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org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.test.jdt.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizardTest.testJavaProjectWizardCreateInfoModule no-configuration

Failing for the past 2 builds (Since Unstable #143 )
Took 33 sec.

Error Message

Failed to execute runnable (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space)


org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Failed to execute runnable (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space)
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Standard Output

11:52:05.922 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][RequirementsRunnerBuilder] Found test class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.test.jdt.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizardTest
11:52:05.923 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][RedDeerSuite] RedDeer suite created
11:52:05.923 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RequirementsRunner] Injecting fulfilled requirements into static fields of test class: org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.requirement.Requirements
11:52:05.923 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIBeforeClassExtensions] Run before class extensions for test class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.test.jdt.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizardTest
11:52:05.923 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIBeforeClassExtensions] Run method runBeforeTestClass() of class org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.extension.before.test.impl.CloseWelcomeScreenExt
11:52:05.923 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][CloseWelcomeScreenExt] Trying to close Welcome Screen
11:52:05.923 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIBeforeClassExtensions] Run method runBeforeTestClass() of class org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.extension.before.test.impl.SetOpenAssociatedPerspectiveExt
11:52:05.923 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][SetOpenAssociatedPerspectiveExt] Setting open associated perspective to: 'never'
11:52:05.923 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIBeforeClassExtensions] Run method runBeforeTestClass() of class org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.extension.before.test.impl.DoNotDownloadMavenIndexesExt
11:52:05.923 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][EditorHandler] Closing all editors
11:52:05.924 DEBUG [main][EditorHandler] 0 editor(s) found
11:52:05.924 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:05.925 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:05.925 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] View 'Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression '\*?\QProject Explorer\E'' is already open. Activate.
11:52:05.925 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:05.926 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:05.926 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell data - Eclipse Platform
11:52:05.927 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
11:52:05.927 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
11:52:05.927 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchShell] Workbench shell has title 'data - Eclipse Platform'
11:52:05.927 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem with referenced composite class, index 0 and following matchers specified (Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression '\*?\QProject Explorer\E')
11:52:05.927 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:05.927 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:05.928 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:05.928 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:05.928 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem and index 0 was found
11:52:05.929 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
11:52:05.929 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
11:52:05.930 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:05.930 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell Text=data - Eclipse Platform TooltipText=null
11:52:05.930 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] No control in opened view has a focus!
11:52:05.930 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Setting implicit focus...
11:52:05.931 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
11:52:05.931 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
11:52:05.953 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:05.953 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Link Text=There are no projects in your workspace.
To add a project: TooltipText=null
11:52:05.954 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
11:52:05.954 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
11:52:05.954 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:05.954 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Link Text=There are no projects in your workspace.
To add a project: TooltipText=null
11:52:05.954 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:05.954 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:05.955 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:05.955 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:05.955 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
11:52:05.955 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
11:52:05.955 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:05.955 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Link Text=There are no projects in your workspace.
To add a project: TooltipText=null
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard']
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard']
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: "New Java Project"]
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard']
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard']
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard']
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: "New Java Project"]
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard']
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard']
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:05.956 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell data - Eclipse Platform
11:52:05.957 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
11:52:05.957 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
11:52:05.957 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchShell] Workbench shell has title 'data - Eclipse Platform'
11:52:05.957 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][ShellHandler] Getting Menu Bar of shell 'data - Eclipse Platform'
11:52:05.957 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'File'
11:52:05.957 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Item match:File
11:52:05.958 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'New	Shift+Alt+N'
11:52:05.958 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Item match:New	Shift+Alt+N
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Java Project'
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Maven Project'
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Project...'
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Package'
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Class'
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Interface'
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Enum'
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Record'
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Annotation'
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Source Folder'
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Java Working Set'
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Folder'
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'File'
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Untitled Text File'
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Task'
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'JUnit Test Case'
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Example...'
