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 163/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 164/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 164/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 164/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 164/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 164/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 164/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 168/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 168/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 168/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 168/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 168/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 172/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 172/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 172/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 172/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 176/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 176/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 180/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 180/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 180/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 180/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 184/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 184/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 188/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 188/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 188/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 188/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 192/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 192/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 196/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 196/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 0.9/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 196/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 196/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 200/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 200/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 204/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 204/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 204/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 204/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 208/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 208/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 212/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 212/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 212/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 212/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 216/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 216/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 220/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 220/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 220/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 220/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 224/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 224/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 228/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 228/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 228/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 228/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 232/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 232/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 236/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 236/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 236/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 236/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 240/700 kB Progress (5): 1.5/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 240/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 240/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 240/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 244/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 244/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 244/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 244/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 244/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 244/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 248/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 248/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 248/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 248/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 248/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 248/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 252/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 252/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 252/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 252/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 252/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 252/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.4/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 256/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 256/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 256/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 256/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 256/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 256/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 260/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 260/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 260/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 260/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 260/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 260/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 264/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 264/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 264/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 264/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 264/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 264/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 268/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.0/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 268/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 268/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 268/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 268/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 268/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 272/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 272/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 272/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 272/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 272/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 272/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 276/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 276/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 276/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 276/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 276/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 276/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 280/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 280/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 280/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 280/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 280/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 280/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.1/1.9 MB | 98 kB | 284/700 kB Progress (5): 1.7/3.0 MB | 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MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 12/31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 16/31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 16/31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 16/31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 16/31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 20/31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 20/31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 24/31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 24/31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 24/31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 24/31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 28/31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 28/31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.2/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.3/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.3/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.3/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.3/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.7/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.3/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 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Progress (5): 2.3/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.3/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.3/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.8/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9/1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.4/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.5/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.6/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Progress (5): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB | 31 kB Downloaded from eclipse.snapshot: (31 kB at 42 kB/s) Progress (4): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Progress (4): 2.7/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.8/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (4): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 1.9 MB | 284/700 kB Downloaded from eclipse.snapshot: (1.9 MB at 2.5 MB/s) Progress (3): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Progress (3): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (3): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (3): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (3): 2.9/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (3): 3.0/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB Progress (3): 3.0/3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 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(4): 3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB | 12/66 kB Progress (4): 3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB | 16/66 kB Progress (4): 3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB | 20/66 kB Progress (4): 3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB | 24/66 kB Progress (4): 3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB | 28/66 kB Progress (4): 3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB | 32/66 kB Progress (4): 3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB | 33/66 kB Progress (4): 3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB | 37/66 kB Progress (4): 3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB | 41/66 kB Progress (4): 3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB | 45/66 kB Progress (4): 3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB | 49/66 kB Progress (4): 3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB | 53/66 kB Progress (4): 3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB | 57/66 kB Progress (4): 3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB | 61/66 kB Progress (4): 3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB | 65/66 kB Progress (4): 3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB | 66/66 kB Progress (4): 3.0 MB | 1.5/3.5 MB | 284/700 kB | 66 kB Downloaded from 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kB Progress (2): 3.5 MB | 352/715 kB Progress (2): 3.5 MB | 356/715 kB Progress (2): 3.5 MB | 360/715 kB Progress (2): 3.5 MB | 364/715 kB Progress (2): 3.5 MB | 368/715 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 368/715 kB | 4.1/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 368/715 kB | 7.7/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 372/715 kB | 7.7/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 376/715 kB | 7.7/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 380/715 kB | 7.7/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 384/715 kB | 7.7/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 384/715 kB | 12/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 388/715 kB | 12/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 388/715 kB | 16/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 392/715 kB | 16/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 392/715 kB | 20/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 393/715 kB | 20/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 393/715 kB | 24/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 393/715 kB | 28/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 393/715 kB | 32/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 397/715 kB | 32/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 397/715 kB | 33/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 401/715 kB | 33/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 405/715 kB | 33/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 409/715 kB | 33/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 409/715 kB | 37/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 413/715 kB | 37/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 413/715 kB | 41/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 417/715 kB | 41/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 417/715 kB | 45/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 417/715 kB | 49/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 421/715 kB | 49/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 421/715 kB | 53/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 425/715 kB | 53/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 425/715 kB | 57/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 426/715 kB | 57/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 430/715 kB | 57/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 434/715 kB | 57/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 434/715 kB | 61/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 438/715 kB | 61/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 438/715 kB | 65/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 442/715 kB | 65/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 442/715 kB | 69/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 442/715 kB | 73/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 446/715 kB | 73/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 446/715 kB | 77/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 450/715 kB | 77/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 450/715 kB | 81/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 454/715 kB | 81/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 458/715 kB | 81/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 458/715 kB | 85/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 458/715 kB | 89/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 462/715 kB | 89/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 462/715 kB | 93/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 466/715 kB | 93/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 466/715 kB | 97/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 470/715 kB | 97/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 470/715 kB | 101/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 474/715 kB | 101/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 474/715 kB | 105/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 478/715 kB | 105/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 482/715 kB | 105/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 486/715 kB | 105/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 490/715 kB | 105/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 494/715 kB | 105/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 498/715 kB | 105/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 502/715 kB | 105/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 502/715 kB | 109/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 506/715 kB | 109/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 506/715 kB | 113/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 510/715 kB | 113/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 510/715 kB | 117/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 514/715 kB | 117/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 514/715 kB | 121/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 518/715 kB | 121/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 518/715 kB | 125/387 kB Progress (3): 3.5 MB | 522/715 kB | 125/387 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 522/715 kB | 125/387 kB | 4.1/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 522/715 kB | 129/387 kB | 4.1/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 522/715 kB | 129/387 kB | 7.7/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 526/715 kB | 129/387 kB | 7.7/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 526/715 kB | 133/387 kB | 7.7/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 530/715 kB | 133/387 kB | 7.7/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 530/715 kB | 137/387 kB | 7.7/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 534/715 kB | 137/387 kB | 7.7/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 534/715 kB | 141/387 kB | 7.7/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 538/715 kB | 141/387 kB | 7.7/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 538/715 kB | 145/387 kB | 7.7/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 542/715 kB | 145/387 kB | 7.7/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 542/715 kB | 149/387 kB | 7.7/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 546/715 kB | 149/387 kB | 7.7/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 546/715 kB | 153/387 kB | 7.7/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 546/715 kB | 153/387 kB | 12/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 546/715 kB | 157/387 kB | 12/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 550/715 kB | 157/387 kB | 12/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 550/715 kB | 161/387 kB | 12/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 550/715 kB | 161/387 kB | 16/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 554/715 kB | 161/387 kB | 16/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 554/715 kB | 165/387 kB | 16/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 554/715 kB | 169/387 kB | 16/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 558/715 kB | 169/387 kB | 16/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 558/715 kB | 173/387 kB | 16/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 562/715 kB | 173/387 kB | 16/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 562/715 kB | 177/387 kB | 16/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 562/715 kB | 177/387 kB | 20/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 566/715 kB | 177/387 kB | 20/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 566/715 kB | 181/387 kB | 20/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 566/715 kB | 181/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 566/715 kB | 185/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 570/715 kB | 185/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 570/715 kB | 189/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 570/715 kB | 193/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 574/715 kB | 193/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 578/715 kB | 193/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 578/715 kB | 197/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 582/715 kB | 197/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 582/715 kB | 201/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 586/715 kB | 201/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 586/715 kB | 205/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 586/715 kB | 209/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 590/715 kB | 209/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 590/715 kB | 213/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 594/715 kB | 213/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 594/715 kB | 217/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 598/715 kB | 217/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 602/715 kB | 217/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 606/715 kB | 217/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 610/715 kB | 217/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 614/715 kB | 217/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 618/715 kB | 217/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 618/715 kB | 221/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 618/715 kB | 225/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 618/715 kB | 229/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 618/715 kB | 233/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 618/715 kB | 237/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 618/715 kB | 241/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 