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Started 11 days ago
Took 16 min on basic-2qbxz

#1728 (Jun 19, 2024, 2:05:13 PM)

  1. GH-5033: fix pushing of limits for simple ASK queries in FedX (commit: 099646a) (details / githubweb)
  2. GH-5032 add support for overriding SECURE_MODE and WHITELIST JSON-LD setting (commit: 689d1eb) (details / githubweb)
  3. cleanup all rio settings that should have used one of the specialized impelementations that supports overriding with system property (commit: 4773b78) (details / githubweb)
  4. fix test (commit: 842c175) (details / githubweb)

Started by timer

This run spent:

  • 12 sec waiting;
  • 16 min build duration;
  • 16 min total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: 4554510a9b999696c446e3bbe7d632d1a1951816
  • origin/main

Module Builds

 Eclipse RDF4J10 sec
 RDF4J: Assembly Descriptors2.2 sec
 RDF4J: benchmarks7.8 sec
 RDF4J: BOM0.7 sec
 RDF4J: Client Libraries1.5 sec
 RDF4J: Collection Factory that may be shared3 sec
 RDF4J: Collection Factory - API1.9 sec
 RDF4J: Collection Factory - Map DB backed2.4 sec
 RDF4J: Collection Factory - Map DB v3 backed22 sec
 RDF4J: common1.1 sec
 RDF4J: common annotation2 sec
 RDF4J: common exception1.5 sec
 RDF4J: common IO2.3 sec
 RDF4J: common iterators2.4 sec
 RDF4J: common order1.5 sec
 RDF4J: common text1.5 sec
 RDF4J: common transaction1.9 sec
 RDF4J: common utilities (didn’t run)
 RDF4J: common XML1.6 sec
 RDF4J: Compliance tests1 sec
 RDF4J: application configuration1.6 sec
 RDF4J: Console3.5 sec
 RDF4J: Core1.7 sec
 RDF4J: Elasticsearch Sail Tests6.1 sec
 RDF4J: Code examples3.4 sec
 RDF4J: GeoSPARQL compliance tests2.1 sec
 RDF4J: GeoSPARQL compliance test suite2 sec
 RDF4J: HTTP0.83 sec
 RDF4J: HTTP client3.2 sec
 RDF4J: HTTP protocol1.9 sec
 RDF4J: HTTP server6.4 sec
 RDF4J: HTTP server - core5 sec
 RDF4J: Workbench4.9 sec
 RDF4J: Lucene Sail Tests2.4 sec
 RDF4J Lucene Sail Spin (didn’t run)
 RDF4J: Lucene Sail Tests2.2 sec
 RDF4J: Model5.2 sec
 RDF4J: Model API4 sec
 RDF4J: Model compliance tests2.2 sec
 RDF4J: Model API testsuite1.6 sec
 RDF4J: RDF Vocabularies1.7 sec
 RDF4J: Query2.5 sec
 RDF4J: Query algebra1 sec
 RDF4J: Query algebra - evaluation5.5 sec
 RDF4J: Query algebra - GeoSPARQL2.7 sec
 RDF4J: Query algebra - model3 sec
 RDF4J: Query parser1 sec
 RDF4J: Query parser - API2.1 sec
 RDF4J: Query parser - SeRQL (didn’t run)
 RDF4J: Query parser - SPARQL4.6 sec
 RDF4J: Query Rendering3 sec
 RDF4J: Query result IO1 sec
 RDF4J: Query result IO - API1.9 sec
 RDF4J: Query result IO - binary2 sec
 RDF4J: Query result IO - SPARQL/JSON2.1 sec
 RDF4J: Query result IO - SPARQL/XML2 sec
 RDF4J: QueryResultIO testsuite2 sec
 RDF4J: Query result IO - plain text booleans2.3 sec
 RDF4J: Repository1 sec
 RDF4J: Repository - API4 sec
 RDF4J: Repository compliance tests5.6 sec
 RDF4J: Repository - context aware (wrapper)1.9 sec
 RDF4J: DatasetRepository (wrapper)1.9 sec
 RDF4J: Repository - event (wrapper)1.8 sec
 RDF4J: HTTPRepository3.1 sec
 RDF4J: Repository manager3.1 sec
 RDF4J: SailRepository2.2 sec
 RDF4J: SPARQL Repository2.2 sec
 RDF4J: Repository API testsuite2.4 sec
 RDF4J: Rio1 sec
 RDF4J: Rio - API3.1 sec
 RDF4J: Rio - Binary2 sec
 RDF4J: Rio compliance tests2 sec
 RDF4J: Rio - Datatypes1.9 sec
 RDF4J: Rio - HDT2 sec
 RDF4J: Rio - JSON-LD2.5 sec
 RDF4J: Rio - JSON-LD 1.0 (legacy)2.1 sec
 RDF4J: Rio - Languages1.8 sec
 RDF4J: Rio - N3 (writer-only)2.2 sec
 RDF4J: Rio - N-Quads2 sec
 RDF4J: Rio - N-Triples2 sec
 RDF4J: Rio - RDF/JSON1.9 sec
 RDF4J: Rio - RDF/XML2.2 sec
 RDF4J: Rio compliance test suite2.4 sec
 RDF4J: Rio - TriG2 sec
 RDF4J: Rio - TriX2 sec
 RDF4J: Rio - Turtle2.2 sec
 RDF4J: Runtime2.8 sec
 RDF4J: Runtime - OSGi8.8 sec
 RDF4J: Sail1.1 sec
 RDF4J: Sail API3 sec
 RDF4J: Sail base implementations2.2 sec
 RDF4J: Elastic Search Sail Index6 sec
 RDF4J: Elasticsearch Store7.7 sec
 RDF4J: Extensible Store4.5 sec
 RDF4J: Federation SAIL (didn’t run)
 RDF4J: Inferencer Sails3 sec
 RDF4J: LmdbStore4.9 sec
 RDF4J: Lucene Sail Index3.2 sec
 RDF4J: Lucene Sail API3.2 sec
 RDF4J: MemoryStore3.9 sec
 RDF4J: Sail Model2 sec
 RDF4J: NativeStore4.6 sec
 RDF4J: Solr Sail Index25 sec
 RDF4J: SPIN SAIL (didn’t run)
 RDF4J: Sail API testsuite2.2 sec
 RDF4J SeRQL query parser compliance tests (didn’t run)
 RDF4J SeRQL test suite (didn’t run)
 RDF4J: SHACL9.8 sec
 RDF4J: SHACL compliance tests (didn’t run)
 RDF4J: SHACL compliance test suite (didn’t run)
 RDF4J: Solr Sail Tests4.3 sec
 RDF4J: SPARQL query parser compliance tests6.9 sec
 RDF4J: SPARQL compliance test suite3.4 sec
 RDF4J: SparqlBuilder2.5 sec
 RDF4J: SPIN2.9 sec
 RDF4J: Spring6.9 sec
 RDF4J: Spring boot component for a HTTP sparql server10 sec
 RDF4J: Spring components2 sec
 RDF4J: Spring Demo5 sec
 RDF4J: Storage Libraries2.9 sec
 RDF4J SAIL and Repository compliance test (didn’t run)
 RDF4J SAIL and Repository API compliance test suite (didn’t run)
 RDF4J: Test Suites1.1 sec
 RDF4J: Tools1 sec
 RDF4J: Federation5.6 sec
 RDF4J: util (didn’t run)