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Other...	Ctrl+N'
11:52:05.960 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Item match:Other...	Ctrl+N
11:52:05.961 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][MenuItemHandler] Queried MenuItem text:"&Other...	Ctrl+N"
11:52:05.961 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractMenuItem] Select menu item with text Other...	Ctrl+N
11:52:05.961 INFO [main][MenuItemHandler] Select menu item: &Other...	Ctrl+N
11:52:06.046 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard'] is available....
11:52:06.050 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard'] is available. finished successfully
11:52:06.050 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell Select a wizard
11:52:06.051 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
11:52:06.051 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
11:52:06.051 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][NewWizard] Shell Select a wizard is not null and is not disposed
11:52:06.051 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:06.051 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.selectionwizard.SelectionWizardOpenable$1, index 0 and no matchers specified
11:52:06.052 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:06.052 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:06.052 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:06.052 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:06.052 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree and index 0 was found
11:52:06.053 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree has children...
11:52:06.053 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree has children finished successfully
11:52:06.053 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until treeItem Java has children...
11:52:06.053 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Expand Tree Item Java
11:52:06.053 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree heard expand notification...
11:52:06.053 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Tree Item Java is already expanded. No action performed
11:52:06.053 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree heard expand notification finished successfully
11:52:06.053 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Expanded: Java
11:52:06.053 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until treeItem Java has children finished successfully
11:52:06.053 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Expand Tree Item Java
11:52:06.053 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree heard expand notification...
11:52:06.053 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Tree Item Java is already expanded. No action performed
11:52:06.053 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree heard expand notification finished successfully
11:52:06.053 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Expanded: Java
11:52:06.053 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractTreeItem] Select tree item Java Project
11:52:06.053 DEBUG [main][TreeItemHandler] Selecting tree item: Java Project
11:52:06.054 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Notify tree item Java Project about selection
11:52:06.056 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Selected tree item: Java Project
11:52:06.056 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][NewWizard] Shell Select a wizard is not null and is not disposed
11:52:06.056 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][NewWizard] Go to next wizard page
11:52:06.057 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.ui.dialogs.NewWizard, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8, Matcher matching widgets with text that without mnenomic matches: is "Next >", Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8)
11:52:06.057 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:06.057 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:06.062 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:06.062 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:06.062 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button and index 0 was found
11:52:06.063 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractButton] Click button &Next >
11:52:06.063 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled...
11:52:06.063 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled finished successfully
11:52:06.063 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Button with event 13
11:52:06.063 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
11:52:06.271 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard']
11:52:06.272 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:06.272 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:06.272 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "New Java Project"] is available....
11:52:06.272 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "New Java Project"] is available. finished successfully
11:52:06.272 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell New Java Project
11:52:06.272 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
11:52:06.272 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
11:52:06.272 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][JavaProjectWizard] Shell New Java Project is not null and is not disposed
11:52:06.272 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:06.273 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizard, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 16, Matcher matching widgets with text that without mnenomic matches: is "Use an execution environment JRE:")
11:52:06.273 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:06.273 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:06.273 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:06.273 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:06.273 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button and index 0 was found
11:52:06.273 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RadioButton] Radio Button Use an execution en&vironment JRE: already checked, no action performed
11:52:06.273 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizard, index 0 and no matchers specified
11:52:06.274 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:06.274 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:06.274 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:06.274 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:06.274 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo and index 0 was found
11:52:06.275 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][JavaProjectWizard] Shell New Java Project is not null and is not disposed
11:52:06.275 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][JavaProjectWizard] Cancel wizard
11:52:06.275 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizard, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8, Matcher matching widgets with text that without mnenomic matches: is "Cancel", Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8)
11:52:06.275 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:06.275 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:06.276 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:06.276 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:06.276 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button and index 0 was found
11:52:06.276 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractButton] Click button Cancel
11:52:06.276 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled...
11:52:06.276 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled finished successfully
11:52:06.276 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Button with event 13
11:52:06.276 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
11:52:06.336 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while window is available...
11:52:06.336 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while window is available finished successfully
11:52:06.336 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running...
