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Started 4 yr 11 mo ago
Took 1 min 19 sec on built-in

#2 (Oct 4, 2019, 9:19:03 AM)

  1. [releng] Problem with FXCanvas (details)
  2. Follow EASE api (build failed) (details)
  3. [Releng] Move to EPL 2.0 version 2.0.2 (details)
  4. Move to EASE 0.7.0 release (details)
  5. Improved PapyrusUtils model and Jupyter engine (details)
  6. [Releng] Fix for efx dependency (details)

Started by user Pauline Deville

Revision: db04ebfcd6321b8e60da3546d4c68f73f9e22154
Repository: /gitroot/papyrus/org.eclipse.papyrus-ease.git
  • origin/master