618/715 kB | 245/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 618/715 kB | 249/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 618/715 kB | 253/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 622/715 kB | 253/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 622/715 kB | 257/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 626/715 kB | 257/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 626/715 kB | 261/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 626/715 kB | 265/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 630/715 kB | 265/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 630/715 kB | 269/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 634/715 kB | 269/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 634/715 kB | 273/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 638/715 kB | 273/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 638/715 kB | 277/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 642/715 kB | 277/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 642/715 kB | 281/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 646/715 kB | 281/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 646/715 kB | 285/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 650/715 kB | 285/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 650/715 kB | 289/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 654/715 kB | 289/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 654/715 kB | 293/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 658/715 kB | 293/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 658/715 kB | 297/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 662/715 kB | 297/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 662/715 kB | 301/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 666/715 kB | 301/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 3.5 MB | 666/715 kB | 305/387 kB | 24/73 kB Downloaded from eclipse.snapshot: (3.5 MB at 2.8 MB/s) Progress (3): 666/715 kB | 309/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (3): 670/715 kB | 309/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (3): 670/715 kB | 313/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (3): 674/715 kB | 313/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (3): 674/715 kB | 317/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (3): 678/715 kB | 317/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (3): 678/715 kB | 321/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (3): 682/715 kB | 321/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (3): 682/715 kB | 325/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (3): 686/715 kB | 325/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (3): 686/715 kB | 329/387 kB | 24/73 kB Progress (4): 686/715 kB | 329/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 4.1/142 kB Progress (4): 690/715 kB | 329/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 4.1/142 kB Progress (4): 690/715 kB | 329/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 7.7/142 kB Progress (4): 690/715 kB | 333/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 7.7/142 kB Progress (4): 694/715 kB | 333/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 7.7/142 kB Progress (4): 694/715 kB | 333/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 12/142 kB Progress (4): 694/715 kB | 337/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 12/142 kB Progress (4): 694/715 kB | 337/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 16/142 kB Progress (4): 698/715 kB | 337/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 16/142 kB Progress (4): 698/715 kB | 341/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 16/142 kB Progress (4): 698/715 kB | 341/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 20/142 kB Progress (4): 702/715 kB | 341/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 20/142 kB Progress (4): 702/715 kB | 345/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 20/142 kB Progress (4): 706/715 kB | 345/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 20/142 kB Progress (4): 706/715 kB | 345/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 24/142 kB Progress (4): 706/715 kB | 349/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 24/142 kB Progress (4): 710/715 kB | 349/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 24/142 kB Progress (4): 710/715 kB | 349/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 28/142 kB Progress (4): 710/715 kB | 353/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 28/142 kB Progress (4): 710/715 kB | 353/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 32/142 kB Progress (4): 714/715 kB | 353/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 32/142 kB Progress (4): 714/715 kB | 353/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 33/142 kB Progress (4): 714/715 kB | 357/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 33/142 kB Progress (4): 714/715 kB | 357/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 37/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 357/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 37/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 357/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 41/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 361/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 41/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 361/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 45/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 365/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 45/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 365/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 49/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 369/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 49/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 369/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 53/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 373/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 53/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 373/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 57/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 377/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 57/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 377/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 61/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 381/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 61/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 381/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 65/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 385/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 65/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 385/387 kB | 24/73 kB | 66/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 66/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 70/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 74/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 78/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 82/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 86/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 90/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 94/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 98/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 102/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 106/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 110/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 114/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 118/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 122/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 126/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 130/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 134/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 138/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 142/142 kB Progress (4): 715 kB | 387 kB | 24/73 kB | 142 kB Downloaded from eclipse.snapshot: (387 kB at 303 kB/s) Downloaded from eclipse.snapshot: (142 kB at 111 kB/s) Downloaded from eclipse.snapshot: (715 kB at 558 kB/s) Progress (1): 28/73 kB Progress (1): 32/73 kB Progress (1): 33/73 kB Progress (1): 37/73 kB Progress (1): 41/73 kB Progress (1): 45/73 kB Progress (1): 49/73 kB Progress (1): 53/73 kB Progress (1): 57/73 kB Progress (1): 61/73 kB Progress (1): 65/73 kB Progress (1): 69/73 kB Progress (1): 73/73 kB Progress (1): 73 kB Downloaded from eclipse.snapshot: (73 kB at 49 kB/s) [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:add-source (add-source) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Source directory: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/src/main/client added. [INFO] Source directory: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/src/main/shared added. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/src/main/resources [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 128 source files to /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/classes [WARNING] /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/src/main/client/formdata/client/ui/forms/[44] public class MyColumn extends AbstractColumn { ^^^^^^^^ Type safety: The return type List for getAllExtensions() from the type AbstractColumn needs unchecked conversion to conform to List> from the type IExtensibleObject 1 problem (1 warning) [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 33 source files to /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/test-classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Surefire report directory: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/surefire-reports ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.ScoutRuntimeTypesTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.747 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.ScoutRuntimeTypesTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.jaxws.JaxWsModuleNewHelperTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.116 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.jaxws.JaxWsModuleNewHelperTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.jaxws.JaxWsUtilsTest Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.07 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.jaxws.JaxWsUtilsTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.project.ScoutProjectNewTest [WARNING]: Don't override file /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir6433089355378369645/artifact/artifact/pom.xml Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir6433089355378369645/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[5] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession is never used [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir6433089355378369645/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[7] import; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import is never used 2 problems (2 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir6433089355378369645/artifact/artifact.client/src/main/java/group/artifact/client/[4] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession is never used 1 problem (1 warning) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir6433089355378369645/artifact/artifact.client/src/test/java/group/artifact/client/helloworld/[15] import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField is never used 1 problem (1 warning) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest 2020-01-16 10:12:52,012 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:12:52,113 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 88.299770 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:12:52,458 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:12:52,463 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:12:52,608 INFO [main] group.artifact.server.ServerSession - created a new session for test_subject - MDC[principal=test_subject] 2020-01-16 10:12:52,609 INFO [main] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.AbstractServerSession - Server session started [session=group.artifact.server.ServerSession@4d6f623d[id = e3a77ef7-8d37-4bd6-9bb5-43b1cc2af962], user=test_subject] - MDC[principal=test_subject] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.122 sec - in group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest Results : Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest 2020-01-16 10:12:54,649 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:12:54,789 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 126.718629 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:12:55,163 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:12:55,165 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:12:55,166 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - No found. Running with empty configuration. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:12:55,421 INFO [scout-model-thread-24] org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.AbstractClientSession - Client session started [session=org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.testenvironment.TestEnvironmentClientSession@2a4c3a83[id = dfb71a87-f205-4b70-ae53-a0a26f2ea0b4], user=genie.scout] - MDC[principal=anonymous, jobName=Starting ClientSession [sessionId=dfb71a87-f205-4b70-ae53-a0a26f2ea0b4]] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.671 sec - in group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest Results : Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 MVN-END Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 21.25 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.project.ScoutProjectNewTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.codetype.CodeTypeSourceBuilderTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.427 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.codetype.CodeTypeSourceBuilderTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.AnnotationCopyTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.332 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.AnnotationCopyTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.ExtensionFormDataTest Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.303 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.ExtensionFormDataTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.ExternalCheckboxFieldTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.207 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.ExternalCheckboxFieldTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.ExternalGroupboxTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.213 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.ExternalGroupboxTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.ExternalTableFieldTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.661 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.ExternalTableFieldTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.FormPropertiesTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.355 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.FormPropertiesTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.FormWithGroupboxesTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.207 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.FormWithGroupboxesTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.FormWithTemplateTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.219 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.FormWithTemplateTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.IgnoredFieldsFormTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.001 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.IgnoredFieldsFormTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.ListBoxFormTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.049 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.ListBoxFormTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.MasterFieldFormDataTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.297 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.MasterFieldFormDataTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.NestedMultiLevelFormFieldTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.052 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.NestedMultiLevelFormFieldTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.PageBeanDataTest Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.274 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.PageBeanDataTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.ReplaceFormFieldTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.771 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.ReplaceFormFieldTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.ReplaceWithTemplatesTest Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.818 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.ReplaceWithTemplatesTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.ReplacingFormTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.285 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.ReplacingFormTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.ReplacingPageTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.636 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.ReplacingPageTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.SimpleFormTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.278 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.SimpleFormTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.TableFieldBeanTest [WARNING]: Column 'formdata.client.ui.forms.ColumnWithoutTypeForm$MainBox$MyTableField$Table$MyColumn' has no value type. Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 6.306 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.TableFieldBeanTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.TableFieldExtensionTest Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.422 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.TableFieldExtensionTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.TableFieldFormTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.662 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.TableFieldFormTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.TableFieldWithIgnoredColumnsTest Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.164 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.dto.TableFieldWithIgnoredColumnsTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.form.FormSourceBuilderTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.487 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.form.FormSourceBuilderTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.lookupcall.LookupCallSourceBuilderTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.184 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.lookupcall.LookupCallSourceBuilderTest Running Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.528 sec - in Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.testcase.TestSourceBuilderTest Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.149 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.sourcebuilder.testcase.TestSourceBuilderTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.structured.WellformTest Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.097 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.structured.WellformTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.util.CoreScoutUtilsTest [WARNING]: The @Order value 100000000000000000 is very large and therefore may not be precise enough. It is recommended to use a lower value. Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.164 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.util.CoreScoutUtilsTest Results : Tests run: 61, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e >--------- [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [8/13] [INFO] -------------------------------[ bundle ]------------------------------- Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Downloading from eclipse.maven.central.mirror: Progress (1): 446 B Downloaded from eclipse.maven.central.mirror: (446 B at 1.3 kB/s) Downloading from eclipse.maven.central.mirror: Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Progress (1): 445 B Downloaded from eclipse.maven.central.mirror: (445 B at 6.5 kB/s) Downloading from eclipse.maven.central.mirror: Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Progress (1): 458 B Downloaded from eclipse.maven.central.mirror: (458 B at 5.9 kB/s) Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Downloading from eclipse.maven.central.mirror: Progress (1): 442 B Downloaded from eclipse.maven.central.mirror: (442 B at 6.1 kB/s) [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] Copying 5 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 55 source files to /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] No tests to run. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:bundle (default-bundle) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Local OBR update disabled (enable with -DobrRepository) [INFO] [INFO] ------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test >------ [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [9/13] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Downloading from eclipse.maven.central.mirror: Progress (1): 445 B Downloaded from eclipse.maven.central.mirror: (445 B at 3.7 kB/s) Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Downloading from eclipse.maven.central.mirror: Progress (1): 463 B Downloaded from eclipse.maven.central.mirror: (463 B at 3.4 kB/s) [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/src/main/resources [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 7 source files to /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 7 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 8 source files to /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/test-classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Surefire report directory: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/surefire-reports ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.operation.codetype.CodeTypeNewOperationTest Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.132 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.operation.codetype.CodeTypeNewOperationTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.operation.form.FormNewOperationTest Tests run: 12, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 9.977 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.operation.form.FormNewOperationTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.operation.jaxws.WebServiceNewOperationTest [WARNING]: Don't override file /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact/pom.xml Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN MVN-END [WARNING]: CP Don't override file /tmp/genie.scout/jaxws-module-tmp3464784247088040497/artifact.server.jaxws/src/main/resources/META-INF/scout.xml Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact.server.jaxws/target/generated-sources/wsimport/test/provider/multifile/[15] public class ErrorResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The serializable class ErrorResponse does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 2. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 3. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=scoutQueryInterface2, wsdl:service=scoutQuery, wsdl:port=scoutQueryPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 5. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 6. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 7. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 8. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 9. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 10. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 10 problems (10 warnings) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... test/provider/multifile/ test/provider/multifile/ test/provider/multifile/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=scoutQueryInterface2, wsdl:service=scoutQuery, wsdl:port=scoutQueryPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[5] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession is never used [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[7] import; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import is never used 2 problems (2 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact.server.jaxws/target/generated-sources/wsimport/test/provider/multifile/[15] public class ErrorResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The serializable class ErrorResponse does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 2. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 3. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=scoutQueryInterface2, wsdl:service=scoutQuery, wsdl:port=scoutQueryPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 5. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 6. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 7. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 8. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 9. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 10. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 10 problems (10 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact.client/src/main/java/group/artifact/client/[4] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession is never used 1 problem (1 warning) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact.client/src/test/java/group/artifact/client/helloworld/[15] import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField is never used 1 problem (1 warning) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... test/provider/multifile/ test/provider/multifile/ test/provider/multifile/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=scoutQueryInterface2, wsdl:service=scoutQuery, wsdl:port=scoutQueryPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest 2020-01-16 10:16:09,125 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:16:09,235 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 96.603557 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:16:09,674 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:16:09,680 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor specific class installed: org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.implementor.JaxWsRISpecifics - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:16:09,682 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:16:09,719 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor: JAX-WS RI 2.2.9-b130926.1035 svn-revision#5f6196f2b90e9460065a4c2f4e30e065b245e51e (, Oracle Corporation, bundled with JRE) - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:16:09,835 INFO [main] group.artifact.server.ServerSession - created a new session for test_subject - MDC[principal=test_subject] 2020-01-16 10:16:09,836 INFO [main] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.AbstractServerSession - Server session started [session=group.artifact.server.ServerSession@e93f3d5[id = 68e3a5ac-8ecb-4215-8db6-b29bbcc95b22], user=test_subject] - MDC[principal=test_subject] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.252 sec - in group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest Results : Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest 2020-01-16 10:16:12,075 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:16:12,245 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 156.674639 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:16:12,595 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:16:12,597 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:16:12,598 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - No found. Running with empty configuration. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:16:12,894 INFO [scout-model-thread-24] org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.AbstractClientSession - Client session started [session=org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.testenvironment.TestEnvironmentClientSession@6ca5d70d[id = 954c96e6-72ae-4eba-8f55-bc0be87116f3], user=genie.scout] - MDC[principal=anonymous, jobName=Starting ClientSession [sessionId=954c96e6-72ae-4eba-8f55-bc0be87116f3]] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.854 sec - in group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest Results : Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact.server.jaxws/target/generated-sources/wsimport/test/provider/multifile/[15] public class ErrorResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The serializable class ErrorResponse does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 2. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 3. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=scoutQueryInterface2, wsdl:service=scoutQuery, wsdl:port=scoutQueryPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 5. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 6. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 7. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 8. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 9. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 10. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 11. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 12. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 13. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 14. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 14 problems (14 warnings) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... test/provider/multifile/ test/provider/multifile/ test/provider/multifile/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... org/eclipse/scout/rt/test/services/ws/pingwebservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=scoutQueryInterface2, wsdl:service=scoutQuery, wsdl:port=scoutQueryPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[5] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession is never used [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[7] import; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import is never used 2 problems (2 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact.server.jaxws/target/generated-sources/wsimport/test/provider/multifile/[15] public class ErrorResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The serializable class ErrorResponse does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 2. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 3. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=scoutQueryInterface2, wsdl:service=scoutQuery, wsdl:port=scoutQueryPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 5. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 6. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 7. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 8. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 9. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 10. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 11. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 12. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 13. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 14. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 14 problems (14 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact.client/src/main/java/group/artifact/client/[4] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession is never used 1 problem (1 warning) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact.client/src/test/java/group/artifact/client/helloworld/[15] import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField is never used 1 problem (1 warning) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... test/provider/multifile/ test/provider/multifile/ test/provider/multifile/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... org/eclipse/scout/rt/test/services/ws/pingwebservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=scoutQueryInterface2, wsdl:service=scoutQuery, wsdl:port=scoutQueryPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest 2020-01-16 10:17:41,310 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:17:41,427 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 101.945127 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:17:41,853 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:17:41,860 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor specific class installed: org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.implementor.JaxWsRISpecifics - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:17:41,863 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:17:41,896 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor: JAX-WS RI 2.2.9-b130926.1035 svn-revision#5f6196f2b90e9460065a4c2f4e30e065b245e51e (, Oracle Corporation, bundled with JRE) - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:17:42,095 INFO [main] group.artifact.server.ServerSession - created a new session for test_subject - MDC[principal=test_subject] 2020-01-16 10:17:42,095 INFO [main] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.AbstractServerSession - Server session started [session=group.artifact.server.ServerSession@347bdeef[id = ccae901d-b25a-478d-8699-433d53a09f61], user=test_subject] - MDC[principal=test_subject] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.32 sec - in group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest Results : Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest 2020-01-16 10:17:44,935 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:17:45,104 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 156.347467 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:17:45,550 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:17:45,553 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:17:45,555 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - No found. Running with empty configuration. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:17:45,923 INFO [scout-model-thread-24] org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.AbstractClientSession - Client session started [session=org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.testenvironment.TestEnvironmentClientSession@48d143de[id = 1f7d217a-e615-4216-a9d3-501fcfe774f5], user=genie.scout] - MDC[principal=anonymous, jobName=Starting ClientSession [sessionId=1f7d217a-e615-4216-a9d3-501fcfe774f5]] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.185 sec - in group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest Results : Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact.server.jaxws/target/generated-sources/wsimport/test/provider/multifile/[15] public class ErrorResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The serializable class ErrorResponse does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 2. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 3. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=scoutQueryInterface2, wsdl:service=scoutQuery, wsdl:port=scoutQueryPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 5. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 6. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 7. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 8. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 9. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=WhateverPortType, wsdl:service=WhateverWebService, wsdl:port=WhateverPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 10. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 11. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 12. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 13. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 14. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 15. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 16. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 17. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 18. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 19. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 20. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 20 problems (20 warnings) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... test/provider/multifile/ test/provider/multifile/ test/provider/multifile/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... org/eclipse/scout/rt/test/services/ws/pingwebservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... test/provider/empty/whatever/ test/provider/empty/ test/provider/empty/ [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=scoutQueryInterface2, wsdl:service=scoutQuery, wsdl:port=scoutQueryPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=WhateverPortType, wsdl:service=WhateverWebService, wsdl:port=WhateverPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[5] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession is never used [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[7] import; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import is never used 2 problems (2 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact.server.jaxws/target/generated-sources/wsimport/test/provider/multifile/[15] public class ErrorResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The serializable class ErrorResponse does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 2. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 3. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=scoutQueryInterface2, wsdl:service=scoutQuery, wsdl:port=scoutQueryPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 5. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 6. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 7. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 8. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 9. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=WhateverPortType, wsdl:service=WhateverWebService, wsdl:port=WhateverPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 10. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 11. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 12. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 13. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 14. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 15. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 16. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 17. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 18. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 19. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 20. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 20 problems (20 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact.client/src/main/java/group/artifact/client/[4] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession is never used 1 problem (1 warning) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir5070657991951322786/artifact/artifact.client/src/test/java/group/artifact/client/helloworld/[15] import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField is never used 1 problem (1 warning) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... test/provider/multifile/ test/provider/multifile/ test/provider/multifile/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... org/eclipse/scout/rt/test/services/ws/pingwebservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ test/consumer/multiservice/ Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... test/provider/empty/whatever/ test/provider/empty/ test/provider/empty/ [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=scoutQueryInterface2, wsdl:service=scoutQuery, wsdl:port=scoutQueryPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=WhateverPortType, wsdl:service=WhateverWebService, wsdl:port=WhateverPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.WhateverWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.IWhateverPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.empty.IWhateverWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest 2020-01-16 10:19:15,035 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:19:15,192 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 140.535824 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:19:15,676 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:19:15,684 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor specific class installed: org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.implementor.JaxWsRISpecifics - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:19:15,687 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:19:15,733 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor: JAX-WS RI 2.2.9-b130926.1035 svn-revision#5f6196f2b90e9460065a4c2f4e30e065b245e51e (, Oracle Corporation, bundled with JRE) - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:19:15,926 INFO [main] group.artifact.server.ServerSession - created a new session for test_subject - MDC[principal=test_subject] 2020-01-16 10:19:15,927 INFO [main] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.AbstractServerSession - Server session started [session=group.artifact.server.ServerSession@347bdeef[id = c17fabff-8161-4020-89cb-953e6aa921a7], user=test_subject] - MDC[principal=test_subject] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.493 sec - in group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest Results : Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest 2020-01-16 10:19:18,323 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:19:18,505 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 168.778058 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:19:18,916 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:19:18,918 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:19:18,919 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - No found. Running with empty configuration. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:19:19,251 INFO [scout-model-thread-24] org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.AbstractClientSession - Client session started [session=org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.testenvironment.TestEnvironmentClientSession@6cf2d92c[id = 00191df4-f669-4281-b463-a4099825bceb], user=genie.scout] - MDC[principal=anonymous, jobName=Starting ClientSession [sessionId=00191df4-f669-4281-b463-a4099825bceb]] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.981 sec - in group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest Results : Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 MVN-END [WARNING]: Don't override file /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact/pom.xml Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN MVN-END [WARNING]: CP Don't override file /tmp/genie.scout/jaxws-module-tmp8275815573325975212/artifact.server.jaxws/src/main/resources/META-INF/scout.xml Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact.server.jaxws/target/generated-sources/wsimport/test/consumer/[15] public class ErrorResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The serializable class ErrorResponse does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 2. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 3. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4 problems (4 warnings) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ test/consumer/ test/consumer/ test/consumer/ [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[5] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession is never used [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[7] import; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import is never used 2 problems (2 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact.server.jaxws/target/generated-sources/wsimport/test/consumer/[15] public class ErrorResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The serializable class ErrorResponse does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 2. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 3. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4 problems (4 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact.client/src/main/java/group/artifact/client/[4] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession is never used 1 problem (1 warning) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact.client/src/test/java/group/artifact/client/helloworld/[15] import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField is never used 1 problem (1 warning) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ test/consumer/ test/consumer/ test/consumer/ [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest 2020-01-16 10:21:28,485 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:21:28,590 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 93.090065 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:21:28,989 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:21:28,992 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor specific class installed: org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.implementor.JaxWsRISpecifics - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:21:28,994 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:21:29,027 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor: JAX-WS RI 2.2.9-b130926.1035 svn-revision#5f6196f2b90e9460065a4c2f4e30e065b245e51e (, Oracle Corporation, bundled with JRE) - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:21:29,221 INFO [main] group.artifact.server.ServerSession - created a new session for test_subject - MDC[principal=test_subject] 2020-01-16 10:21:29,222 INFO [main] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.AbstractServerSession - Server session started [session=group.artifact.server.ServerSession@347bdeef[id = 57a63254-2dd3-444e-8759-b1c3638104bd], user=test_subject] - MDC[principal=test_subject] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.402 sec - in group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest Results : Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest 2020-01-16 10:21:32,223 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:21:32,368 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 132.355391 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:21:32,849 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:21:32,852 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:21:32,853 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - No found. Running with empty configuration. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:21:33,122 INFO [scout-model-thread-24] org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.AbstractClientSession - Client session started [session=org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.testenvironment.TestEnvironmentClientSession@6ca5d70d[id = 062ff01b-8872-499c-908b-a76bacd4a92f], user=genie.scout] - MDC[principal=anonymous, jobName=Starting ClientSession [sessionId=062ff01b-8872-499c-908b-a76bacd4a92f]] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.448 sec - in group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest Results : Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact.server.jaxws/target/generated-sources/wsimport/test/consumer/[15] public class ErrorResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The serializable class ErrorResponse does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 2. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 3. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=TestEmptyPortType, wsdl:service=TestEmptyWebService, wsdl:port=TestEmptyPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 5. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 6. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 7. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 8. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 9. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 10. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 11. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 11 problems (11 warnings) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ test/consumer/ test/consumer/ test/consumer/ Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... test/provider/empty/testempty/ test/provider/empty/ test/provider/empty/ [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=TestEmptyPortType, wsdl:service=TestEmptyWebService, wsdl:port=TestEmptyPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[5] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession is never used [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[7] import; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import is never used 2 problems (2 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact.server.jaxws/target/generated-sources/wsimport/test/consumer/[15] public class ErrorResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The serializable class ErrorResponse does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 2. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 3. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=TestEmptyPortType, wsdl:service=TestEmptyWebService, wsdl:port=TestEmptyPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 5. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 6. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 7. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 8. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 9. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 10. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 11. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 11 problems (11 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact.client/src/main/java/group/artifact/client/[4] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession is never used 1 problem (1 warning) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact.client/src/test/java/group/artifact/client/helloworld/[15] import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField is never used 1 problem (1 warning) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ test/consumer/ test/consumer/ test/consumer/ Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... test/provider/empty/testempty/ test/provider/empty/ test/provider/empty/ [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=TestEmptyPortType, wsdl:service=TestEmptyWebService, wsdl:port=TestEmptyPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest 2020-01-16 10:23:00,638 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:23:00,752 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 100.689419 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:23:01,131 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:23:01,137 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor specific class installed: org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.implementor.JaxWsRISpecifics - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:23:01,139 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:23:01,167 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor: JAX-WS RI 2.2.9-b130926.1035 svn-revision#5f6196f2b90e9460065a4c2f4e30e065b245e51e (, Oracle Corporation, bundled with JRE) - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:23:01,332 INFO [main] group.artifact.server.ServerSession - created a new session for test_subject - MDC[principal=test_subject] 2020-01-16 10:23:01,333 INFO [main] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.AbstractServerSession - Server session started [session=group.artifact.server.ServerSession@347bdeef[id = 758b09ab-e9be-4d48-85ec-bd1110f20161], user=test_subject] - MDC[principal=test_subject] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.326 sec - in group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest Results : Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest 2020-01-16 10:23:03,402 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:23:03,547 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 131.522648 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:23:03,880 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:23:03,882 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:23:03,883 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - No found. Running with empty configuration. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:23:04,136 INFO [scout-model-thread-24] org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.AbstractClientSession - Client session started [session=org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.testenvironment.TestEnvironmentClientSession@d077aeb[id = 6618a74a-6d4b-4f2e-9af2-7f26c4854b3a], user=genie.scout] - MDC[principal=anonymous, jobName=Starting ClientSession [sessionId=6618a74a-6d4b-4f2e-9af2-7f26c4854b3a]] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.637 sec - in group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest Results : Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact.server.jaxws/target/generated-sources/wsimport/test/consumer/[15] public class ErrorResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The serializable class ErrorResponse does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 2. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 3. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=SecondWebServiceOnePortType, wsdl:service=SecondWebService, wsdl:port=SecondWebServiceOnePort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 5. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 6. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 7. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 8. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 9. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=FirstWebServiceTwoPortType, wsdl:service=FirstWebService, wsdl:port=FirstWebServiceTwoPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 10. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 11. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 12. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 13. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 14. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 15. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=SecondWebServiceTwoPortType, wsdl:service=SecondWebService, wsdl:port=SecondWebServiceTwoPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 16. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 17. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 18. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 19. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 20. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 21. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=TestEmptyPortType, wsdl:service=TestEmptyWebService, wsdl:port=TestEmptyPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 22. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 23. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 24. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 25. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 26. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 27. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=FirstWebServiceOnePortType, wsdl:service=FirstWebService, wsdl:port=FirstWebServiceOnePort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 28. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 29. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 30. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 31. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 32. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 33. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 34. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 35. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 35 problems (35 warnings) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ test/consumer/ test/consumer/ test/consumer/ Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... test/provider/empty/testempty/ test/provider/empty/ test/provider/empty/ Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... org/eclipse/scout/rt/test/services/ws/pingwebservice/ test/provider/multiservice/ test/provider/multiservice/ test/provider/multiservice/ test/provider/multiservice/ test/provider/multiservice/ test/provider/multiservice/ [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=SecondWebServiceOnePortType, wsdl:service=SecondWebService, wsdl:port=SecondWebServiceOnePort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=FirstWebServiceTwoPortType, wsdl:service=FirstWebService, wsdl:port=FirstWebServiceTwoPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=SecondWebServiceTwoPortType, wsdl:service=SecondWebService, wsdl:port=SecondWebServiceTwoPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=TestEmptyPortType, wsdl:service=TestEmptyWebService, wsdl:port=TestEmptyPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=FirstWebServiceOnePortType, wsdl:service=FirstWebService, wsdl:port=FirstWebServiceOnePort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[5] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession is never used [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[7] import; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import is never used 2 problems (2 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact.server.jaxws/target/generated-sources/wsimport/test/consumer/[15] public class ErrorResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The serializable class ErrorResponse does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 2. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 3. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=SecondWebServiceOnePortType, wsdl:service=SecondWebService, wsdl:port=SecondWebServiceOnePort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 5. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 6. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 7. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 8. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 9. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=FirstWebServiceTwoPortType, wsdl:service=FirstWebService, wsdl:port=FirstWebServiceTwoPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 10. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 11. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 12. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 13. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 14. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 15. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=SecondWebServiceTwoPortType, wsdl:service=SecondWebService, wsdl:port=SecondWebServiceTwoPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 16. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 17. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 18. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 19. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 20. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 21. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=TestEmptyPortType, wsdl:service=TestEmptyWebService, wsdl:port=TestEmptyPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 22. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 23. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 24. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 25. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 26. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 27. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=FirstWebServiceOnePortType, wsdl:service=FirstWebService, wsdl:port=FirstWebServiceOnePort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 28. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 29. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 30. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 31. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 32. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 33. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 34. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 35. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 35 problems (35 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact.client/src/main/java/group/artifact/client/[4] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession is never used 1 problem (1 warning) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir4397415622471414790/artifact/artifact.client/src/test/java/group/artifact/client/helloworld/[15] import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField is never used 1 problem (1 warning) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ test/consumer/ test/consumer/ test/consumer/ Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... test/provider/empty/testempty/ test/provider/empty/ test/provider/empty/ Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... org/eclipse/scout/rt/test/services/ws/pingwebservice/ test/provider/multiservice/ test/provider/multiservice/ test/provider/multiservice/ test/provider/multiservice/ test/provider/multiservice/ test/provider/multiservice/ [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=SecondWebServiceOnePortType, wsdl:service=SecondWebService, wsdl:port=SecondWebServiceOnePort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOnePortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=FirstWebServiceTwoPortType, wsdl:service=FirstWebService, wsdl:port=FirstWebServiceTwoPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=SecondWebServiceTwoPortType, wsdl:service=SecondWebService, wsdl:port=SecondWebServiceTwoPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.SecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.ISecondWebServiceTwoWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=TestEmptyPortType, wsdl:service=TestEmptyWebService, wsdl:port=TestEmptyPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.empty.TestEmptyWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.empty.ITestEmptyWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=FirstWebServiceOnePortType, wsdl:service=FirstWebService, wsdl:port=FirstWebServiceOnePort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multiservice.FirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOnePortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multiservice.IFirstWebServiceOneWebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest 2020-01-16 10:24:32,311 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:24:32,418 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 94.146986 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:24:32,813 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:24:32,817 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor specific class installed: org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.implementor.JaxWsRISpecifics - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:24:32,819 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:24:32,847 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor: JAX-WS RI 2.2.9-b130926.1035 svn-revision#5f6196f2b90e9460065a4c2f4e30e065b245e51e (, Oracle Corporation, bundled with JRE) - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:24:33,013 INFO [main] group.artifact.server.ServerSession - created a new session for test_subject - MDC[principal=test_subject] 2020-01-16 10:24:33,014 INFO [main] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.AbstractServerSession - Server session started [session=group.artifact.server.ServerSession@347bdeef[id = 1ec3a32b-c400-4cc5-9e30-cb57da985ce8], user=test_subject] - MDC[principal=test_subject] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.291 sec - in group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest Results : Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest 2020-01-16 10:24:36,093 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:24:36,227 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 120.800109 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:24:36,541 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:24:36,542 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:24:36,543 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - No found. Running with empty configuration. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:24:36,778 INFO [scout-model-thread-24] org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.AbstractClientSession - Client session started [session=org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.testenvironment.TestEnvironmentClientSession@1e976c79[id = d06666db-c3cd-4642-b8b3-dab834ae8b71], user=genie.scout] - MDC[principal=anonymous, jobName=Starting ClientSession [sessionId=d06666db-c3cd-4642-b8b3-dab834ae8b71]] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.524 sec - in group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest Results : Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 MVN-END Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 639.833 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.operation.jaxws.WebServiceNewOperationTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.operation.jaxws.WebServiceUpdateOperationTest [WARNING]: Don't override file /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir3609481739276365412/artifact/artifact/pom.xml Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN MVN-END [WARNING]: CP Don't override file /tmp/genie.scout/jaxws-module-tmp6221395114031756166/artifact.server.jaxws/src/main/resources/META-INF/scout.xml Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir3609481739276365412/artifact/artifact.server.jaxws/target/generated-sources/wsimport/test/provider/multifile/[15] public class ErrorResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The serializable class ErrorResponse does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 2. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 3. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=scoutQueryInterface2, wsdl:service=scoutQuery, wsdl:port=scoutQueryPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 5. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 6. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 7. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 8. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 9. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 10. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 10 problems (10 warnings) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... test/provider/multifile/ test/provider/multifile/ test/provider/multifile/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=scoutQueryInterface2, wsdl:service=scoutQuery, wsdl:port=scoutQueryPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir3609481739276365412/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[5] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession is never used [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir3609481739276365412/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[7] import; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import is never used 2 problems (2 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir3609481739276365412/artifact/artifact.server.jaxws/target/generated-sources/wsimport/test/provider/multifile/[15] public class ErrorResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The serializable class ErrorResponse does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 2. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 3. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=scoutQueryInterface2, wsdl:service=scoutQuery, wsdl:port=scoutQueryPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 5. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 6. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 7. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 8. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 9. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 10. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 10 problems (10 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir3609481739276365412/artifact/artifact.client/src/main/java/group/artifact/client/[4] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession is never used 1 problem (1 warning) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir3609481739276365412/artifact/artifact.client/src/test/java/group/artifact/client/helloworld/[15] import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField is never used 1 problem (1 warning) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... test/provider/multifile/ test/provider/multifile/ test/provider/multifile/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, wsdl:portType=scoutQueryInterface2, wsdl:service=scoutQuery, wsdl:port=scoutQueryPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=test.provider.multifile.ScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPoint, endpointInterface=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest 2020-01-16 10:26:45,313 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:26:45,432 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 105.471902 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:26:45,809 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:26:45,813 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor specific class installed: org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.implementor.JaxWsRISpecifics - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:26:45,814 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:26:45,843 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor: JAX-WS RI 2.2.9-b130926.1035 svn-revision#5f6196f2b90e9460065a4c2f4e30e065b245e51e (, Oracle Corporation, bundled with JRE) - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:26:45,960 INFO [main] group.artifact.server.ServerSession - created a new session for test_subject - MDC[principal=test_subject] 2020-01-16 10:26:45,960 INFO [main] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.AbstractServerSession - Server session started [session=group.artifact.server.ServerSession@e93f3d5[id = a68b5b15-799e-4c11-8298-6c461304dff5], user=test_subject] - MDC[principal=test_subject] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.145 sec - in group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest Results : Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest 2020-01-16 10:26:47,833 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:26:47,969 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 124.037209 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:26:48,282 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:26:48,284 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:26:48,285 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - No found. Running with empty configuration. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:26:48,533 INFO [scout-model-thread-24] org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.AbstractClientSession - Client session started [session=org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.testenvironment.TestEnvironmentClientSession@5a833ce7[id = 949343ef-4ad0-4f3c-88fa-8e9f11c0537b], user=genie.scout] - MDC[principal=anonymous, jobName=Starting ClientSession [sessionId=949343ef-4ad0-4f3c-88fa-8e9f11c0537b]] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.569 sec - in group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest Results : Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir3609481739276365412/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[5] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession is never used [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir3609481739276365412/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[7] import; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import is never used 2 problems (2 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir3609481739276365412/artifact/artifact.server.jaxws/target/generated-sources/wsimport/test/provider/newMultiFile/[15] public class ErrorResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The serializable class ErrorResponse does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 2. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 3. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.newMultiFile.IChangedPortType' [entryPoint=entry.point.changedpackage.ChangedEntryPointName, wsdl:portType=scoutQueryInterface2, wsdl:service=scoutQuery, wsdl:port=scoutQueryPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=entry.point.changedpackage.ChangedEntryPointName_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.newMultiFile.IChangedPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 5. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=entry.point.changedpackage.ChangedEntryPointName_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.newMultiFile.IChangedPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 6. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=entry.point.changedpackage.ChangedEntryPointName_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.newMultiFile.IChangedPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 7. WARNING: Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=ChangedEntryPointName_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.newMultiFile.IChangedPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 8. WARNING: Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=entry.point.changedpackage.ChangedEntryPointName, endpointInterface=test.provider.newMultiFile.IChangedPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 9. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 10. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 10 problems (10 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir3609481739276365412/artifact/artifact.client/src/main/java/group/artifact/client/[4] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession is never used 1 problem (1 warning) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir3609481739276365412/artifact/artifact.client/src/test/java/group/artifact/client/helloworld/[15] import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField is never used 1 problem (1 warning) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... test/provider/newMultiFile/ test/provider/newMultiFile/ test/provider/newMultiFile/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate entry point for endpoint interface 'test.provider.newMultiFile.IChangedPortType' [entryPoint=entry.point.changedpackage.ChangedEntryPointName, wsdl:portType=scoutQueryInterface2, wsdl:service=scoutQuery, wsdl:port=scoutQueryPort] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, handlerDelegate=entry.point.changedpackage.ChangedEntryPointName_WsProviderCorrelationIdHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.newMultiFile.IChangedPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler delegate [handler=org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.handler.LogHandler, handlerDelegate=entry.point.changedpackage.ChangedEntryPointName_LogHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.newMultiFile.IChangedPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate AuthHandler [authHandler=entry.point.changedpackage.ChangedEntryPointName_AuthHandler, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.newMultiFile.IChangedPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Generate handler chain XML-file [file=ChangedEntryPointName_handler-chain.xml, portTypeDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition, endpointInterface=test.provider.newMultiFile.IChangedPortType] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Entry point successfully generated. [entryPoint=entry.point.changedpackage.ChangedEntryPointName, endpointInterface=test.provider.newMultiFile.IChangedPortType, entryPointDefinition=test.provider.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2WebServiceEntryPointDefinition] [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest 2020-01-16 10:27:31,703 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:27:31,808 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 91.490527 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:27:32,185 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:27:32,189 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor specific class installed: org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.implementor.JaxWsRISpecifics - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:27:32,191 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:27:32,230 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor: JAX-WS RI 2.2.9-b130926.1035 svn-revision#5f6196f2b90e9460065a4c2f4e30e065b245e51e (, Oracle Corporation, bundled with JRE) - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:27:32,343 INFO [main] group.artifact.server.ServerSession - created a new session for test_subject - MDC[principal=test_subject] 2020-01-16 10:27:32,344 INFO [main] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.AbstractServerSession - Server session started [session=group.artifact.server.ServerSession@e93f3d5[id = f8ce49d1-b9fd-488f-a578-0a3e5b4bcc2f], user=test_subject] - MDC[principal=test_subject] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.163 sec - in group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest Results : Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest 2020-01-16 10:27:34,570 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:27:34,714 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 131.056045 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:27:35,051 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:27:35,053 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:27:35,055 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - No found. Running with empty configuration. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:27:35,290 INFO [scout-model-thread-24] org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.AbstractClientSession - Client session started [session=org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.testenvironment.TestEnvironmentClientSession@120a5b64[id = 2bcddb28-6e80-4370-9959-08b152d74f10], user=genie.scout] - MDC[principal=anonymous, jobName=Starting ClientSession [sessionId=2bcddb28-6e80-4370-9959-08b152d74f10]] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.587 sec - in group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest Results : Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 MVN-END [WARNING]: Don't override file /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir7160698948983939891/artifact/artifact/pom.xml Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN MVN-END [WARNING]: CP Don't override file /tmp/genie.scout/jaxws-module-tmp1060571869042444526/artifact.server.jaxws/src/main/resources/META-INF/scout.xml Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir7160698948983939891/artifact/artifact.server.jaxws/target/generated-sources/wsimport/test/consumer/multifile/[15] public class ErrorResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The serializable class ErrorResponse does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 2. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 3. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4 problems (4 warnings) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... test/consumer/multifile/ test/consumer/multifile/ test/consumer/multifile/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir7160698948983939891/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[5] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession is never used [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir7160698948983939891/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[7] import; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import is never used 2 problems (2 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir7160698948983939891/artifact/artifact.server.jaxws/target/generated-sources/wsimport/test/consumer/multifile/[15] public class ErrorResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The serializable class ErrorResponse does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 2. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 3. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4 problems (4 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir7160698948983939891/artifact/artifact.client/src/main/java/group/artifact/client/[4] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession is never used 1 problem (1 warning) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir7160698948983939891/artifact/artifact.client/src/test/java/group/artifact/client/helloworld/[15] import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField is never used 1 problem (1 warning) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... test/consumer/multifile/ test/consumer/multifile/ test/consumer/multifile/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.multifile.IScoutQueryInterface2PortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest 2020-01-16 10:29:39,830 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:29:39,955 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 111.317951 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:29:40,363 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:29:40,368 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor specific class installed: org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.implementor.JaxWsRISpecifics - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:29:40,370 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:29:40,415 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor: JAX-WS RI 2.2.9-b130926.1035 svn-revision#5f6196f2b90e9460065a4c2f4e30e065b245e51e (, Oracle Corporation, bundled with JRE) - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:29:40,617 INFO [main] group.artifact.server.ServerSession - created a new session for test_subject - MDC[principal=test_subject] 2020-01-16 10:29:40,618 INFO [main] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.AbstractServerSession - Server session started [session=group.artifact.server.ServerSession@347bdeef[id = 072a6189-1764-4647-a5e0-d6c2418e0fd5], user=test_subject] - MDC[principal=test_subject] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.322 sec - in group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest Results : Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest 2020-01-16 10:29:42,887 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:29:43,055 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 154.740779 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:29:43,397 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:29:43,399 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:29:43,400 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - No found. Running with empty configuration. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:29:43,654 INFO [scout-model-thread-24] org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.AbstractClientSession - Client session started [session=org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.testenvironment.TestEnvironmentClientSession@6ca5d70d[id = c9223b7e-601f-4f51-860a-147e857d45f1], user=genie.scout] - MDC[principal=anonymous, jobName=Starting ClientSession [sessionId=c9223b7e-601f-4f51-860a-147e857d45f1]] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.72 sec - in group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest Results : Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 MVN-END [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir7160698948983939891/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[5] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ISession is never used [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir7160698948983939891/artifact/artifact.shared/src/main/java/group/artifact/shared/security/[7] import; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import is never used 2 problems (2 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir7160698948983939891/artifact/artifact.server.jaxws/target/generated-sources/wsimport/test/consumer/newMultiFile/[15] public class ErrorResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The serializable class ErrorResponse does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long 2. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 3. WARNING: Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.newMultiFile.IChangedPortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4. WARNING: Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] 4 problems (4 warnings) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir7160698948983939891/artifact/artifact.client/src/main/java/group/artifact/client/[4] import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.IClientSession is never used 1 problem (1 warning) [WARNING]: /tmp/genie.scout/CoreScoutTestingUtils-projectDir7160698948983939891/artifact/artifact.client/src/test/java/group/artifact/client/helloworld/[15] import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldForm.MainBox.TopBox.MessageField is never used 1 problem (1 warning) Output of embedded Maven call: MVN-BEGIN Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T07:57:37-04:00) Maven home: Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /opt/public/common/java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_192_x64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "3.12.74-60.64.40-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 parsing WSDL... Generating code... test/consumer/newMultiFile/ test/consumer/newMultiFile/ test/consumer/newMultiFile/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/schema/common/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ org/eclipse/scout/webservices/scout/ [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Skipped entry point generation for endpoint interface 'test.consumer.newMultiFile.IChangedPortType' because not configured with WebServiceEntryPoint annotation. [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] [INFO] Annotation processing: Annotation processing started... [processor=JaxWsAnnotationProcessor] ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest 2020-01-16 10:30:30,134 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:30:30,246 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 98.787743 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:30:30,642 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:30:30,646 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor specific class installed: org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.implementor.JaxWsRISpecifics - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:30:30,648 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:30:30,680 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.JaxWsPlatformListener - JAX-WS implementor: JAX-WS RI 2.2.9-b130926.1035 svn-revision#5f6196f2b90e9460065a4c2f4e30e065b245e51e (, Oracle Corporation, bundled with JRE) - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:30:30,840 INFO [main] group.artifact.server.ServerSession - created a new session for test_subject - MDC[principal=test_subject] 2020-01-16 10:30:30,841 INFO [main] org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.AbstractServerSession - Server session started [session=group.artifact.server.ServerSession@347bdeef[id = a89459d3-929e-44e4-8ab3-f4ebdb00dd5d], user=test_subject] - MDC[principal=test_subject] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.212 sec - in group.artifact.server.helloworld.HelloWorldServiceTest Results : Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest 2020-01-16 10:30:33,019 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - Headless mode: scout.headless=true, java.awt.headless=true, GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()=true - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:30:33,163 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.inventory.ClassInventory - Finished preparation of jandex class inventory in 132.227488 ms - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:30:33,523 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LoggerPlatformListener - registered logger support [org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.logger.LogbackLoggerSupport] - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:30:33,525 INFO [Thread-1] - 0 code type classes registered. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:30:33,526 INFO [Thread-1] org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor - No found. Running with empty configuration. - MDC[] 2020-01-16 10:30:33,819 INFO [scout-model-thread-24] org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.AbstractClientSession - Client session started [session=org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.testenvironment.TestEnvironmentClientSession@35f7506a[id = 8bf57b46-c8c4-4a05-af8e-dc5e4eeca2a5], user=genie.scout] - MDC[principal=anonymous, jobName=Starting ClientSession [sessionId=8bf57b46-c8c4-4a05-af8e-dc5e4eeca2a5]] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.768 sec - in group.artifact.client.helloworld.HelloWorldFormTest Results : Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 MVN-END Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 357.192 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.operation.jaxws.WebServiceUpdateOperationTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.operation.lookupcall.LookupCallNewOperationTest Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.524 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.operation.lookupcall.LookupCallNewOperationTest Running Tests run: 20, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 14.022 sec - in Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.operation.permission.PermissionNewOperationTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.094 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.operation.permission.PermissionNewOperationTest Running org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test.ApiTest Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.041 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test.ApiTest Results : Tests run: 48, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] ------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc >------- [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [10/13] [INFO] -------------------------------[ bundle ]------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 63 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] No tests to run. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:bundle (default-bundle) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Local OBR update disabled (enable with -DobrRepository) [INFO] [INFO] ------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls >------- [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [11/13] [INFO] -------------------------------[ bundle ]------------------------------- Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Downloading from eclipse.maven.central.mirror: Progress (1): 464 B Downloaded from eclipse.maven.central.mirror: (464 B at 4.2 kB/s) Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Downloading from eclipse.maven.central.mirror: Progress (1): 446 B Downloaded from eclipse.maven.central.mirror: (446 B at 2.9 kB/s) Downloading from eclipse.snapshot: Downloading from eclipse.maven.central.mirror: Progress (1): 450 B Downloaded from eclipse.maven.central.mirror: (450 B at 7.6 kB/s) [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/src/main/resources [INFO] Copying 18 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 94 source files to /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] No tests to run. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:bundle (default-bundle) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Local OBR update disabled (enable with -DobrRepository) [INFO] [INFO] -------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui >------- [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [12/13] [INFO] -------------------------------[ bundle ]------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/src/main/resources [INFO] Copying 41 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 126 source files to /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] No tests to run. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:bundle (default-bundle) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Local OBR update disabled (enable with -DobrRepository) [INFO] [INFO] --------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings >-------- [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [13/13] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 7 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] No tests to run. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Summary for Eclipse Scout SDK 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT: [INFO] [INFO] Scout Hello World Sample Application ............... SUCCESS [01:00 min] [INFO] Scout JaxWs Module ................................. SUCCESS [ 3.649 s] [INFO] Eclipse Scout SDK .................................. SUCCESS [ 1.364 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core ... SUCCESS [ 13.512 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test SUCCESS [ 13.292 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s . SUCCESS [ 15.814 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test SUCCESS [01:05 min] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e SUCCESS [ 12.338 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test SUCCESS [17:14 min] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc SUCCESS [ 3.568 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls SUCCESS [ 8.198 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui SUCCESS [ 7.309 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings ..................... SUCCESS [ 3.468 s] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 20:48 min [INFO] Finished at: 2020-01-16T10:31:16-05:00 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [workspace] $ /shared/common/apache-maven-latest/bin/mvn -f org.eclipse.scout.sdk/pom.xml -Dremote_branch=origin/releases/6.0.x -Dis_tag=false -Dtag_or_branch=origin/releases/6.0.x -Dmaster_unitTest_skip=true -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository deploy -Peclipse-sign Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 [INFO] Scanning for projects... [WARNING] The project org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk:pom:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT uses prerequisites which is only intended for maven-plugin projects but not for non maven-plugin projects. For such purposes you should use the maven-enforcer-plugin. See [WARNING] The project org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings:jar:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT uses prerequisites which is only intended for maven-plugin projects but not for non maven-plugin projects. For such purposes you should use the maven-enforcer-plugin. See [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Build Order: [INFO] [INFO] Scout Hello World Sample Application [maven-archetype] [INFO] Scout JaxWs Module [maven-archetype] [INFO] Eclipse Scout SDK [pom] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core [jar] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test [jar] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s [jar] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test [jar] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e [bundle] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test [jar] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc [bundle] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls [bundle] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui [bundle] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings [jar] [INFO] [INFO] ---------< org.eclipse.scout.archetypes:scout-helloworld-app >---------- [INFO] Building Scout Hello World Sample Application 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [1/13] [INFO] --------------------------[ maven-archetype ]--------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 99 resources [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- flatten-maven-plugin:1.0.0:flatten (flatten) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Generating flattened POM of project org.eclipse.scout.archetypes:scout-helloworld-app:maven-archetype:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT... [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:jar (default-jar) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Building archetype jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/scout-helloworld-app-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/scout-helloworld-app-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0:normalize (pack200-normalize) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2:sign (sign) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0:pack (pack200-pack) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:p2-metadata (attach-p2-metadata) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:integration-test (default-integration-test) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Processing Archetype IT project: basic [INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Using following parameters for creating project from Archetype: scout-helloworld-app:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: org.eclipse.scout.apps [INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: helloworld [INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] Parameter: package, Value: org.eclipse.scout.apps.helloworld [INFO] Parameter: packageInPathFormat, Value: org/eclipse/scout/apps/helloworld [INFO] Parameter: scoutAuthPublicKeyDev, Value: TODO (use [INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: org.eclipse.scout.apps [INFO] Parameter: scoutAuthPrivateKeyDev, Value: TODO (use [INFO] Parameter: scoutAuthPublicKey, Value: TODO (use [INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] Parameter: userName, Value: Scout Robot [INFO] Parameter: displayName, Value: My Application [INFO] Parameter: javaVersion, Value: 1.8 [INFO] Parameter: package, Value: org.eclipse.scout.apps.helloworld [INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: helloworld [INFO] Parameter: scoutAuthPrivateKey, Value: TODO (use [INFO] Parent element not overwritten in /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/helloworld/pom.xml [WARNING] Don't override file /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/helloworld/pom.xml [INFO] Parent element not overwritten in /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/helloworld.shared/pom.xml [INFO] Parent element not overwritten in /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/helloworld.server/pom.xml [INFO] Parent element not overwritten in /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/helloworld.client/pom.xml [INFO] Parent element not overwritten in /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/ [INFO] Parent element not overwritten in /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/ [INFO] Parent element not overwritten in /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/helloworld.ui.html/pom.xml [INFO] Parent element not overwritten in /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/ [INFO] Parent element not overwritten in /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld/ [INFO] project created from Archetype in dir: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/scout-helloworld-app-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/archetypes/scout-helloworld-app/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/scout-helloworld-app-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/.flattened-pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/archetypes/scout-helloworld-app/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/scout-helloworld-app-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-helloworld-app/target/scout-helloworld-app-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/archetypes/scout-helloworld-app/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/scout-helloworld-app-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:update-local-catalog (default-update-local-catalog) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) @ scout-helloworld-app --- [INFO] Deploying org.eclipse.scout.archetypes:scout-helloworld-app:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT at end [INFO] [INFO] ----------< org.eclipse.scout.archetypes:scout-jaxws-module >----------- [INFO] Building Scout JaxWs Module 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [2/13] [INFO] --------------------------[ maven-archetype ]--------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 7 resources [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- flatten-maven-plugin:1.0.0:flatten (flatten) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Generating flattened POM of project org.eclipse.scout.archetypes:scout-jaxws-module:maven-archetype:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT... [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:jar (default-jar) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Building archetype jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-jaxws-module/target/scout-jaxws-module-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-jaxws-module/target/scout-jaxws-module-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0:normalize (pack200-normalize) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2:sign (sign) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0:pack (pack200-pack) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:p2-metadata (attach-p2-metadata) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:integration-test (default-integration-test) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Processing Archetype IT project: basic [INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Using following parameters for creating project from Archetype: scout-jaxws-module:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: org.eclipse.scout.apps [INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: helloworld.server.jaxws [INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] Parameter: package, Value: org.eclipse.scout.apps.helloworld [INFO] Parameter: packageInPathFormat, Value: org/eclipse/scout/apps/helloworld [INFO] Parameter: displayName, Value: My Application [INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] Parameter: package, Value: org.eclipse.scout.apps.helloworld [INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: org.eclipse.scout.apps [INFO] Parameter: parentArtifactId, Value: helloworld [INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: helloworld.server.jaxws [WARNING] CP Don't override file /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-jaxws-module/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld.server.jaxws/src/main/resources/META-INF/scout.xml [INFO] project created from Archetype in dir: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-jaxws-module/target/test-classes/projects/basic/project/helloworld.server.jaxws [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-jaxws-module/target/scout-jaxws-module-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/archetypes/scout-jaxws-module/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/scout-jaxws-module-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-jaxws-module/.flattened-pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/archetypes/scout-jaxws-module/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/scout-jaxws-module-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/scout-jaxws-module/target/scout-jaxws-module-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/archetypes/scout-jaxws-module/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/scout-jaxws-module-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:update-local-catalog (default-update-local-catalog) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) @ scout-jaxws-module --- [INFO] Deploying org.eclipse.scout.archetypes:scout-jaxws-module:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT at end [INFO] [INFO] ------------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk >------------- [INFO] Building Eclipse Scout SDK 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [3/13] [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] [INFO] --- flatten-maven-plugin:1.0.0:flatten (flatten) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] Generating flattened POM of project org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk:pom:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT... [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0:normalize (pack200-normalize) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2:sign (sign) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0:pack (pack200-pack) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:p2-metadata (attach-p2-metadata) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk/.flattened-pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk --- [INFO] Deploying org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT at end [INFO] [INFO] ----------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core >---------- [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [4/13] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/src/main/resources [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0:normalize (pack200-normalize) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Pack200 normalizing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2:sign (sign) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Searching org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar for inner jars... [INFO] Signed org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core:jar:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT in 2 seconds. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0:pack (pack200-pack) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Pack200 packing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:p2-metadata (attach-p2-metadata) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar.pack.gz to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-pack200.jar.pack.gz [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core --- [INFO] Deploying org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT at end [INFO] [INFO] -------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test >-------- [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [5/13] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:add-source (add-source) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Source directory: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/src/main/fixture added. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0:normalize (pack200-normalize) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Pack200 normalizing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2:sign (sign) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Searching org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar for inner jars... [INFO] Signed org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test:jar:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT in 1 seconds. [INFO] Searching org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar for inner jars... [INFO] Signed org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test:test-jar:tests:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT in 2 seconds. [INFO] Searching org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar for inner jars... [INFO] Signed org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test:java-source:test-sources:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT in 1 seconds. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0:pack (pack200-pack) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Pack200 packing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:p2-metadata (attach-p2-metadata) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar.pack.gz to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-pack200.jar.pack.gz [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test --- [INFO] Deploying org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT at end [INFO] [INFO] ---------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s >--------- [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [6/13] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/src/main/resources [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0:normalize (pack200-normalize) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Pack200 normalizing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2:sign (sign) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Searching org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar for inner jars... [INFO] Signed org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s:jar:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT in 1 seconds. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0:pack (pack200-pack) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Pack200 packing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:p2-metadata (attach-p2-metadata) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar.pack.gz to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-pack200.jar.pack.gz [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s --- [INFO] Deploying org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT at end [INFO] [INFO] ------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test >------- [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [7/13] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:add-source (add-source) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Source directory: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/src/main/client added. [INFO] Source directory: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/src/main/shared added. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/src/main/resources [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0:normalize (pack200-normalize) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Pack200 normalizing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2:sign (sign) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Searching org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar for inner jars... [INFO] Signed org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test:jar:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT in 1 seconds. [INFO] Searching org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar for inner jars... [INFO] Signed org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test:test-jar:tests:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT in 1 seconds. [INFO] Searching org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar for inner jars... [INFO] Signed org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test:java-source:test-sources:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT in 1 seconds. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0:pack (pack200-pack) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Pack200 packing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:p2-metadata (attach-p2-metadata) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar.pack.gz to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-pack200.jar.pack.gz [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test --- [INFO] Deploying org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT at end [INFO] [INFO] --------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e >--------- [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [8/13] [INFO] -------------------------------[ bundle ]------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] Copying 5 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:bundle (default-bundle) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0:normalize (pack200-normalize) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Pack200 normalizing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2:sign (sign) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Searching org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar for inner jars... [INFO] Signed lib/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar in 1 seconds. [INFO] Signed lib/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar in 1 seconds. [INFO] Signed org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:bundle:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT in 4 seconds. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0:pack (pack200-pack) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Pack200 packing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:p2-metadata (attach-p2-metadata) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar.pack.gz to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-pack200.jar.pack.gz [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Local OBR update disabled (enable with -DobrRepository) [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Deploying org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT at end [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:deploy (default-deploy) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e --- [INFO] Remote OBR update disabled (enable with -DremoteOBR) [INFO] [INFO] ------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test >------ [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [9/13] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/src/main/resources [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 7 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0:normalize (pack200-normalize) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Pack200 normalizing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2:sign (sign) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Searching org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar for inner jars... [INFO] Signed org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test:jar:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT in 1 seconds. [INFO] Searching org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar for inner jars... [INFO] Signed org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test:test-jar:tests:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT in 1 seconds. [INFO] Searching org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar for inner jars... [INFO] Signed org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test:java-source:test-sources:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT in 1 seconds. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0:pack (pack200-pack) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Pack200 packing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:p2-metadata (attach-p2-metadata) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar.pack.gz to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-pack200.jar.pack.gz [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test --- [INFO] Deploying org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT at end [INFO] [INFO] ------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc >------- [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [10/13] [INFO] -------------------------------[ bundle ]------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 63 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:bundle (default-bundle) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0:normalize (pack200-normalize) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Pack200 normalizing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2:sign (sign) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Searching org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar for inner jars... [INFO] Signed org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc:bundle:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT in 3 seconds. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0:pack (pack200-pack) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Pack200 packing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:p2-metadata (attach-p2-metadata) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar.pack.gz to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-pack200.jar.pack.gz [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Local OBR update disabled (enable with -DobrRepository) [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Deploying org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT at end [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:deploy (default-deploy) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc --- [INFO] Remote OBR update disabled (enable with -DremoteOBR) [INFO] [INFO] ------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls >------- [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [11/13] [INFO] -------------------------------[ bundle ]------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/src/main/resources [INFO] Copying 18 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:bundle (default-bundle) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0:normalize (pack200-normalize) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Pack200 normalizing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2:sign (sign) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Searching org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar for inner jars... [INFO] Signed org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls:bundle:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT in 2 seconds. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0:pack (pack200-pack) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Pack200 packing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:p2-metadata (attach-p2-metadata) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar.pack.gz to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-pack200.jar.pack.gz [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Local OBR update disabled (enable with -DobrRepository) [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Deploying org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT at end [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:deploy (default-deploy) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls --- [INFO] Remote OBR update disabled (enable with -DremoteOBR) [INFO] [INFO] -------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui >------- [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [12/13] [INFO] -------------------------------[ bundle ]------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/src/main/resources [INFO] Copying 41 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:bundle (default-bundle) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0:normalize (pack200-normalize) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Pack200 normalizing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2:sign (sign) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Searching org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar for inner jars... [INFO] Signed org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui:bundle:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT in 1 seconds. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0:pack (pack200-pack) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Pack200 packing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:p2-metadata (attach-p2-metadata) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar.pack.gz to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-pack200.jar.pack.gz [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/s2e/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Local OBR update disabled (enable with -DobrRepository) [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Deploying org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT at end [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:deploy (default-deploy) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui --- [INFO] Remote OBR update disabled (enable with -DremoteOBR) [INFO] [INFO] --------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings >-------- [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [13/13] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 7 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0:normalize (pack200-normalize) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Pack200 normalizing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2:sign (sign) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Searching org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar for inner jars... [INFO] Signed org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings:jar:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT in 1 seconds. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0:pack (pack200-pack) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Pack200 packing jar /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:p2-metadata (attach-p2-metadata) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar.pack.gz to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-pack200.jar.pack.gz [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings --- [INFO] Deploying org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT at end [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Summary for Eclipse Scout SDK 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT: [INFO] [INFO] Scout Hello World Sample Application ............... SUCCESS [ 8.021 s] [INFO] Scout JaxWs Module ................................. SUCCESS [ 3.427 s] [INFO] Eclipse Scout SDK .................................. SUCCESS [ 2.304 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core ... SUCCESS [ 8.588 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test SUCCESS [ 9.174 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s . SUCCESS [ 5.796 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test SUCCESS [ 9.567 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e SUCCESS [ 12.819 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test SUCCESS [ 9.138 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc SUCCESS [ 6.327 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls SUCCESS [ 8.931 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui SUCCESS [ 9.297 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings ..................... SUCCESS [ 4.002 s] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 01:38 min [INFO] Finished at: 2020-01-16T10:32:57-05:00 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [workspace] $ /shared/common/apache-maven-latest/bin/mvn -f updatesite-maven-plugin/pom.xml -Dremote_branch=origin/releases/6.0.x -Dis_tag=false -Dtag_or_branch=origin/releases/6.0.x -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository clean install Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] [INFO] -----------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk:updatesite-maven-plugin >------------ [INFO] Building org.eclipse.scout.sdk:updatesite-maven-plugin 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [INFO] ----------------------------[ maven-plugin ]---------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target [INFO] [INFO] --- flatten-maven-plugin:1.0.0:clean (flatten.clean) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/.flattened-pom.xml [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-plugin-plugin:3.2:helpmojo (help-goal) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [WARNING] Goal prefix is specified as: 'updatesite-maven-plugin'. Maven currently expects it to be 'updatesite'. [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to read mojo metadata. [INFO] Applying mojo extractor for language: java [INFO] Mojo extractor for language: java found 0 mojo descriptors. [INFO] Applying mojo extractor for language: bsh [INFO] Mojo extractor for language: bsh found 0 mojo descriptors. [INFO] Applying mojo extractor for language: java-annotations [INFO] Mojo extractor for language: java-annotations found 0 mojo descriptors. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- flatten-maven-plugin:1.0.0:flatten (flatten) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] Generating flattened POM of project org.eclipse.scout.sdk:updatesite-maven-plugin:maven-plugin:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT... [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 5 source files to /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/classes [WARNING] /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/generated-sources/plugin/[19] import java.util.Iterator; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import java.util.Iterator is never used [WARNING] /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/generated-sources/plugin/[72] return dBuilder.parse( is ); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Potential resource leak: 'is' may not be closed at this location [WARNING] /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/generated-sources/plugin/[76] throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e ); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Potential resource leak: 'is' may not be closed at this location [WARNING] /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/generated-sources/plugin/[80] throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e ); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Potential resource leak: 'is' may not be closed at this location [WARNING] /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/generated-sources/plugin/[84] throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e ); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Potential resource leak: 'is' may not be closed at this location [WARNING] /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/generated-sources/plugin/[91] public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The method execute() of type HelpMojo should be tagged with @Override since it actually overrides a superinterface method [WARNING] /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/generated-sources/plugin/[183] private List findNamedChild( Node node, String elementName ) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The method findNamedChild(Node, String) from the type HelpMojo can be declared as static [WARNING] /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/generated-sources/plugin/[185] List result = new ArrayList(); ^^^^^^^^^ Redundant specification of type arguments [WARNING] /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/generated-sources/plugin/[337] List lines = new ArrayList(); ^^^^^^^^^ Redundant specification of type arguments [WARNING] /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/generated-sources/plugin/[426] private String getPropertyFromExpression( String expression ) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The method getPropertyFromExpression(String) from the type HelpMojo can be declared as static 10 problems (10 warnings) [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-plugin-plugin:3.2:descriptor (default-descriptor) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [WARNING] Goal prefix is specified as: 'updatesite-maven-plugin'. Maven currently expects it to be 'updatesite'. [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to read mojo metadata. [INFO] Applying mojo extractor for language: java [INFO] Mojo extractor for language: java found 0 mojo descriptors. [INFO] Applying mojo extractor for language: bsh [INFO] Mojo extractor for language: bsh found 0 mojo descriptors. [INFO] Applying mojo extractor for language: java-annotations [INFO] Mojo extractor for language: java-annotations found 3 mojo descriptors. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-plugin-plugin:3.2:descriptor (mojo-descriptor) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [WARNING] Goal prefix is specified as: 'updatesite-maven-plugin'. Maven currently expects it to be 'updatesite'. [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to read mojo metadata. [INFO] Applying mojo extractor for language: java [INFO] Mojo extractor for language: java found 0 mojo descriptors. [INFO] Applying mojo extractor for language: bsh [INFO] Mojo extractor for language: bsh found 0 mojo descriptors. [INFO] Applying mojo extractor for language: java-annotations [INFO] Mojo extractor for language: java-annotations found 3 mojo descriptors. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 5 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/test-classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] Surefire report directory: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/surefire-reports ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 Running org.eclipse.scout.maven.plugins.updatesite.StagingTest [info] Zipping /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/test-classes/repository to target/stageTarget/ [info] Creating composite Repository Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.121 sec - in org.eclipse.scout.maven.plugins.updatesite.StagingTest Results : Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/updatesite-maven-plugin-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-plugin-plugin:3.2:addPluginArtifactMetadata (default-addPluginArtifactMetadata) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/updatesite-maven-plugin-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/updatesite-maven-plugin-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/updatesite-maven-plugin-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ updatesite-maven-plugin --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/updatesite-maven-plugin-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/updatesite-maven-plugin/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/updatesite-maven-plugin-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/.flattened-pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/updatesite-maven-plugin/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/updatesite-maven-plugin-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/updatesite-maven-plugin-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/updatesite-maven-plugin/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/updatesite-maven-plugin-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/updatesite-maven-plugin-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/updatesite-maven-plugin/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/updatesite-maven-plugin-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-test-sources.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/updatesite-maven-plugin/target/updatesite-maven-plugin-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/updatesite-maven-plugin/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/updatesite-maven-plugin-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 12.402 s [INFO] Finished at: 2020-01-16T10:33:11-05:00 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [workspace] $ /shared/common/apache-maven-latest/bin/mvn -f org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2/pom.xml -Dremote_branch=origin/releases/6.0.x -Dis_tag=false -Dtag_or_branch=origin/releases/6.0.x -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository clean install -T0.5C -Peclipse-sign -Peclipse-stage Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G -DforkCount=1 [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] Computing target platform for MavenProject: org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT @ /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature/pom.xml [INFO] Fetching p2.index from (0B at 0B/s) [INFO] Adding repository [INFO] Fetching p2.index from (0B at 0B/s) [INFO] Fetching p2.index from (0B at 0B/s) [INFO] Fetching p2.index from (0B at 0B/s) [INFO] Fetching p2.index from (0B at 0B/s) [INFO] Fetching p2.index from (0B at 0B/s) [INFO] Adding repository [INFO] Fetching p2.index from (0B at 0B/s) [INFO] Resolving dependencies of MavenProject: org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT @ /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature/pom.xml [INFO] Resolving class path of MavenProject: org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT @ /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature/pom.xml [INFO] Computing target platform for MavenProject: org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT @ /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/pom.xml [INFO] Resolving dependencies of MavenProject: org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT @ /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/pom.xml [INFO] Resolving class path of MavenProject: org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT @ /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/pom.xml [WARNING] The project org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2:pom:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT uses prerequisites which is only intended for maven-plugin projects but not for non maven-plugin projects. For such purposes you should use the maven-enforcer-plugin. See [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Build Order: [INFO] [INFO] Eclipse Scout SDK P2 [pom] [INFO] Eclipse Scout SDK P2 Build Target [pom] [INFO] Eclipse Scout SDK Feature [eclipse-feature] [INFO] Eclipse Scout SDK Repository [eclipse-repository] [INFO] [INFO] Using the MultiThreadedBuilder implementation with a thread count of 12 [INFO] [INFO] -----------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 >----------- [INFO] Building Eclipse Scout SDK P2 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [1/4] [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- [WARNING] ***************************************************************** [WARNING] * Your build is requesting parallel execution, but project * [WARNING] * contains the following plugin(s) that have goals not marked * [WARNING] * as @threadSafe to support parallel building. * [WARNING] * While this /may/ work fine, please look for plugin updates * [WARNING] * and/or request plugins be made thread-safe. * [WARNING] * If reporting an issue, report it against the plugin in * [WARNING] * question, not against maven-core * [WARNING] ***************************************************************** [WARNING] The following plugins are not marked @threadSafe in Eclipse Scout SDK P2: [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0 [WARNING] org.codehaus.mojo:flatten-maven-plugin:1.0.0 [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0 [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0 [WARNING] org.eclipse.cbi.maven.plugins:eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2 [WARNING] Enable debug to see more precisely which goals are not marked @threadSafe. [WARNING] ***************************************************************** [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] [INFO] --- flatten-maven-plugin:1.0.0:clean (flatten.clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2/.flattened-pom.xml [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] [INFO] --- flatten-maven-plugin:1.0.0:flatten (flatten) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] Generating flattened POM of project org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2:pom:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT... [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0:normalize (pack200-normalize) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2:sign (sign) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0:pack (pack200-pack) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:p2-metadata (attach-p2-metadata) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2 --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2/.flattened-pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] ---------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target >--------- [INFO] --------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature >--------- [INFO] Building Eclipse Scout SDK P2 Build Target 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [2/4] [INFO] Building Eclipse Scout SDK Feature 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [3/4] [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- [INFO] --------------------------[ eclipse-feature ]--------------------------- [WARNING] ***************************************************************** [WARNING] * Your build is requesting parallel execution, but project * [WARNING] * contains the following plugin(s) that have goals not marked * [WARNING] ***************************************************************** [WARNING] * as @threadSafe to support parallel building. * [WARNING] * Your build is requesting parallel execution, but project * [WARNING] * While this /may/ work fine, please look for plugin updates * [WARNING] * contains the following plugin(s) that have goals not marked * [WARNING] * and/or request plugins be made thread-safe. * [WARNING] * as @threadSafe to support parallel building. * [WARNING] * If reporting an issue, report it against the plugin in * [WARNING] * While this /may/ work fine, please look for plugin updates * [WARNING] * question, not against maven-core * [WARNING] * and/or request plugins be made thread-safe. * [WARNING] ***************************************************************** [WARNING] * If reporting an issue, report it against the plugin in * [WARNING] The following plugins are not marked @threadSafe in Eclipse Scout SDK P2 Build Target: [WARNING] * question, not against maven-core * [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0 [WARNING] ***************************************************************** [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0 [WARNING] The following plugins are not marked @threadSafe in Eclipse Scout SDK Feature: [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0 [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-packaging-plugin:0.22.0 [WARNING] org.eclipse.cbi.maven.plugins:eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2 [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0 [WARNING] Enable debug to see more precisely which goals are not marked @threadSafe. [WARNING] ***************************************************************** [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho:target-platform-configuration:0.22.0 [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0 [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0 [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-source-feature-plugin:0.22.0 [WARNING] org.eclipse.cbi.maven.plugins:eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2 [WARNING] Enable debug to see more precisely which goals are not marked @threadSafe. [WARNING] ***************************************************************** [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:attach-artifact (attach-artifacts) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0:normalize (pack200-normalize) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2:sign (sign) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature/target [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0:pack (pack200-pack) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:p2-metadata (attach-p2-metadata) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target --- [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target --- [INFO] Checking compile classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-packaging-plugin:0.22.0:build-qualifier-aggregator (default-build-qualifier-aggregator) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] Checking runtime classpath [INFO] The project's OSGi version is 6.0.300.20200118-1858 [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-packaging-plugin:0.22.0:validate-id (default-validate-id) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-packaging-plugin:0.22.0:validate-version (default-validate-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] Checking test classpath [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target/ to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/ [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target/ to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/ [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] [INFO] --- target-platform-configuration:0.22.0:target-platform (default-target-platform) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-packaging-plugin:0.22.0:package-feature (default-package-feature) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:p2-metadata-default (default-p2-metadata-default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:feature-p2-metadata (default-feature-p2-metadata) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0:normalize (pack200-normalize) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2:sign (sign) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] Searching org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar for inner jars... [INFO] Signed org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature:eclipse-feature:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT in 1 seconds. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0:pack (pack200-pack) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-source-feature-plugin:0.22.0:source-feature (generate-source-feature) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] Building jar: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources-feature.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:p2-metadata (attach-p2-metadata) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] No baseline version MavenProject: org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT @ /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature/pom.xml [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] Skipping duplicate-finder execution! [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature/target/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources-feature.jar to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-sources-feature.jar [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature/target/p2content.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-p2metadata.xml [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature/target/p2artifacts.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-p2artifacts.xml [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:update-local-index (default-update-local-index) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature --- [INFO] [INFO] -------< org.eclipse.scout.sdk:org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository >------- [INFO] Building Eclipse Scout SDK Repository 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [4/4] [INFO] -------------------------[ eclipse-repository ]------------------------- [WARNING] ***************************************************************** [WARNING] * Your build is requesting parallel execution, but project * [WARNING] * contains the following plugin(s) that have goals not marked * [WARNING] * as @threadSafe to support parallel building. * [WARNING] * While this /may/ work fine, please look for plugin updates * [WARNING] * and/or request plugins be made thread-safe. * [WARNING] * If reporting an issue, report it against the plugin in * [WARNING] * question, not against maven-core * [WARNING] ***************************************************************** [WARNING] The following plugins are not marked @threadSafe in Eclipse Scout SDK Repository: [WARNING] org.eclipse.scout.sdk:updatesite-maven-plugin:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-packaging-plugin:0.22.0 [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0 [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-publisher-plugin:0.22.0 [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho:target-platform-configuration:0.22.0 [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-repository-plugin:0.22.0 [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0 [WARNING] org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0 [WARNING] org.eclipse.cbi.maven.plugins:eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2 [WARNING] Enable debug to see more precisely which goals are not marked @threadSafe. [WARNING] ***************************************************************** [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/target [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-packaging-plugin:0.22.0:build-qualifier-aggregator (default-build-qualifier-aggregator) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] The project's OSGi version is 6.0.300.20200118-1858 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-rules) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean-1) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.0:revision (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] master_test_jacocoArgLine set to -javaagent:/home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:parse-version (initialize-parse-version) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:regex-property (initialize-regex) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/src/main/resources [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- target-platform-configuration:0.22.0:target-platform (default-target-platform) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-publisher-plugin:0.22.0:publish-products (default-publish-products) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-publisher-plugin:0.22.0:publish-categories (default-publish-categories) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-publisher-plugin:0.22.0:attach-artifacts (default-attach-artifacts) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-repository-plugin:0.22.0:assemble-repository (default-assemble-repository) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] Copying resources from /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/target/classes to /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/target/repository [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-repository-plugin:0.22.0:archive-repository (default-archive-repository) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] Building zip: /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/target/ [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (attach-tests) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:test-jar-no-fork (attach-test-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.22.0:normalize (pack200-normalize) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-jarsigner-plugin:1.1.2:sign (sign) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.22.0:pack (pack200-pack) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:p2-metadata (attach-p2-metadata) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] [INFO] --- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:1.2.1:check (default) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] Skipping duplicate-finder execution! [INFO] [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.15:check (enforce-java-api-compatibility) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.kaazing.mojo.signature:java18:1.0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.4:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] No sources in project. Archive not created. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/target/ to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/ [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/pom.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/target/p2content.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-p2metadata.xml [INFO] Installing /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/target/p2artifacts.xml to /home/hudson/genie.scout/.jenkins/jobs/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/.repository/org/eclipse/scout/sdk/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/6.0.300-SNAPSHOT/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository-6.0.300-SNAPSHOT-p2artifacts.xml [INFO] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.22.0:update-local-index (default-update-local-index) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] [INFO] --- updatesite-maven-plugin:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT:stage (stage) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] Creating composite Repository [INFO] Downloading /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/target/stage/nightly/6.0/compositeContent.jar [INFO] Downloading /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/target/stage/nightly/6.0/compositeArtifacts.jar [INFO] Zipping /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/target/stage to /jobs/genie.scout/scout-integration-6.0-SDK-nightly/workspace/org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/target/stageTarget/ [INFO] [INFO] --- updatesite-maven-plugin:6.0.300-SNAPSHOT:publish (stage) @ org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository --- [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Summary for Eclipse Scout SDK P2 6.0.300-SNAPSHOT: [INFO] [INFO] Eclipse Scout SDK P2 ............................... SUCCESS [ 3.379 s] [INFO] Eclipse Scout SDK P2 Build Target .................. SUCCESS [ 1.150 s] [INFO] Eclipse Scout SDK Feature .......................... SUCCESS [ 21.580 s] [INFO] Eclipse Scout SDK Repository ....................... SUCCESS [ 10.594 s] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 01:13 min (Wall Clock) [INFO] Finished at: 2020-01-16T10:34:26-05:00 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recording test results Started calculate disk usage of build Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds Started calculate disk usage of workspace Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 1 second Finished: SUCCESS