11:52:06.336 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Flushing content description cache.' is a system job, skipped
11:52:06.336 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Building' is not running, skipped
11:52:06.336 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Open Notification Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:06.336 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task List Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:06.336 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Activity Monitor Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:06.336 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Relevant Tasks' is a system job, skipped
11:52:06.336 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Workbench Auto-Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:06.336 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task Data Snapshot' is a system job, skipped
11:52:06.336 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Compacting resource model' is a system job, skipped
11:52:06.336 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Task List' is a system job, skipped
11:52:06.336 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running finished successfully
11:52:06.336 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RequirementsRunner] Injecting fulfilled requirements into test instance: org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.requirement.Requirements
11:52:06.337 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][RequirementsRunner] Started test: testJavaProjectWizardCreateInfoModule no-configuration(org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.test.jdt.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizardTest)
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIBeforeTestExtensions] Run before test extensions for test class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.test.jdt.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizardTest
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIBeforeTestExtensions] Run method runBeforeTest() of class org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.extension.before.test.impl.CloseWelcomeScreenExt
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIBeforeTestExtensions] Run method runBeforeTest() of class org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.extension.before.test.impl.SetOpenAssociatedPerspectiveExt
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIBeforeTestExtensions] Run method runBeforeTest() of class org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.extension.before.test.impl.DoNotDownloadMavenIndexesExt
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard']
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard']
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: "New Java Project"]
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard']
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard']
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard']
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: "New Java Project"]
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard']
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard']
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:06.337 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell data - Eclipse Platform
11:52:06.338 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
11:52:06.338 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
11:52:06.338 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchShell] Workbench shell has title 'data - Eclipse Platform'
11:52:06.338 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][ShellHandler] Getting Menu Bar of shell 'data - Eclipse Platform'
11:52:06.338 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'File'
11:52:06.338 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Item match:File
11:52:06.339 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'New	Shift+Alt+N'
11:52:06.339 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Item match:New	Shift+Alt+N
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Java Project'
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Maven Project'
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Project...'
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Package'
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Class'
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Interface'
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Enum'
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Record'
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Annotation'
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Source Folder'
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Java Working Set'
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Folder'
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'File'
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Untitled Text File'
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Task'
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'JUnit Test Case'
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Example...'
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Other...	Ctrl+N'
11:52:06.341 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Item match:Other...	Ctrl+N
11:52:06.342 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][MenuItemHandler] Queried MenuItem text:"&Other...	Ctrl+N"
11:52:06.342 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractMenuItem] Select menu item with text Other...	Ctrl+N
11:52:06.342 INFO [main][MenuItemHandler] Select menu item: &Other...	Ctrl+N
11:52:06.424 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard'] is available....
11:52:06.432 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard'] is available. finished successfully
11:52:06.432 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell Select a wizard
11:52:06.433 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
11:52:06.433 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
11:52:06.434 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][NewWizard] Shell Select a wizard is not null and is not disposed
11:52:06.434 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:06.434 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.selectionwizard.SelectionWizardOpenable$1, index 0 and no matchers specified
11:52:06.434 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:06.434 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:06.434 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:06.434 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:06.434 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree and index 0 was found
11:52:06.435 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree has children...
11:52:06.435 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree has children finished successfully
11:52:06.435 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until treeItem Java has children...
11:52:06.435 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Expand Tree Item Java
11:52:06.435 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree heard expand notification...
11:52:06.435 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Tree Item Java is already expanded. No action performed
11:52:06.435 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree heard expand notification finished successfully
11:52:06.435 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Expanded: Java
11:52:06.435 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until treeItem Java has children finished successfully
11:52:06.435 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Expand Tree Item Java
11:52:06.435 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree heard expand notification...
11:52:06.435 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Tree Item Java is already expanded. No action performed
11:52:06.435 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree heard expand notification finished successfully
11:52:06.435 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Expanded: Java
11:52:06.436 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractTreeItem] Select tree item Java Project
11:52:06.436 DEBUG [main][TreeItemHandler] Selecting tree item: Java Project
11:52:06.436 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Notify tree item Java Project about selection
11:52:06.439 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Selected tree item: Java Project
11:52:06.439 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][NewWizard] Shell Select a wizard is not null and is not disposed
11:52:06.439 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][NewWizard] Go to next wizard page
11:52:06.439 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.ui.dialogs.NewWizard, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8, Matcher matching widgets with text that without mnenomic matches: is "Next >", Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8)
11:52:06.439 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:06.439 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:06.440 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:06.440 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:06.440 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button and index 0 was found
11:52:06.440 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractButton] Click button &Next >
11:52:06.440 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled...
