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Started 1 yr 11 mo ago
Took 11 min on centos-7-agent-6gb-tzmkt

#11 (May 4, 2022, 5:37:04 AM)

  1. Bug 577567 - [Releng] 2022-03 Update platforms post release (details)
  2. Bug 577567 - [Releng] 2022-03  Update signing behavior and RCP (details)
  3. Bug 579414 - [Releng] Update references for 6.2.0 (details)
  4. Bug 579399: [Table][TreeTable] The dialog used to select categories must also propose mono-valued references (details)
  5. Bug 561262: [Table] Provide the axis manager for operations of stereotype in the configuration of the existing table (details)
  6. Bug 579414 - [Releng] 2022-06 M2 (details)
  7. Bug 579414 - [Releng] Update signing behavior (details)

Started by upstream project Papyrus-Master-Release build number 12
originally caused by:

This run spent:

  • 15 sec waiting;
  • 11 min build duration;
  • 11 min total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: 515c4ac69023783d20dd9b2a4bf8bb32adb52cca
  • origin/master