11:52:06.440 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled finished successfully
11:52:06.441 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Button with event 13
11:52:06.441 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
11:52:06.641 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WindowIsAvailable] Looking for Window matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'New|Select a wizard']
11:52:06.645 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:06.645 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:06.645 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "New Java Project"] is available....
11:52:06.645 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "New Java Project"] is available. finished successfully
11:52:06.645 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell New Java Project
11:52:06.646 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
11:52:06.646 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
11:52:06.646 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][JavaProjectWizard] Shell New Java Project is not null and is not disposed
11:52:06.646 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
11:52:06.646 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][NewJavaProjectWizardPageOne] Set General Project name to 'SimpleJavaProject'
11:52:06.646 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewJavaProjectWizardPageOne, index 0 and following matchers specified (Matcher matching widget with label:
is "Project name:")
11:52:06.646 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:06.646 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:06.648 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:06.648 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:06.648 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text and index 0 was found
11:52:06.648 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractText] Set focus to Text
11:52:06.649 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractText] Text set to: SimpleJavaProject
11:52:06.669 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][NewJavaProjectWizardPageOne] Setting active button 'Use an execution environment JRE'
11:52:06.680 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizard, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 16, Matcher matching widgets with text that without mnenomic matches: is "Use an execution environment JRE:")
11:52:06.680 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:06.680 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:06.681 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:06.681 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:06.681 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button and index 0 was found
11:52:06.682 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RadioButton] Radio Button Use an execution en&vironment JRE: already checked, no action performed
11:52:06.682 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][NewJavaProjectWizardPageOne] Selecting 'JavaSE-11'
11:52:06.682 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizard, index 0 and no matchers specified
11:52:06.682 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:06.682 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:06.683 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:06.683 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:06.683 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo and index 0 was found
11:52:06.683 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCombo] Set selection of Combo JavaSE-17 to selection: JavaSE-11
11:52:06.724 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until at least one job is running...
11:52:06.724 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Open Notification Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:06.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task List Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:06.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Activity Monitor Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:06.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Relevant Tasks' is a system job, skipped
11:52:06.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Workbench Auto-Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:06.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task Data Snapshot' is a system job, skipped
11:52:06.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Compacting resource model' is a system job, skipped
11:52:06.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Task List' is a system job, skipped
11:52:07.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Open Notification Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:07.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task List Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:07.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Activity Monitor Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:07.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Relevant Tasks' is a system job, skipped
11:52:07.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Workbench Auto-Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:07.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task Data Snapshot' is a system job, skipped
11:52:07.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Compacting resource model' is a system job, skipped
11:52:07.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Task List' is a system job, skipped
11:52:07.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Open Notification Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:07.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task List Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:07.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Activity Monitor Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:07.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Relevant Tasks' is a system job, skipped
11:52:07.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Workbench Auto-Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:07.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task Data Snapshot' is a system job, skipped
11:52:07.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Compacting resource model' is a system job, skipped
11:52:07.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Task List' is a system job, skipped
11:52:08.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Open Notification Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:08.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task List Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:08.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Activity Monitor Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:08.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Relevant Tasks' is a system job, skipped
11:52:08.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Workbench Auto-Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:08.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task Data Snapshot' is a system job, skipped
11:52:08.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Compacting resource model' is a system job, skipped
11:52:08.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Task List' is a system job, skipped
11:52:08.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Open Notification Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:08.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task List Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:08.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Activity Monitor Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:08.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Relevant Tasks' is a system job, skipped
11:52:08.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Workbench Auto-Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:08.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task Data Snapshot' is a system job, skipped
11:52:08.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Compacting resource model' is a system job, skipped
11:52:08.725 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Task List' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Open Notification Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task List Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Activity Monitor Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Relevant Tasks' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Workbench Auto-Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task Data Snapshot' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Compacting resource model' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Task List' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Open Notification Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task List Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Activity Monitor Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Relevant Tasks' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Workbench Auto-Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task Data Snapshot' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Compacting resource model' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Task List' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until at least one job is running failed, NO exception will be thrown
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running...
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Open Notification Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task List Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Activity Monitor Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Relevant Tasks' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Workbench Auto-Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task Data Snapshot' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Compacting resource model' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Task List' is a system job, skipped
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running finished successfully
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewJavaProjectWizardPageOne, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 32, Matcher matching widgets with text that without mnenomic matches: is "Create file")
11:52:09.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:09.726 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:09.727 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:09.727 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:09.727 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button and index 0 was found
11:52:09.728 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][NewJavaProjectWizardPageOne] Setting 'Create file' to true
11:52:09.738 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][CheckBox] Select checkbox Create & file
11:52:09.738 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][CheckBox] Check checkbox Create & file
11:52:09.738 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractButton] Click button Create & file
11:52:09.738 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled...
11:52:09.738 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled finished successfully
11:52:09.738 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Button with event 13
11:52:09.738 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
11:52:09.760 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewJavaProjectWizardPageOne, index 0 and following matchers specified (Matcher matching widget with label:
is "Module name:")
11:52:09.760 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:09.760 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:09.765 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:09.765 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:09.765 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text and index 0 was found
11:52:09.765 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractText] Set focus to Text
11:52:09.766 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][NewJavaProjectWizardPageOne] Setting 'Module name:' to simplejavaproject
11:52:09.766 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractText] Text set to: simplejavaproject
11:52:09.782 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][JavaProjectWizard] Shell New Java Project is not null and is not disposed
11:52:09.782 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][JavaProjectWizard] Finish wizard
11:52:09.782 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizard, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8, Matcher matching widgets with text that without mnenomic matches: is "Finish", Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8)
11:52:09.782 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:09.782 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:09.784 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:09.784 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:09.784 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button and index 0 was found
11:52:09.784 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractButton] Click button &Finish
11:52:09.784 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled...
11:52:09.784 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled finished successfully
11:52:09.784 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Button with event 13
11:52:09.784 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
11:52:09.788 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "New"] is available....
11:52:12.915 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "New"] is available. failed, NO exception will be thrown
11:52:12.915 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while window is available...
11:52:12.915 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while window is available finished successfully
11:52:12.915 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running...
11:52:12.915 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Java indexing... 2 files to index (/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-' is a system job, skipped
11:52:12.915 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task List Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:12.915 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Activity Monitor Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:12.915 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Open Notification Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:12.915 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Relevant Tasks' is a system job, skipped
11:52:12.915 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Workbench Auto-Save Job' is a system job, skipped
11:52:12.915 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Periodic workspace save.' is a system job, skipped
11:52:12.915 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Task Data Snapshot' is a system job, skipped
11:52:12.915 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Compacting resource model' is a system job, skipped
11:52:12.915 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning]   job 'Synchronizing Task List' is a system job, skipped
11:52:12.915 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running finished successfully
11:52:12.915 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:12.916 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:12.916 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] View 'Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression '\*?\QProject Explorer\E'' is already open. Activate.
11:52:12.916 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:12.917 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:12.917 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell data - Eclipse Platform
11:52:12.917 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
11:52:12.917 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
11:52:12.917 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchShell] Workbench shell has title 'data - Eclipse Platform'
11:52:12.917 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem with referenced composite class, index 0 and following matchers specified (Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression '\*?\QProject Explorer\E')
11:52:12.917 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:12.917 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:12.917 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:12.917 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:12.917 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem and index 0 was found
11:52:12.918 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
11:52:12.918 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
11:52:12.918 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:12.918 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell Text=data - Eclipse Platform TooltipText=null
11:52:12.918 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] No control in opened view has a focus!
11:52:12.918 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Setting implicit focus...
11:52:12.920 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
11:52:12.920 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
11:52:12.963 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:12.963 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:12.963 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
11:52:12.964 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
11:52:12.964 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:12.964 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:12.964 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:12.964 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:12.964 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
11:52:13.477 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:13.477 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
11:52:13.977 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:13.978 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
11:52:13.978 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found failed, NO exception will be thrown
11:52:13.978 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
11:52:13.978 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
11:52:13.979 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:13.979 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:13.979 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.swt.impl.ctab.DefaultCTabItem, index 0 and no matchers specified
11:52:13.979 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:13.979 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:13.979 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:13.979 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:13.979 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree and index 0 was found
11:52:13.979 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractExplorer] Getting project with name SimpleJavaProject
11:52:13.979 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
11:52:13.979 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
11:52:13.980 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:13.980 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:13.980 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
11:52:13.980 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
11:52:13.981 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:13.981 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:13.981 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:13.981 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:13.981 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
11:52:14.481 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:14.481 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
11:52:14.982 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:14.988 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
11:52:14.988 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found failed, NO exception will be thrown
11:52:14.988 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
11:52:14.988 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
11:52:14.988 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:14.989 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:14.989 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.swt.impl.ctab.DefaultCTabItem, index 0 and no matchers specified
11:52:14.989 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:14.989 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:14.989 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:14.989 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:14.989 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree and index 0 was found
11:52:14.989 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractExplorer] Getting project with name SimpleJavaProject
11:52:14.989 DEBUG [main][WorkbenchPartHandler] Activating Workbench part with label: 'Project Explorer'
11:52:14.990 DEBUG [main][WorkbenchPartHandler] Activating Workbench part with label: 'Project Explorer'
11:52:15.007 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Get child tree item src of tree item SimpleJavaProject
11:52:15.008 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Expand Tree Item SimpleJavaProject
11:52:15.008 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree heard expand notification...
11:52:15.508 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree heard expand notification finished successfully
11:52:15.508 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Expanded: SimpleJavaProject
11:52:15.509 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Get child tree item of tree item src
11:52:15.509 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Expand Tree Item src
11:52:15.509 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree heard expand notification...
11:52:16.342 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree heard expand notification finished successfully
11:52:16.342 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Expanded: src
11:52:16.343 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Get child tree item simplejavaproject of tree item
11:52:16.343 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Expand Tree Item
11:52:16.343 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree heard expand notification...
11:52:17.200 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree heard expand notification finished successfully
11:52:17.200 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Expanded:
11:52:17.201 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:17.201 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:17.201 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] View 'Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression '\*?\QProject Explorer\E'' is already open. Activate.
11:52:17.201 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:17.202 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:17.202 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell data - Eclipse Platform
11:52:17.205 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
11:52:17.205 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
11:52:17.205 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchShell] Workbench shell has title 'data - Eclipse Platform'
11:52:17.205 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem with referenced composite class, index 0 and following matchers specified (Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression '\*?\QProject Explorer\E')
11:52:17.205 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:17.205 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:17.205 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:17.205 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:17.205 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem and index 0 was found
11:52:17.205 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
11:52:17.205 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
11:52:20.178 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:20.179 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell Text=data - Eclipse Platform TooltipText=null
11:52:20.179 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] No control in opened view has a focus!
11:52:20.179 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Setting implicit focus...
11:52:20.183 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
11:52:20.183 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
11:52:20.185 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:20.185 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:20.186 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
11:52:20.186 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
11:52:21.580 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:21.580 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:21.580 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:21.580 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:21.581 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
11:52:22.311 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:22.311 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
11:52:23.508 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:23.508 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
11:52:23.508 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found failed, NO exception will be thrown
11:52:23.508 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
11:52:23.508 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
11:52:23.866 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:23.866 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
11:52:23.866 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.swt.impl.ctab.DefaultCTabItem, index 0 and no matchers specified
11:52:23.866 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:23.866 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:23.866 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
11:52:23.866 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
11:52:23.866 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree and index 0 was found
11:52:23.866 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractExplorer] Getting project with name SimpleJavaProject
11:52:23.867 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
11:52:25.952 DEBUG [main][ScreenshotCapturer] Capturing Screenshot: ./target/screenshots/no-configuration/org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.test.jdt.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizardTest.cleanUp@After.png
11:52:29.160 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIAfterTestExtensions] Run after test extensions for test class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.test.jdt.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizardTest
11:52:29.160 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIAfterTestExtensions] Run method runAfterTest() of class org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.extension.after.test.impl.CloseAllShellsExt
11:52:29.160 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchShellHandler] Closing all shells...
11:52:38.618 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists...
11:52:38.619 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists finished successfully
11:52:38.619 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists...
11:52:38.619 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists finished successfully
11:52:38.619 DEBUG [main][ScreenshotCapturer] Capturing Screenshot: ./target/screenshots/no-configuration/org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.test.jdt.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizardTest.testJavaProjectWizardCreateInfoModule@CloseAllShellsExt_closing_Internal Error.png
11:52:38.704 DEBUG [main][ScreenshotCapturer] Screenshot successfully captured. Saved in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/reddeer.verification.parametrized/tests/org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.test/./target/screenshots/no-configuration/org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.test.jdt.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizardTest.testJavaProjectWizardCreateInfoModule@CloseAllShellsExt_closing_Internal Error.png
11:52:38.710 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchShellHandler] Close shell Internal Error
11:52:38.710 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell Internal Error
11:52:38.711 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
11:52:38.711 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
11:52:38.711 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with referenced composite class, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8, Matcher matching widgets with text that without mnenomic matches: is "Cancel")
11:52:38.711 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
11:52:38.711 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:38.712 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
11:52:39.212 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:39.212 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
11:52:39.713 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
11:52:39.713 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
11:52:39.713 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found failed, an exception will be thrown
11:52:39.713 ERROR [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button and index 0 was not found
11:52:39.713 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Shell with event 21
11:52:39.713 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
11:52:39.742 ERROR [WorkbenchTestable][RunIAfterTestExtensions] Run method runAfterTest() of class org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.extension.after.test.impl.CloseAllShellsExt failed
11:52:39.742 DEBUG [main][ScreenshotCapturer] Capturing Screenshot: ./target/screenshots/no-configuration/org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.test.jdt.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizardTest.testJavaProjectWizardCreateInfoModule@AfterTestExt_CloseAllShellsExt.png
11:52:39.825 DEBUG [main][ScreenshotCapturer] Screenshot successfully captured. Saved in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/reddeer.verification.parametrized/tests/org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.test/./target/screenshots/no-configuration/org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.test.jdt.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizardTest.testJavaProjectWizardCreateInfoModule@AfterTestExt_CloseAllShellsExt.png
11:52:39.825 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIAfterTestExtensions] Run method runAfterTest() of class org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.extension.log.collector.AftersLogCollector

Standard Error

Exception in thread "Java indexing" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
java.lang.AssertionError: The following shells remained open [Internal Error]
	at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.extension.after.test.impl.CloseAllShellsExt.runAfterTest(
	at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.statement.RunIAfterTestExtensions.evaluate(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.evaluate(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(
	at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.RequirementsRunner.runChild(
	at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$100(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
	at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.statement.RunBeforeClasses.evaluate(
	at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.statement.FulfillRequirementsStatement.evaluate(
	at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.statement.RunIBeforeClassExtensions.evaluate(
	at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.statement.RunAfterClasses.evaluate(
	at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.statement.CleanUpRequirementStatement.evaluate(
	at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.statement.RunIAfterClassExtensions.evaluate(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.evaluate(
	at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
	at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$100(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.evaluate(
	at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
	at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$100(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
	at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.evaluate(
	at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.execute(
	at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeWithRerun(
	at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeTestSet(
	at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.invoke(
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
	at org.apache.maven.surefire.util.ReflectionUtils.invokeMethodWithArray2(
	at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ProviderFactory$ProviderProxy.invoke(
	at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ProviderFactory.invokeProvider(
	at org.eclipse.tycho.surefire.osgibooter.AbstractUITestApplication.runTests(
	at org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.swt.E4Testable.lambda$0(
	at java.base/